Guang Yang, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor at the School of Integrated Circuits Science and Engineering, Beihang University.Dr. Yang graduated in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in Materials Physics from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Science and Technology Beijing. He continued his studies there, pursuing combined master's and doctor...details>
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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Education Experience
2013/3-2017/6 中国科学院物理研究所磁学国家重点实验室 |  Physics   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study |  联合培养 
2011/9-2017/6 北京科技大学 |  Materials Science and Engineering |  Doctoral Degree in Engineering |  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study |  硕博连读 
2007/9-2011/6 北京科技大学 |  Materials Science and Engineering |  Bachelor's Degree in Engineering |  University graduated 
Work Experience
2021/11-Now 集成电路科学与工程学院 | 北京航空航天大学  | 副教授 
2018/11-2021/10 英国剑桥大学材料科学系  | 博士后 
2017/10-2018/10 新加坡国立大学电子工程系  | 博士后