本人研究方向为交通状态协同感知与控制,该方向是《国家中长期科技发展规划纲要》的优先主题,是交通强国战略的核心任务,也是团队重点攻关方向之一。围绕研究方向,主持国家和省部级等项目10项,其中国家自然科学青年基金1项,重点研发计划子课题2项,国家自然基金重大子课题1项,总经费689万元;发表高水平SCI论文21篇,第一/通讯17篇,TOP 10篇,申请国家发明专利49项(排名第一发明专利22项),授权31项,获批软件著作权7项;获2018年国家科学技术进步二等奖1项和2019年中国交通运输协会科学技术一等奖1项。
1、国家重点研发计划课题 IVIS测试评估体系及方法研究,2019/03 -2021/12;
2、国际合作项目 智能交通交通系统的协同控制与服务技术,2019/07-2021/12;
3、国家青年基金 不完全车路协同环境下的交叉口群自洽控制研究,2020/01-2022/12;
5、国家863课题,空地协同交通状态感知与应急指挥,2012/03 -2014/12;
6、国家863课题,区域交通信号控制系统在线仿真与评测,2012/01 -2013/12;
7、国家863课题,国家干线公路网交通状态评估指标体系研究,2012/03 -2014/12;
1、Yilong Ren, etal."TBSM: A traffic burst-sensitive model for short-term prediction under special events.(2022).Knowledge-Based Systems.(SCI Q1)
2、Yilong Ren, etal."Analysis and prediction of charging behaviour for private battery electric vehicles with regular commuting: A case study in Beijing".(2022). Energy.(SCI Q1)
2、Connected and Automated Vehicles Platoon Maintenance Under Communications Failures.(2022).Vehicular Communications.(SCI Q1)
3、RFAP: A Revocable Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon.(2021)IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.(SCI Q1)
5、An RSU Deployment Strategy based on Traffic Demand in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs).(2021)IEEE Internet of Things. (SCI Q1)
4、Reputation-Based Reverse Combination Auction Incentive Method to Encourage Vehicles to Par-ticipate in the VCS System.(2021) IEEE Transactions On Network Science and Engineering.
5、A node optimization model based on the spatiotemporal characteristics of the road network for urban traffic mobile crowd sensing.(2021).Vehicular Communications.(SCI Q1)
6、Ren Y, Wang Y, Wu X, et al. Influential factors of red-light running at signalized intersection and prediction using a rare events logistic regression model[J]. Accident analysis and prevention, 2016, 95(Pt A):266.(SCI Q1)
7、Ren Y, Wang Y, Yu G, et al. An Adaptive Signal Control Scheme to Prevent Intersection Traffic Blockage[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, PP(99):1-10.(SCI Q1)
8、Peng Chen, Guizhen Yu, Xinkai Wu, Yilong Ren, Yueguang Li. Red-Light-Running Influential Factors and Frequency Estimation at Signalized Intersections based on High-Resolution Traffic and Signal Data[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016 (SCI Q1)
9、Haiyang Yu, Nan Ji, Yilong Ren, Can Yang. A Special Event-based K-nearest Neighbor Model for Short-term Traffic State Prediction [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 81717-81729. (SCI Q1)
10、Gang Yang, Yunpeng Wang, Haiyang Yu, Yilong Ren, Jindong Xie. Short-Term Traffic State Prediction Based on the Spatiotemporal Features of Critical Road Sections [J]. 2018, 18, (7): 2287. (SCI Q1)