Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
MORE+胡中韬,北京航空航天大学医学科学与工程学院副教授。博士毕业于中国科学院研究生院,以色列海法大学(Israel University of Haifa)访问学者,华盛顿大学圣路易斯(Washington University in St. Louis)博士后研究员。主要从事于生物医学超声方向的教学及科研工作,主要研究方向包括物理声学,经颅超声,靶向给药,经颅神经调控以及经颅超声成像及高性能计算方法等。主持或参与承担国家重大仪器专项、广东省自然科学基金、NIH RO1项目等9项。研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者在PNAS,Physical Review Applied, IEEE-TUFFC, Ultrasonics等期刊发表原创性论文11篇,此外以共同作者在Nature Metabolism等期刊发表论文12篇。授权/在审发明专利17项(其中包括中国专利10项,美国专利7项),其中三项专利已成功转化应用。部分研究工作被科学日报(ScienceDaily),美国科学促进会(AAAS),美国物理学会(PHYS.ORG)以及中国科学院官网等20余家国内外媒体报道。曾多次受邀在国际权威学术会议及科研机构作报告,包括大会特邀报告和主题演讲,并担任国际会议组委会委和分会场主席。此外,担任包括Nature Comm.、JASA、Ultrasonics、声学学报以及中国生物医学工程学报等多个领域内知名期刊审稿人。曾获得戈登会议最佳学术报告奖,中国科学院院长奖等奖项。
·Ye, D., Chukwu, C., Yang, Y., Hu ZT., and Chen, H., 2024. Adeno-associated virus vector delivery to the brain: Technology advancements and clinical applications. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, p.115363.
·Hu ZT., Yang, Y., Yang LQ, Gong Y, Chukwu C, Ye DZ, Yue YM, Yuan JY, Kravitz A, Chen H, 2024. Airy-beam holographic sonogenetics for advancing neuromodulation precision and flexibility. PNAS, 121(26), p.e2402200121.
·Zuo W., An Z., Zhang BX. and Hu ZT., 2024. Solution of nonlinear Lamb waves in plates with discontinuous thickness. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, (03):2171.
·Yang Y., Yuan J., Field R., Ye D., Hu ZT., Gong Y., Xu K., Xu L., Yue Y., Kravitz A., Bruchas M., Cui J., Brestoff J. and Chen H., 2023. Induction of a torpor-like hypothermic and hypometabolic state in rodents by ultrasound. Nature Metabolism, 5(5), p. 789-803.
·Hu ZT., Yang, Y., Ye, D., Chen, S., Gong, Y., Chukwu, C. and Chen, H., 2023. Targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to the mouse brain using a stereotactic-guided focused ultrasound device. STAR Protocols, 4(1), p.102132.
·Ye D., Chen S., Liu Y., Weixel C., Hu ZT., Yuan J. and Chen H., 2023. Mechanically manipulating glymphatic transport by ultrasound combined with microbubbles. PNAS, 120(21), p.e2212933120.
·Hu ZT., Chen, S., Yang, Y., Gong, Y. and Chen, H., 2022. An affordable and easy-to-use focused ultrasound device for noninvasive and high precision drug delivery to the mouse brain. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69(9), p. 2723–2732.
·Xu K., Yang Y., Hu ZT., Yue Y., Gong Y., Cui J., Culver J., Bruchas M. and Chen H., 2023. TRPV1-mediated sonogenetic neuromodulation of motor cortex in freely moving mice. Journal of Neural Engineering, 20(1), p.016055.
·Hu ZT., Yang Y, Xu, L, Jing, Y. and Chen, H., 2022. Airy Beam-enabled Binary Acoustic Metasurfaces for Underwater Ultrasound Beam Manipulation. Physical Review Applied, 18(2), p. 024070.
·Ye D., Yuan J., Yang Y., Yue Y., Hu ZT., Fadera Siaka, Chen H., 2022. Incisionless targeted adeno-associated viral vector delivery to the brain by focused ultrasound-mediated intranasal administration, EBioMedicine, 84, p.104277.
·Hu ZT., Yang, YH., Xu, L., Hao, Y. and Chen, H., 2022. Binary acoustic metasurfaces for dynamic focusing of transcranial ultrasound. Frontiers in Neuroscience, p. 1473.
·Xu L., Pacia C., Gong Y., Hu ZT., Chien CY., Yang LQ., Gach MH., Hao Y., Comron H., Huang JY., Leuthardt EC. and Chen H., 2022. Characterization of the Targeting Accuracy of a Neuronavigation-guided Transcranial FUS system in vitro, in vivo, and in silico, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(5), p. 1528–1538.
·Hu ZT., Xu, L., Chien, C.Y., Yang, Y., Gong, Y., Ye, D., Pacia, C.P. and Chen, H., 2021. 3-D Transcranial Microbubble Cavitation Localization by Four Sensors. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 68(11), p. 3336-3346.
·Zuo W., Hu ZT., An Z. and Kong Y., 2020. LDV-based measurement of 2D dynamic stress fields in transparent solids. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 476, p.115288.
·Hu ZT., An, Z., Kong, Y., Lian, G. and Wang, X., 2019. The nonlinear S0 Lamb mode in a plate with a linearly-varying thickness. Ultrasonics, 94, p. 102-108.
以色列海法大学 (Israel University of Haifa)
| 声学
| 博士研究生
(合作导师:Prof. Boris Katsnelson)
| 声学/超声学
| Doctoral degree
| 博士研究生
(合作导师:王小民 研究员)
| 信息物理学/声光电磁监测、探测方法
| Bachelor's degree
| 大学本科
华盛顿大学圣路易斯 (Washington University in St. Louis)
| 生物医学工程学院/医学院 (合作导师:Prof. Hong Chen)
| 博士后研究员
| 博士后研究员
博士后研究员(合作导师:Prof. Hong Chen)