.19)Peng Cheng Dong, Hai Long Tang, Min Chen*. "Study on hypersonic precooled combined cycle engine modeling and multi-cycle coupling mechanism." The Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2015.
.18)Min Chen*, Yong Hang Yang, Hai Long Tang. "Requirements Analysis on the Mach 4 Supersonic Civil Aircraft and Propulsion System Concept." The Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2015.
.17)Xin Meng, Min Chen*, Zhi Li Zhu. "Preliminary Propulsion Performance Analysis for the Commercial Supersonic Transport." International Symposium of Air Breathing Engine, 2015.
.16)Yihao Xu, Hailong Tang, Min Chen*, Size Estimation and Performance Analysis of a New Intercooled and Recuperated Aero-engine, AIAA 2016-5065 (EI)
.15)Xin Meng, Zhi-li Zhu, Min Chen, Steady-State Performance Comparison of Two Different Adaptive Cycle Engine Configurations, AIAA 2017-4791 (EI)
.14)Shanxuan Tang, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. A New Concept Design of Light Business Jet Engine: Variable Transmission Geared Turbofan, AIAA 2017-4821(EI)
.14)Yue Xu, Min Chen, Hailong Tang, Preliminary Design Analysis of Core Driven Fan Stage in Adaptive Cycle Engine, AIAA 2017-4790. (EI)
.12)Dalu Cao , Hailong Tang and Min Chen, Performance and Adaptive Surge-Preventing Acceleration Prediction of a Turboshaft Engine under Inlet Flow Distortion, MATEC Web of Conferences 108:08011, January 2017.(EI)
.11)Hai Long Tang, Min Chen*, Dong Hai Jin, Zheng Ping Zou. "High altitude low Reynolds number effect on the matching performance of a turbofan engine." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 227(3):455-466.(SCI)
.10)Min Chen, Kun Zhang, Hai Long Tang. "A Probabilistic Design Methodology for a Turboshaft Engine Overall Performance Analysis." Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014.2014(8):1-12. (SCI)