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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
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Main positions:中国工程热物理协会气动热力分委会青年委员,中国航空学会超声速客机分会委员,中国空天动力学会航空燃气涡轮推进技术专委会委员,航空动力学报和Propulsion and Power Research 期刊青年编委
Other Post:北京航空航天大学教学督导组成员
陈敏,男,海南省海口市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师。1997年-2007年在北京航空航天大学动力学院分别获得工学学士、硕士和博士学位,2007-2009年在北航航空发动机数值仿真研究中心从事博士后研究,2009年-2014年在北航动力学院任讲师,2011年4月-10月在英国克兰菲尔德大学罗罗大学性能研究中心从事学术访问研究,2018年1月在新加坡南洋理工大学从事学术访问研究,2014年-2019年在北航动力学院任副教授,2019年任教授。2009获北航蓝天新秀称号,2013年入选北京高校青年英才计划。在航空动力系统总体设计与优化、智能设计理论与方法、发动机健康管理算法开发与系统设计等领域开展了具有显著学术及应用价值的研究工作,承担30项研究课题,含3项国家自然基金,7项国家级重点/重大项目专题。在国内外航空期刊及会议上发表中英文论文80篇(SCI论文31篇)。2023年和2024年入选全球2%顶尖科学家行列。与中国航发、中航工业主机院所,中国上海商飞,航天科工31所,航天一院,航天二院207所等保持密切的技术合作关系。第一完成人获得中国航空学会2014年度科学技术奖二等奖;获2017年北航青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖,2017年北京市青年教师基本功大赛最佳教案奖, 2017年北京市青年教师基本功大赛三等奖;第二完成人获2016年度北航教学成果一等奖,第五完成人获2018年北京市教学成果二等奖;曾两度指导学生获2017和2022年美国AIAA本科生发动机设计大赛冠军。2021年获北京航空航天大学青年教学名师,2023年获北京高等学校优质课程主讲教师。代表性研究成果发表于AIAAJournal,Aerospace Science and Technology,Applied Energy,Applied Thermal Engineering,P I MECH ENG G-J AER,ASME J. Gas Turbines Power,CHINESE J AERONAUT等国际航空学术期刊。代表性学术成果如下:
[1] Min Chen, Hailong Tang, Zhili Zhu, Goal Programming for Stable Mode Transition in Tandem Turbo-ramjet Engines, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2009, 22(5): 486-492.
[2] Min Chen, Hailong Tang, Kun Zhang, Hui Ouyang, Yanjun Wang, Turbine-based combined cycle propulsion system integration concept design, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2013, 227(7): 1068-1089.
[3] Min Chen, Liangquan Hu, Hailong Tang. An Approach for Optimal Measurements Selection on Gas Turbine Engine Fault Diagnosis. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 137: 1-9.
[4] Ya Lv, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. A Study on Combined Variable Geometries Regulation of Adaptive Cycle Engine during Throttling. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2016, 6: 1-19.
[5] Junchao Zheng, Min Chen, Hailong Tang. Matching mechanism analysis on an adaptive cycle engine. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2017, 30(2): 706-718.
[6] Junchao Zheng, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. Equilibrium Running Principle Analysis on an Adaptive Cycle Engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 132: 393-409.
[7] Pengcheng Dong, Hailong Tang, Min Chen, Zhengping Zou. Overall performance design of paralleled heat release and compression system for hypersonic aeroengine. Applied Energy, 2018, 220: 36-46.
[8] Pengcheng Dong, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. Study on multi-cycle coupling mechanism of hypersonic precooled combined cycle engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 131: 497-506.
[9] Min Chen, Jiyuan Zhang, Hailong Tang. Performance Analysis of a Three-Stream Adaptive Cycle Engine during Throttling. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018: 1-16.
[10] Min Chen, Jiyuan Zhang, Hailong Tang, Interval Analysis of the Standard of Adaptive Cycle Engine Component Performance Deviation. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 81: 179-191.
[11] Min Chen, Zihao Jia, Hailong Tang, Yi Xiao. Yonghang Yang, Feijia Yin, Research on Simulation and Performance Optimization of Mach 4 Civil Aircraft Propulsion Concept. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019: 1-19.
[12] Jiyuan Zhang, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. Linear substitute model-based uncertainty analysis of complicated non-linear energy system performance (case study of an adaptive cycle engine). Applied Energy, 2019, 249: 87-108.
[13] Shanxuan Tang, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. Transfer-learning based gas path analysis method for gas turbines. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 1-13.
[14] Yihao Xu, Hailong Tang, Min Chen, Fei Duan. Optimization and design of heat recovery system for aviation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 165: 1-17.
[15] Xin Meng, Zhili Zhu, Min Chen, and Yihao Xu. A Matching Problem between the Front Fan and Aft Fan Stages in Adaptive Cycle Engines with Convertible Fan Systems. Energies, 2021, 14(840): 1-31.
[16] Yudong Liu, Min Chen, Hailong Tang. Modeling and control schedule design of a two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzle and aeroengine. The Aeronautical Journal, 2021, 1287(125): 879-915.
[17] Shaochen Li, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. A New Component Maps Correction Method Using Variable Geometric Parameters. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021, 34(4): 360-374.
[18] Jiyuan Zhang, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. Robust design of an adaptive cycle engine performance under component performance uncertainty. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 113: 1-21.
[19] Xuejun Liu, Hailong Tang, Xin Zhang, and Min Chen. Gaussian Process Model-Based Performance Uncertainty Quantification of a Typical Turboshaft Engine. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021, 11(18): 1-25.
[20] Yihao Xu, Hailong Tang, Min Chen, Design method of optimal control schedule for the adaptive cycle engine steady-state performance, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja. 2021.08.025
[21] Jiyuan Zhang, Pengcheng Dong, Hailong Tang, et al. General Design Method of Control Law for Adaptive Cycle Engine Mode Transition[J]. AIAA Journal, 2022, 60(1): 330-344.
[22] Zihao Jia, Hailong Tang, Donghai Jin, Yi Xiao, et al. Research on the volume-based fully coupled method of the multi-fidelity engine simulation[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 123: 1-17.
[23] Zhewen Xu, Ming Li, Hailong Tang, Min Chen. A multi-fidelity simulation method research on front variable area bypass injector of an adaptive cycle engine[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(4):202-219.