Zhongliang Zhao*.Predictive UAV Base Station Deployment and Service Offloading with Distributed Edge Learning.[J].IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management:IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2021
Lucas Pacheco,Helder Oliveira,Denis Rosário,Zhongliang Zhao,Eduardo Cerqueira,Torsten Braun,Paulo Mendes.Towards the Future of Edge Computing in the Sky: Outlook and Future.[Conference].Cyprus:International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2021),2021
Mostafa Karimzadeh,Alessandro Esposito,Zhongliang Zhao,Torsten Braun,Susana Sargento.RL-CNN: Reinforcement Learning-designed Convolutional Neural Network for Urban Traffic Flow Estimation.[Conference].China:IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC 2021),2021
Mostafa Karimzadeh,Samuel Martin Schwegler,Zhongliang Zhao,Torsten Braun,Susana Sargento.MTL-LSTM: Multi-Task Learning-based LSTM for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting.[Conference].China:The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC 2021),2021
,M. Karimzadeh, R. Aebi, A. Souza, Z. Zhao, T. Braun, S. Sargento, L. Villas.Reinforcement Learning-designed LSTM for Trajectory and Traffic Flow Prediction.[Conference]:IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2021.,2021
Zan Li,Xiaohui Zhao,Zhongliang Zhao,Torsten Braun.WiFi-RITA Positioning: Enhanced Crowdsourcing Positioning based on Massive Noisy User Traces.[J].IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications:IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,2021
Zhongliang Zhao*,Mostafa Karimzadeh,Lucas Pacheco,Hugo Santos,Denis Rosario,Torsten Braun,Eduardo Cerqueira.Mobility Management with Transferable Reinforcement Learning Trajectory Prediction.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2020
Christian Esposito,Jacek Rak.Reinforced Secure Gossiping against DoS Attacks in Post-Disaster Scenarios.[J].USA:IEEE Access,2020
Allan Souza,Horacio Oliveira,Torsten Braun,Leandro Villas,Antonio A. F. Loureiro.Enhancing Sensing and Decision-Making of Automated Driving Systems With Multi-Access Edge Computing and Machine Learning.[J]:IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,2020
Zan Li,Xiaohui Zhao,Fengye Hu,Zhongliang Zhao,Torsten Braun.SoiCP: A Seamless Outdoor–Indoor Crowdsensing Positioning System:IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2019