Meng Xiao,Huanxi Cui,Xianbin Cao,Dapeng Wu.Joint 3D Deployment and Beamforming for RSMA-Enabled UAV Base Station with Geographic Information:IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Jingxuan Chen,Peng Yang,Siqiao Ren,Xianbin Cao,Depeng Wu.Enhancing AIoT Device Association with Task Offloading in Aerial MEC Networks:IEEE Internet of Things,2023
Meng Xiao,Huanxi Cui,Dianrun Huang,Xianbin Cao,Dapeng Wu.Traffic-Aware Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for RSMA Based UAV Communications:IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,2023
Yafei Qi,Zhibo Zhang,Dmitry Korzun.Fast and Accurate Multiple Frequency Estimation with Padé Approximation:IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2023,2023
Zan Li,Xiaohui Zhao,Zhongliang Zhao,Torsten Braun.CrowdFusion: Multi-Signal Fusion SLAM Positioning Leveraging Visible Light:IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2023
Jingxuan Chen,Xianbin Cao,Peng Yang,Meng Xiao,Siqiao Ren,Dapeng Oliver Wu.Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Allocation in Multi-UAV-Aided MEC Networks:IEEE Transactions on Communications,2022
Zhongliang Zhao*,Negar Emami,Hugo Santos,Lucas Pacheco,Mostafa Karimzadeh,Torsten Braun,Arnaud Braud,Benoit Radier,Philippe Tamagnan.Reinforced-LSTM Trajectory Prediction-driven Dynamic Service Migration: A Case Study.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,2022
Hantao Li,Feng Liu,Mostafa Karimzadeh.Effective Safety Message Dissemination with Vehicle Trajectory Predictions in V2X Networks.[J]:Sensors,2022
Christian Esposito,Vincenzo Moscato,Giancarlo Sperlì,Zhongliang Zhao.On Attacks To Federated Learning and a Blockchain-empowered Protection.[Conference]:IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2022),2022
Zhongliang Zhao,Pedro Cumino,Christian Esposito,Meng Xiao,Denis Rosario,Torsten Braun,Eduardo Cerqueira,Susana Sargento.Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Base Stations Placement to Improve the Mobile Network Operations.[J]:Elsevier Computer Communications,2022