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  • 郑泽伟 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/zhengzewei/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师
论文专利 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 论文专利

期刊论文  [Research gate主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zewei_Zheng

[1]   Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Homography-based visual servoing for underactuated VTOL UAVs tracking a 6-DOF moving ship[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, accepted, (SCI,Q1). 

[2]   Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Linear velocity-free visual servoing control for unmanned helicopter landing on a ship with visibility constraint[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, available online, (SCI,Q1). 

[3]   Zongyu Zuo, Jiawei Song, Zewei Zheng*, et al. A survey on modelling, control and challenges of stratospheric airships[J]. Control Engineering Practice, 2022, 119, 104979, (SCI,Q2). 

[4]   Zhiyuan Guan, Hu Liu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Moving path following with integrated direct lift control for carrier landing[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 120, 107247, (SCI,Q1). 

[5]   Huabei Gou, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Adaptive fault-tolerant control for stratospheric airships with full-state constraints, input saturation, and external disturbances[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2022, 69: 701-717, (SCI,Q1). 

[6]   Jiace Yuan, Xiao Guo, Zewei Zheng, et al. Error-constrained fixed-time trajectory tracking control for a stratospheric airship with disturbances[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 118, 107055, (SCI,Q1). 

[7]   Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Adaptive Backstepping Control for Autonomous Shipboard Landing of A Quadrotor with Input Saturation[J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2021, 23(4): 1693-1706, (SCI, Q3). 

[8]   Zhiyuan Guan, Hu Liu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Fixed-time control for automatic carrier landing with disturbance[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 106403, (SCI,Q1). 

[9]   Zewei Zheng. Moving path following control for a surface vessel with error constraint[J]. Automatica, 2020, 118, 109040, (SCI,Q1). 

[10]          Zewei Zheng, Linping Ruan, Ming Zhu, Xiao Guo. Reinforcement Learning Control for Un- deractuated Surfce Vessel with Output Error Constraints and Ucertainties[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 399, 479-490, (SCI,Q1). 

[11]          Mir Feroskhan, Zewei Zheng*, Tiauw Hiong Go. Solutions to Planar Aircraft Perching Problem Utilizing Sideslip Maneuvering[J]. ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020, 33(6): 04020066, (SCI, Q2). 

[12]          Bing Zhu, Zewei Zheng, Xiaohua Xia. Constrained Adaptive Model Predictive Control for a Class of Discrete-time Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties[J], IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(5): 2223-2229, (SCI,Q1). 

[13]          Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*. Output-Constrained Fixed-time Control for Au- tonomous Ship Landing of Helicopters[J]. ISA Transactions, 2020, 106: 221-232, (SCI,Q1). 

[14]          Zhiyuan Guan, Yunpeng Ma, Zewei Zheng*. Moving path following with prescribed perfor- mance and its application on automatic carrier landing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020, 56(4): 2576-2590, (SCI,Q1). 

[15]          Liang Sun, Yanting Huang, Zewei Zheng, et al. Adaptive Nonlinear Relative Motion Control of Quadrotors in Autonomous Shipboard Landings[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357:13569-13592, (SCI, Q1). 

[16]          Tian Chen, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*. Adaptive path following control of a stratospheric airship with full-state constraint and actuator saturation[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 95: 105457, (SCI,Q1). 

[17]          Zewei Zheng, Zhiyuan Guan, Yunpeng Ma, Bing Zhu. Constrained path-following control for an airship with uncertainties[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2019, 85: 295-306, (SCI, Q1). 

[18]          Zewei Zheng, Lihua Xie. Finite-time path following control for a stratospheric airship with input saturation and error constraint[J]. International Journal of Control, 2019, 92(2): 368- 393, (SCI, Q2, ESI Highly Cited Paper). 

[19]          Zewei Zheng, Linping Ruan, Ming Zhu. Output-constrained tracking control of an under- actuated autonomous underwater vehicle with uncertainties[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 175, 241-250, (SCI, Q1). 

[20]          Zewei Zheng, Gih-Keong Lau, Lihua Xie. Event-triggered control for a saturated nonlinear system with prescribed performance and finite-time convergence[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28: 5312-5325, (SCI, Q1). 

[21]          Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun, Lihua Xie. Error constrained LOS path following of a surface vessel with actuator saturation and faults[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(10): 2168-2216, (SCI, Q1, ESI Highly Cited Paper). 

[22]          Zewei Zheng, Yanting Huang, Lihua Xie, Bing Zhu. Adaptive trajectory tracking control of a fully actuated surface vessel with asymmetrically constrained input and output[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018, 26(5): 1851-1859, (SCI, Q1, ESI Highly Cited Paper). 

[23]          Zewei Zheng, Mir Feroskhan, Liang Sun. Adaptive fixed-time trajectory tracking control of a stratospheric airship[J]. ISA Transactions, 2018, 76, 134-144, (SCI, Q1). 

[24]          Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun. Adaptive sliding mode trajectory tracking control of robotic air- ships with parametric uncertainty and wind disturbance[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355: 106-122, (SCI, Q1). 

[25]          Zewei Zheng, Mir Feroskhan. Path following of a surface vessel with prescribed performance in the presence of input saturation and external disturbances[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(6): 2564-2575, (SCI, Q1). 

[26]          Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun. Error constrained path following control for a stratospheric airship with actuator saturation and disturbances[J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(16): 3504-3521, (SCI, Q1). 

[27]          Zewei Zheng, Cheng Jin, Ming Zhu, Kangwen Sun. Trajectory tracking control for a marine surface vessel with asymmetric saturation actuators[J]. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2017, 97: 83-91, (SCI, Q2). 

[28]          Zewei Zheng, Zhenghao Jin, Liang Sun, et al. Adaptive sliding mode relative motion control for autonomous carrier landing of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 5556-5565, (SCI, Q1). 

[29]          Zewei Zheng, Keyu Yan, Shuaixian Yu, et al. Path following control for a stratospheric airship with actuator saturation[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2017, 39(7): 987-999, (SCI,Q3). 

[30]          Zewei Zheng, Yao Zou. Adaptive integral LOS path following for an unmanned airship with uncertainties based on robust RBFNN backstepping[J]. ISA Transactions, 2016, 65: 210-219, (SCI,Q1). 

[31]          Zewei Zheng, Lisha Liu, Ming Zhu. Integrated guidance and control path following and dynamic control allocation for a stratospheric airship with redundant control systems[J]. Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 230(10): 1813-1826, (SCI,Q3). 

[32]          Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun. Path following control for marine surface vessel with uncertainties and input saturation[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 177: 158-167, (SCI,Q1). 

[33]          Zewei Zheng, Tian Chen, Ming Xu, et al. Modeling and path-following control of a vector- driven stratospheric satellite[J], Advances in Space Research, 2016, 57(9): 1901-1913, (SCI,Q3). 

[34]          Zewei Zheng, Wei Huo. Planar path following control for stratospheric airship[J], IET: Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7(2): 185–201, (SCI,Q1). 

[35]          Zewei Zheng, Wei Huo, Zhe Wu. Autonomous airship path following control: theory and experiments[J], Control Engineering Practice, 2013, 21(6): 769–788, (SCI,Q2). 

[36]          Zewei Zheng, Zhe Wu. Global path following control for underactuated stratospheric air- ship[J], Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(7): 1384–1395, (SCI,Q3). 

[37]          Zewei Zheng, Wei Huo, Zhe Wu. Trajectory tracking control for underactuated stratospheric airship[J], Advances in Space Research, 2012, 50(7): 906–917, (SCI,Q3). 

[38]          Chunyu Nie, Zewei Zheng*, Ming Zhu. Three Dimensional Path-Following Control of a Robotic Airship with Reinforcement Learning[J], International Journal of Aerospace Engi- neering, 2019, 1-12, (SCI,Q3). 

[39]          Kang Lin, Zewei Zheng*, Zhe Wu, Qiang Wang. Error Constrainted Control of a Pseudo- Satellite with Disturbance[J], Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63: 539-556, (SCI,Q3). 

[40]          Kang Lin, Zewei Zheng*, Zhe Wu, Qiang Wang. Path following of a stratospheric satellite by the aid of wind currents[J], Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(11): 3983-4003, (SCI,Q3). 

[41]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng. Saturated adaptive hierarchical fuzzy attitude-tracking control of rigid spacecraft with modeling and measurement uncertainties[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(5):3742-3751, (SCI, Q1). 

[42]          Yanting Huang, Zewei Zheng, Liang Sun et al. Saturated adaptive sliding mode control for autonomous vessel landing of a quadrotor[J], IET: Control Theory and Applications, 2018, 12(13): 1830-1842, (SCI, Q1). 

[43]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng. Disturbance observer-based robust saturated control for spacecraft proximity maneuvers[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2018, 26(2): 684- 692, (SCI, Q1). 

[44]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng*. Adaptive Relative Pose Control of Spacecraft with Model Cou- plings and Uncertainties[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2018, 143: 29-36, (SCI, Q1). 

[45]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng. Disturbance observer-based robust backstepping attitude stabilization of spacecraft under input saturation and measurement Uncertainty[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(10): 7994-8002, (SCI, Q1). 

[46]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng. Adaptive sliding mode control of cooperative spacecraft rendezvous with coupled uncertain dynamics[J]. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2017, 54(3): 652-661, (SCI,Q3). 

[47]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng. Adaptive relative pose control for autonomous spacecraft ren- dezvous and proximity operations with thrust misalignment and model uncertainties[J]. Ad- vances in Space Research, 2017, 59(7): 1861-1871, (SCI,Q3). 

[48]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng*. Finite-time sliding mode trajectory tracking control of uncertain mechanical systems[J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(1): 399-404, (SCI,Q3). 

[49]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng*. Robust adaptive relative motion control for spacecraft proximity operations[J]. Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231(4): 760-769, (SCI,Q3). 

[50]          Yao Zou, Zewei Zheng. A robust adaptive RBFNN augmenting backstepping control ap- proach for a model-scaled helicopter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2015, 23(6): 2344-2352, (SCI,Q1). 

[51]          Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng*. Nonlinear adaptive trajectory tracking control for a stratospheric airship with parametric uncertainty[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82(3): 1419-1430, (SCI,Q1). 

[52]          Tian Chen, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*. Asymmetric error constrained path-following control of a stratospheric airship with disturbances and actuator saturation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 119: 501-522, (SCI,Q1). 

[53]          Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Fixed-time autonomous shipboard landing control of a helicopter with external disturbances[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84: 18-30, (SCI,Q1). 

[54]          Zhiyuan Guan, Yunpeng Ma, Zewei Zheng*, et al. Prescribed performance control for automatic carrier landing with disturbance[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94: 1335-1349, (SCI,Q1). 

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