
Jin Zhao

Associate Professor

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Contact Information

Email: jin.zhao@buaa.edu.cn

Education and work appointment


2019.08-Current; Asso. Prof., School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China.

2018.10-2019.07; PDRA, CEAS, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.

2015.08-2018.10; Ph.D Thermal Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Fields of expertise

    1. Multi-scale coupling simulation (Reactive molecular dynamics, pore-network modelling, lattice boltzmann method, computational fluid dynamics)

           ①. Interface thermal and chemical response simulation (full coupled): Surface catalysis, oxidation, nitridation, pyrolysis, ablation

           ②. Transpiration theory, phase Change; Multiphase flow and heat transfer in the porous medium;

           ③. AI-Assistant heat transfer simulation techniques, Up-scaling Method.     

    2. Advanced thermal protection material (Hydrogel, Carbon-based Aerogel, etc.)

Journal Articles (Selected)

Ye Z., Zhao J.*, Xing H., Yao G., Xu D. and Wen D.*

''Improving Heat Transfer Prediction Across Catalytic SiC Interfaces through a Multiscale Framework Leveraging Machine Learning and Data Fusion Techniques''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126249 (2024).

Zheng S.+, Tang J.+, Zhao J.*, Liu H., Xu D., Li K., Wen D. and Zhu B.*

"In-situ formation of surface 'self-protective' graphitic layer on phenolic resin-based thermal protection composites"

Composites Science and Technology, 110819 (2024).

Tang J., Xing H., Zhao J.*, Yao G., Yan X. and Wen D.*

''Multi-scale modeling of thermal and chemical kinetic characterization of composites during high-temperature pyrolysis by scale-bridging reactive molecular dynamics''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 125903 (2024).

He L., Zhao J.*, Yao G.*, Tang J., Cao Y. and Wen D.*

''Nano-roughness effect on the interfacial thermal oxidation and surface catalytical recombination characteristics for silicon carbide based materials under non-equilibrium flow''

Applied Surface Science 160263 (2024).

Tang J., Zhao J.*, Yao G., Xing H., Cao Y. and Wen D.*

'' Hyperthermal erosion of knitted graphene-nanoribbon sheet under atomic oxygen bombardment''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 125541  (2024).

Cao Y., Ye Z., Zhao J.*, Cui Z., Tang J. and Wen D.*

''Effect of hyperthermal hybrid gas composition on the interfacial oxidation and nitridation mechanisms of graphene sheet''

Langmuir 40.14 (2024). (supplementary journal cover image)

Jin K., Zhao J.*, Yao G. and Wen D.*

''A modified local thermal non-equilibrium model of transient phase-change transpiration cooling for hypersonic thermal protection''

Advances in Aerodynamics 6.1 (2024).

Cao Y., Ye Z., Tang J., Zhao J.* and Wen D.

''Evolution and response mechanisms of interfacial thermochemical reactions for silicon carbide materials''

Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 42 (2024).

Sun H., Yao G.*, Wang J., Xing H., Zhao J.*, Gao H.  and Wen D.

''Molecular interpretation for the synergistic catalysis of platinum/hyperbranched polyethyleneimine composites on the pyrolysis of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 02337 (2024).

Sun H., Yao G.*, Xing H., Wang J. Zhao J.*, Gao H. and Wen D. 

''Insight into microscopic mechanism of Pt/Pd-catalyzed pyrolysis of n-dodecane''

Chemical Engineering Science 301, 120692 (2024).

Sun H., Yao G.*, Zhao J., Gao H. and Wen D. 

''Molecular revelation of the effects of methanol additive for coke inhibition during the pyrolysis of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels''

Fuel 363, 130958 (2024).

Ye Z., Zhao J.* and Wen D.

"Multiscale coupling simulation of surface catalytic effect on hypersonic aerothermodynamic environment."

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 222, 125152  (2024).

Wu C., Bi L.*, Zhao J., Tang Z., Yuan X. and Wen D. 

''Instability onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection for diatomic rarefied gases: Effects of molecular interaction models and flow parameters.''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 220, 124923 (2024).

Ye Z., Zhao J.*, Zhu B., Jing Z., Sun X., Stemmer C., Adams N. A. and Wen D.* 

"A hybrid CFD-RMD multiscale coupling framework for interfacial heat and mass simulation under hyperthermal ablative conditions."

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 213, 124341  (2023).

He L., Ye Z., Cao Y., Tang J., Zhao J.* and Wen D.*

''Influence of surface nanostructures on the catalytic recombination of hyperthermal non-equilibrium flow''

Physics of Fluids 35, 4 (2023).

Ye Z., Cui Z., Xing H., Zhao J.* and Wen D.

''Reactive molecular dynamics simulation investigations on the thermal pyrolysis of phenolic resin and the blowing effect''

Aerospace Technology 26 (2023).

Ye Z., Zhao J.*, Li Z., Sun X. and Wen D.

''Multiscale coupling simulation method of thermal protection material ablation based on the thermochemical interfacial reactive model''

Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica 29469 (2023).

Cui Z., Zhao J., Yao G.*, Zhang J., Li Z., Tang Z. and Wen D.

''Competing effects of surface catalysis and ablation in hypersonic reentry aerothermodynamic environment''

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 35, 10 (2022).

Deng J., Zhang J.*, Liang T., Zhao J., Li Z. and Wen D.

''A modified Cercignani–Lampis model with independent momentum and thermal accommodation coefficients for gas molecules scattering on surfaces''

Physics of Fluids 34, 10 (2022).

He L., Cui Z., Sun X., Zhao J.* and Wen D.*

''Sensitivity analysis of the catalysis recombination mechanism on nanoscale silica surfaces''

Nanomaterials 12, 14 (2022).

Cui Z., Ye Z., Zhao J.*, Sun X., Yao G. and Wen D.*

''Coupled surface-volume pyrolysis effects of carbon-phenolic resin composites under hyperthermal non-equilibrium flows''

Physics of Fluids 34, 6 (2022).

Cui Z., Zhao J.*, Yao G., Li Z. and Wen D.*

''Molecular insight of the interface evolution of silicon carbide under hyperthermal atomic oxygen impact''

Physics of Fluids 34, 5 (2022).

Zhao J., Sun X., Zhang J., Tang Z. and Wen. D.*

''Research advances on heat and mass transfer coupling effect at gas-solid interface for thermal protection materials''

Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica 43, 10 (2022).

Cui Z., Yao G., Zhao J.*, Zhang J. and Wen D.*

''Atomistic-scale investigations of hyperthermal oxygen–graphene interactions via reactive molecular dynamics simulation: The gas effect''

Physics of Fluids 33, 5 (2021).

Yao G., Zhao J., Haruna M. and Wen D.*

''Molecular dynamics insight into viscosity reduction of hydrolysed polyacrylamide by using carbon quantum dots''

RSC Advances 11, 42 (2021).

Cui Z., Zhao J.*, He L., Jin H., Zhang J. and Wen D.*

''A reactive molecular dynamics study of hyperthermal atomic oxygen erosion mechanisms for graphene sheets''

Physics of Fluids 32, 11 (2020).

Yao G., Yang H., Zhao J. and Wen D.*

''Experimental study on flow and heat transfer enhancement by elastic instability in swirling flow''

International Journal of Thermal Sciences 157, 106504 (2020).

Zhao J., Yao G. and Wen D.*

''Salinity-dependent alterations of static and dynamic contact angles in oil/brine/calcite systems: a molecular dynamics simulation study''

Fuel 272, 117615 (2020).

Yao G., Zhao J., Shen X., Yang H. and Wen D.*

''Effects of rheological properties on heat transfer enhancements by elastic instability in von-Karman swirling flow''

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 152, 119535 (2020).

Yao G., Zhao J., Yang H., Haruna M.A. and Wen D.*

''Effects of salinity on the onset of elastic turbulence in swirling flow and curvilinear microchannels''

Physics of Fluids 31, 12 (2019).

Zhao J., Yao G. and Wen D.*

''Pore-scale simulation of water/oil displacement in a water-wet channel''

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 13, 803 (2019).

Hu Z., Gao H., Ramisetti S., Zhao J., Nourafkan E., Glover P. and Wen D.

''Carbon quantum dots with tracer-like breakthrough ability for reservoir characterization''

Science of the Total Environment 669, 579 (2019).

Zhao J., Yao G., Ramisetti S., Hammond R. and Wen D.*

''Molecular dynamics investigation of substrate wettability alteration and oil transport in a calcite nanopore''

Fuel 239, 1149 (2019).

Yao G., Zhao J., Ramisetti S., and Wen D.*

''Atomistic molecular dynamic simulation of dilute poly (acrylic acid) solution: Effects of simulation size sensitivity and ionic strength''

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57, 50 (2018).

Zhao J., Yao G., Ramisetti S., Hammond R. and Wen D.*

''Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Salinity Effect on the n-Decane/Water/Vapor Interfacial Equilibrium''

Energy & Fuels 32, 11 (2018).

Huang S.*, Zhao J., Gong L.* and Duan X.

''Thermal performance and structure optimization for slotted microchannel heat sink''

Applied Thermal Engineering 115, 1266 (2017).

Zhao J. and Wen D.*

''Pore-scale simulation of wettability and interfacial tension effects on flooding process for enhanced oil recovery''

RSC Advances 7, 66 (2017).

Hu Z., Zhao J., Gao H., Nourafkan E. and Wen D.*

''Transport and deposition of carbon nanoparticles in saturated porous media''

Energies 10, 8 (2017).

Zhao J., Huang S.*, Gong L.* and Huang Z.

''Numerical study and optimizing on micro square pin-fin heat sink for electronic cooling''

Applied Thermal Engineering 93, 1347 (2016).

Gong L.*, Zhao J. and Huang S.*

''Numerical study on layout of micro-channel heat sink for thermal management of electronic devices''

Applied Thermal Engineering 88, 480 (2015).

Courses Taught

Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics (At Beihang, 2022-)

Thermodynamics (At Beihang, 2019-)

Heat Transfer (At Beihang, 2019-2022)

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