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  • 叶洲腾

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/yezhouteng/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   硕士生导师
  • 主要任职:准聘副研究员





- 国家自然科学基金青年项目,12402345,数据驱动的多介质界面运动方法研究,30 2025.01-2027.01, 在研,主持 

- 北航国际创新研究院启动基金2024KQ135跨介质飞行器数值模拟基本理论和方法,82024.12-2027.12, 在研,主持 

浙江大学海宁国际校区博士后“潮涌计划”,171207723,面向航空发动机的气动计算的研究,20 2022.08-2024.07,结题,主持


Ye, Z., Estebe, C., Liu, Y., Vahab, M., Huang, Z., Sussman, M., Moradikazerouni, A., Shoele, K,. Lian, Y., Ohta, M., & Hussaini, M. Y. (2024). An Improved Coupled Level Set and Continuous Moment-of-Fluid Method for Simulating Multiphase Flows with Phase Change. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1-36. 

Ye, Z. (2023). A comparative study of split advection algorithms on the moment-of-fluid (MOF) method for incompressible flow. Computers & Fluids, 255, 105815. 

Ye, Z., Shi, F., Zhao, X., Hu, Z., & Malej, M. (2021). A data-driven approach to modeling subgrid-scale shallow marsh hydrodynamics. Coastal Engineering, 166, 103856. 

Ye, Z., & Zhao, X. (2017). Investigation of water-water interface in dam break flow with a wet bed. Journal of Hydrology, 548, 104-120. 

Ye, Z., Zhao, X., & Deng, Z. (2016). Numerical investigation of the gate motion effect on a dam break flow. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21, 579-591. 

- Zhao, X., Ye, Z., Fu, Y., & Cao, F. (2014). A CIP-based numerical simulation of freak wave impact on a floating body. Ocean Engineering, 87, 50-63. 

- Zhao, X., Ye, Z., & Fu, Y. (2014). Green water loading on a floating structure with degree of freedom effects. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19, 302-313. 

- Yu, C. H., Ye, Z. T., Sheu, T. W., Lin, Y. T., & Zhao, X. Z. (2016). An improved interface preserving level set method for simulating three dimensional rising bubble. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103, 753-772. 

- Li, M., Zhao, X., Ye, Z., Lin, W., & Chen, Y. (2018). Generation of regular and focused waves by using an internal wave maker in a CIP-based model. Ocean Engineering, 167, 334-347. 

- Li, M., Zhao, X., Ye, Z., Hu, Z., Chen, Y., & Rafati, Y. (2019). Study of wave-induced mass transport and internal mixing based on a two-liquid VOF model. Ocean Engineering, 194, 106569. 

- Zhao, X. Z., Xu, T. Y., Ye, Z. T., & Liu, W. J. (2020). A TensorFlow-based new high-performance computa- tional framework for CFD. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 32(4), 735-746. 

- Fan, C., Adjei, R. A., Ye, Z., & Cui, J. (2023). Investigation on aeroelastic characteristics of mistuned low-speed axial compressor rotor: Numerical methodology and optimization. Aerospace Science and Technology, 143, 108735. 

- Tao, G. C., Wang, W., Ye, Z. T., Wang, Y. N., Luo, J. Q., & Cui, J. H. (2024). Multi-fidelity and multi-objective aerodynamic short nacelle shape optimisation under different flight conditions. The Aeronautical Journal, 128(1321), 517-546. 

- Li, H. L., Zeng, Q., Zhuang, Y. T., Wang, Y. N., Ye, Z. T., & Cui, J. H. (2024) ”Multi-step optimization of hybrid cooling array via integrating Taguchi method and long short-term memory neural network.” Applied Thermal Engineering 254 (2024): 123814. 


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Research Gate

  • [1]. 2016.9 -- 2022.6

    浙江大学       海洋技术与工程       工学博士学位

  • [2]. 2013.9 -- 2016.6

    浙江大学       水利工程       工学硕士学位

  • [3]. 2009.9 -- 2013.6

    中国海洋大学       港口航道与海岸工程       工学学士学位

  • [1]. 2022.4 -- 2024.9

    浙江大学      ZJU-UIUC联合工学院      博士后/助理研究员

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