的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/xiechiyu/zh_CN/index.htm
1. H. Song, J. Lao, H. Yang, B. Pan, L. Liu and C. Xie*. The pinning dynamics of a non-wetting droplet penetrating a permeable substrate. Physics of Fluids, 35(6): 062107, 2023. (通讯作者)
2. C. Xie, J. Zhu, J. Wang, J. Yang and H. Song*. Direct Prediction of Relative Permeability Curve from 3D Digital Rock Images Based on Deep Learning Approaches. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 170: 105544, 2023. (地质矿业1区)
3. C. Xie, J. Zhu, H. Yang, J. Wang, L. Liu and H. Song*. Relative Permeability Curve Prediction from Digital Rocks with Variable Sizes Using Deep Learning. Physics of Fluids, 35(9): 096605, 2023.
4. C. Xie, X. Li, W. Qu, R. Ji, J. Wang and H. Song*. Numerical prediction of Portal hypertension by a hydrodynamic blood flow model combing with the fractal theory. Journal of Biomechanics. 150: 111504, 2023. (生物力学经典期刊)
5. L. Cha, Q. Feng#, S. Wang, S. Xu and C. Xie*. Pore-Scale Modeling of Immiscible Displacement in Porous Media: The Effects of Dual Wettability. SPE Journal, 28(01): 239-250, 2023. (共同通讯,石油工程顶刊)
6. L. Liu, S. Chen, L. Feng, J. Zhu, J. Zhang, L. Zhang and C. Xie*. A novel distributed order time fractional model for heat conduction, anomalous diffusion, and viscoelastic flow problems. Computers and Fluids, 265: 105991, 2023. (通讯作者)
7. C. Xie, S. Du, J. Wang, J. Lao and H. Song. Intelligent modeling with physics-informed machine learning for petroleum engineering problems. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 8(2): 71-75, 2023.
8. C. Xie, P. Qi, K. Xu, J. Xu and M.T. Balhoff*. Oscillative trapping of a droplet in a converging channel induced by elastic instability. Physical Review Letters. 128: 054502, 2022. (物理学顶刊)
9. H. Song, J. Zhu, C. Wei, J. Wang, S. Du and C. Xie*. Data-driven physics-informed interpolation evolution combining historical-predicted knowledge for remaining oil distribution prediction. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 217: 110795, 2022. (通讯作者)
10. C. Xie*, P. Qi, K. Xu, J. Xu and M.T. Balhoff. A new mechanism of viscoelastic fluid for enhanced oil recovery: Viscoelastic oscillation. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 6(3): 267-268, 2022. (研究亮点)
11. C. Xie, W. Lei, M.T. Balhoff, M. Wang* and S. Chen. Self-adaptive preferential flow control using dispersed polymers in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 906: A10, 2021. (封面文章, 流体力学顶刊)
12. L. Cha, C. Xie*, Q. Feng#, and M.T. Balhoff. Geometric criteria for the snap-off of a nonwetting droplet in pore-throat channels with rectangular cross-sections. Water Resources Research. 57: e2020WR029476, 2021. (共同通讯作者, 水资源1区)
13. C. Xie*, and M.T. Balhoff. Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of the Apparent Viscosity of Thinning-Elastic Fluids in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media. 137: 63–86, 2021. (通讯作者)
14. C. Xie*, K. Xu, K. Mohanty, M. Wang and M.T. Balhoff*. Non-wetting droplet oscillation and displacement by viscoelastic fluids. Physical Review Fluids. 5: 063301, 2020. (共同通讯)
15. C. Xie, W. Lei and M. Wang*. Lattice Boltzmann model for three-phase viscoelastic fluid flow. Physical Review E, 97: 023312, 2018.
16. C. Xie, W. Lv, and M. Wang*. Shear-thinning or Shear-thickening Fluid for Better EOR? — A Direct Pore-scale Study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161: 683-691, 2018.
17. C. Xie, A.Q. Raeini, Y. Wang, M. Blunt* and M. Wang*. An improved pore-network model including viscous coupling effects using direct simulation by the lattice Boltzmann method. Advances in Water Resources. 100: 26-34, 2017. (水资源1区)
18. C. Xie, J. Zhang, V. Bertola and M. Wang*. Droplet evaporation on a horizontal substrate under gravity field by mesoscopic modeling. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 463: 317-323, 2016. (化学1区)
19. C. Xie, G. Liu and M. Wang*. Evaporation Flux Distribution of Drops on a Hydrophilic or Hydrophobic Flat Surface by Molecular Simulations. Langmuir, 32: 8255-8264, 2016.
20. C. Xie, J. Zhang, V. Bertola and M. Wang*. Lattice Boltzmann Modeling for Multiphase Viscoplastic Fluid Flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 234: 118-128, 2016.
21. C. Xie, J. Wang, N. Pan, D. Wang and M. Wang*. Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Thermal Conduction in Composite Materials with Thermal Contact Resistance. Communications in Computational Physics, 17: 1037-1055, 2015.
22. F. Sun, X. Wen, X. Si*, C Xie, B. Li, L. Cao, J. Zhu. Numerical simulations of the Oldroyd-B fluid flow around triangular cylinders with different orientations. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 326: 105204, 2024.
23. V. Dzanic, C. From, Z. Wang, A. Gupta, C. Xie, E. Sauret. Mobilization of trapped oil droplet in porous media through viscoelasticity. Physics of Fluids. 35 (9): 093108, 2023.
24. V. Dzanic, C. From, A. Gupta, C. Xie, E. Sauret. Geometry dependence of viscoelastic instabilities through porous media. Physics of Fluids. 35 (2): 023105, 2023.
25. S. Du, M. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, M. Yue, C. Xie, H. Song*. An enhanced prediction framework for coalbed methane production incorporating deep learning and transfer learning. Energy. 282: 128877, 2023.
26. H. Song, J. Lao, L. Zhang, C. Xie, Y. Wang. Underground hydrogen storage in reservoirs: pore-scale mechanisms and optimization of storage capacity and efficiency. Applied Energy. 337: 120901, 2023.
27. S. Du, J. Zhang, M. Yue, C. Xie, Y. Wang, H. Song*. A novel sequential-based hybrid approach incorporating physical modeling and deep learning for multiphase subsurface flow simulation. Gas Science and Engineering. 118: 205093, 2023.
28. H. Song, X. Li, H. Huang, C. Xie, W. Qu. Postoperative virtual pressure difference as a new index for the risk assessment of liver resection from biomechanical analysis. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 157: 106725, 2023.
29. S. Du, X. Zhao, C. Xie, J. Zhu, J. Wang, J. Yang, H. Song*. Data-driven production optimization using particle swarm algorithm based on the ensemble-learning proxy model. Petroleum Science. 20: 2951-2966, 2023.
30. C. Bao, L. Liu*, C. Xie, J. Zhu, Y. Quan, S. Chen, L. Feng, L. Zheng. Analysis of the absorbing boundary condition for the Maxwell fluid flow over a semi-infinite plate with considering the magnetic field. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 154: 212-223, 2023.
31. W. Qu, X. Li, H. Huang, C. Xie, H. Song. Mechanisms of the ascites volume differences between patients receiving a left or right hemi-liver graft liver transplantation: From biofluidic analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 226: 107196, 2022.
32. L. Mejia, M. Mejia, C. Xie, Y. Du, A. Sultan, K. Mohanty and M.T. Balhoff. Viscous Fingering of Irreducible Water. Advances in Water Resources. 153(5): 103943, 2021.
33. W. Lei, T. Liu, C. Xie, T. Wu and M. Wang. EOR Mechanism and recovery performance of micro-gel particle suspensions by microfluidic experiments. Energy Science & Engineering. 8: 986– 998, 2020.
34. W. Lei, C. Xie, T. Wu, X. Wu and M. Wang. Transport mechanism of deformable micro-gel particle through micropores with mechanical properties characterized by AFM. Scientific Reports, 9: 1453, 2019.
35. J. Zheng, Z. Chen, C. Xie, et al. Characterization of spontaneous imbibition dynamics in irregular pores by lattice Boltzmann modeling. Computers & Fluids, 168: 21-31, 2018.
36. Z. Chen, C. Xie, Y. Chen and M. Wang. Bonding Strength Effects in Hydro-Mechanical Coupling Transport in Granular Porous Media by Pore-Scale Modeling. Computation, 4: 15, 2016.
37. 宋洪庆, 都书一, 王九龙, 劳浚铭, 谢驰宇. 数智流体力学的发展及油气渗流领域应用. 力学学报, 55: 1-27, 2023.
38. 谢驰宇, 张建影, 王沫然. 多相非牛顿流体驱替过程的格子 Boltzmann 模拟. 计算物理, 33: 147-155, 2016.
39. 谢驰宇, 张建影, 王沫然. 液滴在固体平表面上均匀蒸发过程的格子 Boltzmann 模拟. 应用数学和力学, 35: 247-253, 2014. (期刊2014年度高被引论文)
40. 王屹航, 杨元凯, 谢驰宇, 张树雄, 王沫然. 电池单体热分析. 电子技术, 2020.
1. 谢驰宇; 察鲁明; 冯其红; 王森; 一种基于流体卡断准则的微流控芯片设计方法, 2022-09-23, 中国, CN202211164571.X. (公开)
2. 谢驰宇; 王国栋; 劳浚铭; 杨洪恩; 宋洪庆; 徐克; 一种基于粘弹性湍流振荡效应的液滴剥离方法及装置, 2022-12-26, 中国, CN202211673814.2. (公开)
3. 谢驰宇; 劳浚铭; 杨洪恩; 宋洪庆; 徐克; 基于粘弹性流体束缚效应的微流控芯片设计方法及装置, 2022-12-23, 中国, CN202211666362.5. (公开)
4. 宋洪庆; 杨洪恩; 曲伟; 李笑凡; 谢驰宇; 一种融合血液流动特征的有创血压监测数值修正方法, 2022-06-22, 中国, CN202210711392.7. (公开)