Adaptive Flying Assistance Controller Design to Suppress Nonlinear Pilot-Induced Oscillations
发布时间:2024-05-17 点击次数:
发表刊物:Journal of Guidance,Control, and Dynamics
摘要:Nonlinear pilot-induced oscillations pose a threat to the safety of piloted aircraft in flight. This paper aims to address this safety concern. A novel method for designing an assistance
controller based on incremental model predictive control is proposed to aid pilots in suppressing category II and III PIOs. In the assistance controller design, the characteristics of the full pilot-aircraft system are considered through a predictive model integrating the dynamics of the pilot, actuator, and aircraft. This ensures that the assistance controller coordinates with both the pilot and the aircraft. Additionally, an adaptive logic for pilotcontroller authority assignment is proposed to automatically adjust the role of the assistance controller. This adaptive logic adopts a model predictive technique to determine if the pilot's
independent control will cause actuator saturation over the receding prediction horizon. By doing so, the assistance controller is restricted to work only when the actuator saturation
constraints are activated. The pilot model-based simulations and the human-in-the-loop experiments demonstrate that the proposed assistance controller can effectively assist pilots
in dealing with factors causing nonlinear pilot-induced oscillations while maintaining a harmonious cooperative relationship with the pilot.
备注:2024年3月录用,full-length article