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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name: Peng KE
Gender: Male
Title: Associate Professor
Resume: Mr. Peng Ke is a Associate Professor in the school of transportation science and engineering. He received PhD degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), China in 2007, Joined the department of aircraft airworthiness in 2009 and was the head of department of aircraft airworthiness from 2013 to 2017. He was a visiting scholar at Purdue University from 2011.7 to 2011.10.
Undergraduate: aircraft design, airworthiness management, airworthiness about environment control system.
Gradate: airworthiness management
Research interests:
1. Aircraft airworthiness
2. Aircraft icing
3. Human-machine-environment
1)Shuguang Zhang, Peng Ke, Qiang Pan, Haibing Chen,2011, Airworthiness: An introduction to aircraft certification, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, 1st edition (Translated in Chinese)
2) Liu Guilin, Yang Chunxin, Ke Peng, A distributed enthalpy model for the calculation of humid air condensers with long narrow channels using a modified Merkel method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 120 (2018) 167–177
3)Ke Peng,Tangxing, Effects of turbulent dispersion on water droplet impingement based on statistics method, International Journal Of Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 19(2), 330-339, 2018, DOI :10.1007/s42405-018-0040-4.
4) LU Yi, KE Peng, TANG Xing. Numerical study of jet impingement heat transfer inside aero-engine inlet strut with film-heating anti-icing system [C].16th International Heat Transfer Conference, beijing , 2018
5) Fengmei Li, Peng Ke,Numerical investigation of water droplet impingement on cylinder with exterior air film,SAE Aero Tech Congress & Exhibition, 2017, SAE 2017-01-2141
Research Projects:
1. Dynamic adjust mechanism of cabin environment control system under flight condition ( National key basic research project)
2. Cabin environment compliance verification of airworthiness standard (National key basic research project)
3. Research on methods of compliance with airworthiness regulations of aero-engines (From Ministry of Industry & Information Technology)
4. New concept for ice protection system (Advanced research project)