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  • 张俊 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/junzhang/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师
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高超声速多尺度流动模拟: 面向空天跨流域流动、航天器再入、低轨卫星、火星探测

  近年来,新型高超声速飞行器不断涌现,飞行高度突破了传统航空领域的范围,空天一体化趋势明显。跨流域飞行带来的稀薄气体效应不可忽略,对于这类多尺度流场的模拟和气动特性分析,单一尺度的计算方法,如基于NS方程的计算流体力学(CFD)和基于分子的直接模拟蒙特卡洛(DSMC)方法,均不能同时满足精度和效率的要求。课题组与合作者发展了耦合分子运动和碰撞的统一随机粒子(USP)方法[1, 2],如图1所示,突破了传统粒子方法的时空步长限制,将粒子方法在近连续流域的计算效率提高了几个数量级,并发布了基于USP方法的开源求解器SPARTACUS[3],可高效模拟三维高超声速跨流域流动, 如图2所示。我们已应用SPARTACUS软件成功模拟了多种高速气体流动,包括多原子气体分子的内能激发等效应[4]



Fig. 1. Comparison of DSMC and USP methods.


Fig. 2. The application of SPARTACUS to hypersonic flows.

[1] F. Fei, J. Zhang*, J. Li, and Z. H. Liu*, "A unified stochastic particle Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook method for multiscale gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 400, 108972 (2020).

[2] K. Feng, Z. Cui, P. Tian, and J. Zhang*, "A unified stochastic particle method with spatiotemporal adaptation for simulating multiscale gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 505, 112915 (2024).

[3] K. Feng, P. Tian, J. Zhang*, F. Fei, and D. Wen, "SPARTACUS: An open-source unified stochastic particle solver for the simulation of multiscale nonequilibrium gas flows," Comput. Phys. Commun. 108607 (2023).

[4] P. Tian, K. Feng, Q. Ma, Z. Li, J. Zhang*, "Unified stochastic particle simulation of polyatomic gas flows using SPARTACUS," Computers & Fluids 265, 105987 (2023).

[5] Z. Cui, K. Feng, Q. Ma, and J. Zhang*, "A multiscale stochastic particle method based on the Fokker-Planck model for nonequilibrium gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 520, 113458 (2025).

[6] Q. Ma, C. Yang, S. Chen, K. Feng, Z. Cui, and J. Zhang*, "Effect of thermal fluctuations on spectra and predictability in compressible decaying isotropic turbulence," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 987, A29 (2024).

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