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.R. Huber, M. Krawczyk, T. Schwarze, H. Yu, G. Duerr, S. Albert, and D. Grundler. “Reciprocal Damon-Eshbach-type spin wave excitation in a magnonic crystal due to tunable magnetic symmetry”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102,012403 (2013)
.Haiming Yu, R. Huber, T. Schwarze, F. Brandl, T. Rapp, P. Berberich, G. Duerr, and D. Grundler. “High propagating velocity of spin waves and temperature dependent damping in a CoFeB thin film”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 262412 (2012)
.Haiming Yu, S.Granville, D.P.Yu, J.-Ph.Ansermet. “Heat and spin transport in magnetic nanowires”, Solid State Communications 150(11-12), 485-488 (2010)
.Haiming Yu, Julie Dubois, Simon Granville*, Dapeng Yu, Jean-Philippe Ansermet. "Current susceptibility of magnetization in spin valves",Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 42, 175004 (2009)
.Haiming Yu,Julie Dubois,Laurent Gravier,Jean-Philippe Ansermet,“Temperature derivative of the resistance of spin-valves“,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322,1464-1466(2010).[J],2010