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.F. Heimbach, T. Stueckler, H. Yu* and W. Zhao*, Simulation of high k-vector spin wave excitation with periodic ferromagnetic strips. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 450, 29-33 (2018)..[J]
.J. Hu, B. Ernst, S. Tu, M. Kuveždić, A. Hamzić, E. Tafra, M. Basletić, Y. Zhang, A. Markou, C. Felser*, A. Fert, W. Zhao*, J.-Ph. Ansermet and H. Yu*, Anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in Co2TiSn and Co2Ti0.6V0.4Sn Heusler thin films. Phys. Rev. Appl. 10, 044037 (2018)..[J]
.H. Yu*, J. Xiao and P. Pirro, Magnon Spintronics. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 450, 1-2 (2018)..[J]
.J. Chen, F. Heimbach, T. Liu, H. Yu*, C. Liu, H. Chang, T. Stueckler, J. Hu, L. Zeng, Y. G. Zhang, Z.-M. Liao, D. Yu, W. Zhao* and M. Wu, Spin wave propagation in perpendicularly magnetized nm-thick yttrium iron garnet films. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 450, 3-6 (2018)..[J],2017
.Sa Tu, Marcin Białek, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao, Haiming Yu*, Jean-Philippe Ansermet*. “Bolometric detection of ferromagnetic resonance in YIG slab”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439, 53-56 (2017)
.H. Yu*, S. D. Brechet, P. Che, F. A. Vetro, M. Collet, S. Tu, Y. G. Zhang, Y. Zhang, T. Stueckler, L. Wang, H. Cui, D. Wang, C. Zhao, P. Bortolotti, A. Anane, J-Ph. Ansermet*, and W. Zhao. “Thermal spin torques in magnetic insulators”, Physical Review B 95, 104432 (2017)
.Haiming Yu*, Sylvain D.Brechet, Jean-Philippe Ansermet*. “Spin caloritronics, origin and outlook”, Physics Letters A 381(9), 825-837 (2017)
.Sa Tu, Junfeng Hu, Guoqiang Yu, Haiming Yu, Chuanpu Liu, Florian Heimbach, Xiangrong Wang, Jianyu Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Amir Hamzić, Kang L. Wang, Weisheng Zhao, Jean-Philippe Ansermet. “Anomalous Nernst effect in Ir22Mn78/Co20Fe60B20/MgO layers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 222401 (2017)
,C.Liu;S.Tu;Z.L;D.Y;F.A.Vetro;J.P Ansermet;W.Zhao;L.Bi;Haiming Yu,Y.Zhang,Ping Che.Ping Che, Yan Zhang, Chuanpu Liu, Sa Tu, Zhimin Liao, Dapeng Yu, Francesco Antonio Vetro, Jean-Philippe Ansermet, Weisheng Zhao, Lei Bi, Haiming Yu*,” Short-Wavelength Spin Waves in Yttrium Iron Garnet Micro-Channels on Silicon”, IEEE Magnetics Letters 7, (2016)
.Lucas Fitoussi, Francesco Antonio Vetro, Christian Caspers, Laurent Gravier, Haiming Yu, Jean-Philippe Ansermet. “Linear response to a heat-driven spin torque”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106,162401 (2015)