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J W Ren,Y Cheng*,et al.Platform-based Manufacturing Service Collaboration: A Supply-Demand aware Adaptive Scheduling Mechanism:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023 Y Cheng,Y S Gao,et al.Graph-based operational robustness analysis of industrial Internet of things platform for manufacturing service collaboration:International Journal of Production Research,2022 J W Guo,Y Cheng*,et al.Industrial dataspace for smart manufacturing : connotation, key techonologies, and framework:International Journal of Production Research,2021 R Y Hao,Y Cheng*,et al.Manufacturing Service Supply-Demand Optimization with dual diversities for Industrial Internet platforms:Computers & Industrial Engineering,2021 Y Cheng,Y F Xie,et al.Manufacturing services scheduling with supply-demand dual dynamic uncertainties toward industrial Internet platforms:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2020 Y Cheng,Y F Xie,et al.Scalable hypernetwork-based manufacturing services supply demand matching toward industrial Internet platforms:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,2019 Y Cheng,Y P Zhang,et al.Cyber-physical integration for moving digital factories forward towards smart manufacturing: a survey:International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018 Y Cheng,L N Bi,et al.Hypernetwork-based manufacturing service scheduling for distributed and collaborative manufacturing operations towards smart manufacturing:Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,2018 Y Cheng,K Chen,et al.Data and knowledge mining with big data towards smart production:Journal of Industrial Information Integration,2017 Y Cheng,F Tao*,et al.Modeling of manufacturing service supply-demand matching hypernetwork in service-oriented manufacturing systems:Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,2016
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