Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Committee member on aviation materials of China Standards Committee for Materials and Testing (CSTM),
Other Post:A member of the Physical Metallurgy Personnel Qualification Committee of Aviation Industry Corp of China and China Aero Engine Group Corporation
Leader of Teaching Group:程小全
Members of Teaching Group:程小全,张纪奎
Course Introduction:通过本课程学习,要求学生掌握复合材料的基本特点与制造工艺,飞机复合材料结构设计的理论基础、设计原则与方法,以及飞机复合材料结构的基本形式,使学生了解复合材料结构设计的基本过程,并具有实际的复合材料结构设计能力。本课程涉及面广,工程性强,同时还需要复合材料力学的基础,因此本课程既可以培养学生的工程设计能力,也可以让学生了解其他工程部门的工作,对于提高学生的综合工程素质起着重要作用。
Target Students:研究生
Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
Semester:Spring Term
Course number:05113104
Course Type:Postgraduate Course:
Top-Quality Courses or Not:yes
Required Class Hours:32.0