Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Committee member on aviation materials of China Standards Committee for Materials and Testing (CSTM),
Other Post:A member of the Physical Metallurgy Personnel Qualification Committee of Aviation Industry Corp of China and China Aero Engine Group Corporation
Leader of Teaching Group:程小全
Members of Teaching Group:张纪奎、何景武、罗漳平
Course Introduction:《飞机结构设计》MOOC课程链接:
Testing Method:闭卷
Target Students:大三本科生
Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
Teacher:程小全 等
Class classroom:航空馆
School Year:2018-2019
Semester:Autumn Term
Course number:B3I05312B
Course Type:Undergraduate Course:
Top-Quality Courses or Not:yes
Required Class Hours:56.0
Course HomePage Address:
Courses and reference books:飞行器结构学(第2版),北京航空航天大学出版社