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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Committee member on aviation materials of China Standards Committee for Materials and Testing (CSTM),
Other Post:A member of the Physical Metallurgy Personnel Qualification Committee of Aviation Industry Corp of China and China Aero Engine Group Corporation
Brief Introduction
Dr. Cheng Xiaoquan is a professor of School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, Beihang University, and the chief of Lab of FanZhou Advanced Material and Structures, Beihang University.
He had ever been engaged 5 years on analysis and design of main rotor blades and tail blades of helicopters in Chinese Helicopter Research and Development Institute and 2 years on mechanical property characterization of composite materials in National Key Laboratory of Advanced Composites, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Material (BIAM).
He has ever been a council member of Chinese Society for Composite Materials and Deputy Secretary-General of Chinese Society for Composite Materials.
Now he is a committee member on aviation materials of China Standards Committee for Materials and Testing (CSTM) and a member of the Physical Metallurgy Personnel Qualification Committee of Aviation Industry Corp of China and China Aero Engine Group Corporation. He is also a member of Specialized Committee on Nonmetal Failure Analysis of China Aviation Society and a member of High Tech Fiber and Application editorial board.
His main interesting subjects are design technology of composite structures, damage tolerance and damage resistance design of composite structures, composite structure repair and experimental mechanics of composite structures, et al. He has published over 230 papers, 11 books and 10 patents.
Academic Research Experience
Jul. 2008-Present |
Professor Chief of Lab of FanZhou Advanced Material and Structures, School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, BeiHang University |
Sept. 2000-Jul. 2008 |
Associate Professor School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, BeiHang University |
Sept. 1998-Jun. 2000 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate National Key Laboratory of Advanced Composites, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Material (BIAM) Research topic: Compression and damage characterization of composite materials after low velocity impact Advisor: Professor Wu Xueren |
Jul. 1987-Sept. 1992 |
Engineer Lift System Department, Chinese Helicopter Research and Development Institute |
Sep. 1992-Jun. 1998 |
Ph.D. in Flight Vehicle Design Engineering Beihang University, Beijing, |
Sep. 1983-Jul. 1987 |
B.S. in Flight Vehicle Structure Strength Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, |
Honors and Awards
1. Committee member on aviation materials of China Standards Committee for Materials and Testing (CSTM), 2018~Now.
2. A member of the Physical Metallurgy Personnel Qualification Committee of Aviation Industry Corp of China and China Aero Engine Group Corporation, 2018~2022.
3. A member of High Tech Fiber and Application editorial board, 2017~Now.
4. Council member of Chinese Society for Composite Materials, 2002~2017.
5. Executive Chairman of the 115th Young Scientists Forum of China Association of Science and Technology, 2006.
6. Executive Chairman of the 7th China-Japan Conference of Composite Materials, 2006
7. Deputy Secretary-General of Chinese Society for Composite Materials, 2007~2017.
8. Experts of Consulting Experts Storehouse of China Association of Science and Technology, 2010~Now
9. Executive Chairman of the 234th Young Scientists Forum of China Association of Science and Technology, 2011
10. Deputy President of Aircraft Engineering School, Nanchang Hangkong University, 2010~2011
11. Committee Member of Failure Analysis Branch of China Aviation Society, 2014~Now
12. China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award, Third Prize, Certificate Number 20156012
13. China Invention Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award, First Prize, 2016
14. Excellent Higher Education Textbook of the Ministry of Education, 2011, awarded by Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design (the 2nd edition). Beihang University Press, Beijing.
Research Interests
1. Airframe Structure Design Technology.
2. Damage Tolerance Analysis of Composite Structures.
3. Repair of Composite Structures.
4. Experiment Skill of Structures.
5. Property Characterization of Modern Materials.
Journal Papers in Recent Years
1. Xiaoquan Cheng, Yasir Baig, Zhonghai Li. Effects of hygrothermal environmental conditions on compressive strength of CFRP stitched laminates [J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2011, 30(2):110―122.
2. Li Zhonghai, Cheng Xiaoquan, Wang Yuanlong, Yang Kun, Xu Yahong. Compressive Properties Analysis of Composite Cylindrical Shells [J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2011, 28(1):206―210.
3. Li Zhonghai Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui. Study on the Salvage of an Axial Penetrate Crack on the Composite Cylindrical Shell with a Reinforced Open Hole [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 28(2): 172―176.
4. Wang Yuanlong, Cheng Xiaoquan, Fan Zhou, Gao Yujian. Experimental study on tensile and compressive properties of domestic CCF300/Bismaleimide laminates [J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2011, 28(3):180―184.
5. Xiaoquan Cheng, Kun Yang, Zhou Fan, Jikui Zhang, Gang Chen. Experiment on tensile properties of domestic carbon fiber reinforced composite laminates with single bolt joint under high temperature[J]. Polyer Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, 27(7):118―121.
6. Liang Yu, Cheng Xiao-quan, Li Zheng-neng, Xiang Jin-wu. Robust multi-objiective wing design optimization via CFD approximation model [J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2011, 5(2):286―300.
7. Cheng Xiaoquan, Wang Yuanlong, Zhang Jikui, Yang Kun, Xu Yahong. Tensile performance analysis of combined adhesive and bolted joints for plain woven composites [J]. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2011, 32(4): 346―352.
8. Zheng Yun, Cheng Xiaoquan, Yasir Baig. Effect of stitching on plain and open-hole strength of CFRP Laminates [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2012, 25(3): 473―484.
9. Wang Yuanlong, Cheng Xiaoquan, Li Zhengneng. Study on tensile performance of scarf repaired composite laminate [J]. Eigneering Mechanics, 2012, 29(7):328―334.
10. Cheng Xiaoquan, Baig Yasir, Li Zhongneng. Effects of stitching parameters on tensile strength of FRPs under hygrothermal conditions [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 570: 63―77.
11. Xiaoquan Cheng, Yasir Baig, Hu Renwei, Gao Yujian, Zhang Jikui. Study of tensile failure mechanisms in scarf repaired CFRP Laminates [J]. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 41: 177―185.
12. Fan Zhou, Cheng Xiaoquan, Li Zhonghai, Hu Renwei. Compressive behavior of composite cylinder shell with cover [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 39(1): 89―94.
13. Zhang Jikui, Kang Xinmeng, Jiao Qixiang, Cheng Xiaoquan, Li Zhengneng. Nonlinear Mechanical Behavior of High Volume Fraction SiCP/Al Composites Materials: Experimentation and Numerical Simulation [J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2013, 49(1): 10―16.
14. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhao Wenyi, Gao Yujian, Bao Jianwen. The influence of adhesive properties on the tensile behavior of scarf repaired laminates [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 39(9):1144―1149, 1162.
15. Wu Peng-fei, Cheng Xiao-quan, Zhang Tao, Xu Ya-hong. Effect of penetrated crack on compressive buckling performance of composite cylindrical shells with an open hole [J]. Polyer Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 29(10): 179―182.
16. Zhao Wenyi, Cheng Xiaoquan, Guo Xin, Zhang Jikui, Hu Renwei. Study on compressive properties of scarf-repaired composite laminates after low-velocity impact in different locations [J]. Hi-tech Fiber & Application, 2013, 38(6): 10―14.)
17. Huang Wenjun, Cheng Xiaoquan, Wu Pengfei, Li Zhonghai. Analysis on tensile properties and influence factors of composite hybrid joints [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 39(10): 1403―1407.
18. Zhang Jikui, Ma Zhiyang, Li Xuemei, Cheng Xiaoquan. Numerical simulation of cure deformation of composite taper shell with thermal protection layer[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 39(8): 1037―1041.
19. Huang Wenjun, Sun Yongbo, Cheng Xiaoquan, Nie Hong. Study on Tensile Performance of Single Countersunk Bolt Composite Joint [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering, 2013, (12): 8―12.
20. Zhang Jikui, Zhang Jiang, Ma Zhiyang, Cheng Xiaoquan. Three-dimensional finite element analysis for non-synchronized cure of thick composite laminates [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, 29(3): 179―183.
21. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhao Wenyi, Liu Shufeng, Xu Yunyan, Bao Jianwen. Damage of scarf-repaired composite laminates subjected to low-velocity impacts [J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2014, 17(2): 199―213.
22. Wang Songwei, Cheng Xiaoquan, Pan Wen, Zhang Jikui. Characteristics of Prevailing Torque Nuts in Aircraft Latches under Repeated Uses [J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2014, 35(3): 780―794.
23. Meng Lei, Cheng Xiao-quan, Hu Ren-wei, Xu Yun-yan. Material selection in helicopter composite rotor blade structure design [J]. Hi-Tech Fiber & Application, 2014, 39(2): 16―23.
24. Ge Mingming, Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Qian, Xu Yunyan. Tensile test and simulation of woven composite laminates after high velocity impact [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 971-973: 232―235.
25. Liu Shufeng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Bao Jianwen. Hygrothermal Effect on Properties of Composite Materials-A Review [J]. Polyer Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 30 (9): 183―190.
26. WU Pengfei, CHENG Xiaoquan ZHANG Yao, XU Yahong. Effect of opening and boundary conditions on compressive buckling properties of composite one-third cylindrical shell [J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2014, 31(6): 1525―1531.
27. Fan Jing-feng, Cheng Xiao-quan, Wang Song-wei, Hu Ren-wei. Effect of temperature on tensile properties of CCF-300/GW-300 laminates with multiple bolted joints [J]. Hi-Tech Fiber & Application, 2014, 39(6): 54―57, 66.
28. Huang Wenjun, Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhao Jun. Problems with damage tolerance design of helicopter rotor composite structures [J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS, 2014, 31(1): 67―72.
29. Yan Guang, Han Xiaojin, Yan Chuliang, Zuo Chuncheng, Cheng Xiaoquan. Buckling analysis of composite cylindrical shell under axial compressive load [J]. Acta Materiae Compoeitae Sinica, 2014, 31(3): 781―787.
30. Liu Shufeng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Xu Yunyan, Bao Jianwen, Guo Xin. Study on impact performance of scarf-repaired carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates [J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015, 34(1): 60―71.
31. Xu Yunyan, Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui, Li Zhengneng. Study on composite honeycomb sandwich structure formed T-joints under tensile load [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2015, 32(7): 243―248, 256.
32. Fan Jingfeng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Wang Songwei, Guo Xin, Zhang Tao. Experimental and numerical investigation of composite bolted π-joint subjected to bending load [J]. Composites Part B, 2015, 78:324―330.
33. Cheng Xiao-quan, Peng Xiao-jing, Hu Ren-wei, Fan Jing-feng, Liu Shufeng. A review of the studies on adhesively bonded repair to carbon fiber composite structures [J]. Hi-Tech Fiber & Application, 2015, 40(5): 11―19.
34. Ge Mingming, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Zhang Qian. Compressive test and numerical simulation of center-notched composite laminates with different crack configurations [J]. Polymer Composites, 2015, DOI 10.1002/pc.23855.
35. Liu Peng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Wang Songwei, Liu Shufeng, Cheng Yujia. Numerical analysis of bearing failure in countersunk composite joints using 3D explicit simulation method [J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 138: 30―39.
36. Cheng Xiaoquan, Fan Jingfeng, Liu Shufeng, Guo Xin, Xu Yahong, Zhang Tao. Design and investigation of composite bolted π-joints with an unconventional configuration under bending load [J]. Composites Part B, 2016, 85:59―67.
37. Wang Songwei, Cheng Xiaoquan, Guo Xin, Li Xin, Chen Gang. Experimental and finite element analysis of composite to aluminium single lap joints [J]. Experimental Mechanics, 2016;56: 407-417.
38. Liu Shufeng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Qian, Zhang Jie, Bao Jianwen, Guo Xin. An investigation of hygrothermal effects on adhesive materials and double lap shear joints of CFRP composite laminates [J]. Composites Part B, 206, 91: 431-440.
39. Cheng Xiaoquan, Yang Manman, Zhang Jie, Zhang Qian, Yujia Cheng, Zhang Jikui. Thermal Behavior and Tensile Properties of Composite Joints with Bonded Embedded Metal Plate under Thermal Circumstance [J]. Composites Part B, 2016, 99:340―347.
40. Qian Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Jie Zhang, Songwei Wang, Yujia Cheng, Tao Zhang. Experimental and numerical investigations of composite box joint under tensile load [J]. Composites Part B, 2016, 107:75―83.
41. Baig, Yasir; Cheng, Xiaoquan, Hasham, Hasan Junaid; et al. Failure mechanisms of scarf-repaired composite laminates under tensile load [J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2016, 38(7): 2069-2075.
42. Liu Peng, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Liu Shufeng, Wang Songwei, Guo Xin. Tensile experiment and numerical analysis of single countersunk bolt composite laminate joints [J]. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2016, 37(6): 782―787.
43. Qi Shijie, Zhang Jikui, Cheng Xiaoquan. Numerical Simulation of Rapid Heating Induced Delamination in Moisture Absorbed Composite Laminates[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2016, 33(8): 1687-1693.
44. Cheng Xiaoquan, Liu Shufeng, Zhang Qian, Guo Xin, Bao Jianwen. Hygrothermal effects on mechanical behavior of scarf repaired CFRP laminates subject toaxial compression laods: experimental and numerical studies [J]. Polymer Composites, 2016, DOI 10.1002/pc.24017.
45. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Wang Songwei, Zhang Jie, Huang Wenjun, Cheng Yujia, Zhang Jikui. Effect of damage on failure mode of multi-bolt composite joints using failure envelop method [J]. Composite Structures, 2017, 160: 8-15.
46. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Li Xiaoqi, Zhang Jie, Zhang Qian, Cheng Yujia, Zeng Benyin. Evaluation of tensile properties of a composite-metal joint with a novel metal insert design by experimental and numerical methods [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2017, 30(3): 1004-1011.
47. Xiaoquan Cheng#, Jie Zhanga, Jianwen Bao, et al. Low-velocity impact performance and effect factor analysis of scarf-repaired composite laminates [J]. Internal Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 111: 85-93.
48. Xiaoquan Cheng#, Xiaoyuan Du, Jie Zhanga, et al. Effects of stacking sequence and rotation angle of patch on low velocity impact performance of scarf repaired laminates [J]. Composites, Part B, 2018, 133: 78-85.
49. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Zhang Jie, Cheng Yujia, Guo Xin, Wu Yongkang, Xu Yahong. Numerical analysis on tensile properties of composite hybrid bolted/bonded joints with flanging [J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2018, 26(3):265-272.
50. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Liu Shufeng, Zhang Qian, Guo Xin, Bao Jianwen. Hygrothermal effects on mechanical behavior of scarf repaired CFRP laminates subject to axial compression laods: experimental and numerical studies [J]. Polymer Composites, 2018, 39(3):904-914.
51. Zhang Jie, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Hu Renwei, Bao Jianwen. Tensile and Compressive Properties of Scarf-Repaired Composite Laminates[J]. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 34(1):178-183.
52. Yihao Ma, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Zhaodi Wang, Xin Guo, Jie Zhang, Yahong Xu. Buckling and post-buckling behaviors of 1/3 composite cylindrical shell with an opening [J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2018, 27(5):555-566.
53. Ma Yihao, Du Xiaoyuan, Hu Renwei, Zhao Dafang, Li Bintai, Cheng Xiaoquan#. Development of Self-Healing Composite Materials with Microvascular Networks[J]. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 34(1):166-172.
54. Qian Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, et al. Investigation of tensile behavior and influence factors of composite-to-metal 2D-scarf bonded joint[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 180: 284-294.
55. Xiaoquan Cheng#, Qian Zhang, Jie Zhang, Xin Guo, Zhongrong Niu. Parameters prediction of cohesive zone model for simulating composite/adhesive delamination in hygrothermal environments[J]. Composites Part B, 2019, 166: 710–721.
56. Jikui Zhang, Xianglin Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Yanwei Hei, Liying Xing, Zhibao Li. Lightning strike damage on the composite laminates with carbon nanotube films: Protection effect and damage mechanism [J]. Composites Part B, 2019, 168: 342―352.
57. Salam Abdus, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Wenjun Huang, Altaf Ahmed, Renwei Hu. Bearing failure and influence factors analysis of metao-to-composite bolted joints at high temperature[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2019, 41: 298.
58. Salam Abdus, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Yujia Cheng, Renwei Hu, Abid Muhammad.Dynamic properties of single and muti-bolted compoaite joints at different bolt-loads and elevated temperature[J]. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14484846.2019. 1629188.
59. Chen Kun, Shu Maosheng, Hu Renwei, Guo Xin, Cheng Yujia, Cheng Xiaoquan#. Tensile performance of countersunk bolted composite/metal joints with sleeve [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(3): 633―640.(in Chinese)
60. Deng Jinxin, Chen Shaojun, Zhang Yu, Huang Wenjun, Cheng Xiaoquan#. Development of composite structural design, analysis and manufacturing software [J]. Hi-Tech Fiber & Application, 2019, (3): 42―51.(in Chinese)
61. Jie Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Xin Guo, Jianwen Bao, Wenjun Huang. Effect of environment conditions on adhesive properties and material selection in composite bonded joints [J]. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2020, 96: 102302.
62. Xiaoqi Li, Xiaoquan Chenga#, Xin Guo, Shufeng Liu, Zhiyong Wang. Tensile properties of a hybrid bonded/bolted joint: Parameter study[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 245:112329.
63. Yihao Ma, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Jikui Zhang, Dafang Zhao, Wenjun Huang. Prediction of resin pocket geometry around rigid fiber inclusion in composite laminate by hot-pressing of prepregs [J]. Journal of Composite Materials, 2020, 54(15): 1987-1999.
64. Du Xiaoyuan, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Cheng Yujia, Huang Wenjun, Chen Gang. Analysis and design improvement of composite bolted Π-joints under bending load [J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2020, 42: 384.
65. Jie Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Yujia Cheng, Xin Guo, Liu Yang. Effect of over-ply on moisture absorption behavior of scarf-repaired composite laminate [J]. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2020, 102: 102683.
66. Zhang Jie, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Cheng Yujia, Feng Zhenyu. Effect of hygrothermal environment on tensile and compressive properties of CCF800/epoxy scarf-repaired laminates [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(6): 1116-1124.(in Chinese)
67. Zhou Zheng, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Zhang Tao, Chen lei, Wu Yongkang. Study on large deformation bending properties of rollable composite laminates [J]. Eigneering Mechanics, 2020, 37(8):213-220, 229.(in Chinese)
68. Jie Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Jikui Zhang, Xin Guo, Wenjun Huang. Effect of curing condition on bonding quality of scarf-repaired composite laminates [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020, 33(8): 2257-2267.
69. Du Xiaoyuan, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Wang Zhiyong, Hu Renwei. Recycling and reusing of carbon fiber reinforced polymer: a current technical progress [J]. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 36(8): 182-190.(in Chinese)
70. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Zhang Jie, Cheng Yujia, Guo Xin and Huang Wenjun Huang. Effect of curing condition on mechanical properties of scarf-repaired composite laminates[J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2020, 37(4): 419-429
71. Xiangli Zhang, Jikui Zhang, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Wenjun Huang. Carbon nanotube protected composite laminate subjected to lightning strike: interlaminar film distribution investigation [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021, 34(2): 620-628.
72. Xiaoqi Li, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Yujia Cheng, Zhiyong Wang, Wenjun Huang. Study on tensile propertiesof a composite-metal single-lap hybrid bonded/bolted joint [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020, 34(2): 629-640.
73. Mingming Ge, Xiaoquan Cheng#, Wenjun Huang, Renwei Hu, Yujia Cheng. Damage mode and load distribution of countersunk bolted composite joints [J]. Journal of Composite Materials, 2021, 55(13): 1717-1732.
74. Cheng Xiaoquan. The objectives of aircraft structure design course. Mechanics in Engineering, 2021, 43(3): 453-456. (in Chinese)【Teaching Studing Paper】
75. Cheng Xiaoquan, Du Xiaoyuan, Chen Kun, Shu Maosheng, Liu Xiaodong, Chen Gang. Tensile performances of single-lap countersunk composite joints with metallic bushing[J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 40(3): 421-434.
76. Cheng Xiaoquan#, Du Xiaoyuan. Development of fatigue life prediction and damage modeling of fiber-reinforced composite [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 2021, 47(7): 1311-1322.(in Chinese)
77. Zhang Xianglin, Meng Qingchun, Xu Mingrui, Zeng Benyin, Cheng Xiaoquan#, Sun Wei. Tensile fatigue properties of carbon fiber reinforced composite orthogonal laminates after moisture absorption [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering, 2021, 49(8): 169-177. (in Chinese)
78. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui, Li Zhengneng. Engineering application of load safety factor in aircraft structure design[J]. Mechanics in Engineering, 2021, 43(4): 599-602. (in Chinese)【Teaching Studing Paper】
79. Chen Kun, Zhang Xianglin, An Ziqian, Cheng Yujia, Cheng Xiaoquan, Feng Zhenyu. Effect of temperature on fatigue properites of carbon fiber orthogonal composite laminates[J]. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(16): 16195-16200.
80. Zhang Jikui, Qin Shaocheng, Cheng Xiaoquan, Li Zhengneng. Influence of additive manufacturing technology development on aircraft structure[J]. Mechanics in Engineering, 2021, 43(5): 760-765. (in Chinese)【Teaching Studing Paper】
81. An Ziqian, Shu Maosheng, Cheng Yujia, Guo Xin, Liu Xiaodong, Cheng Xiaoquan. Experimental Study on tensile fatigue properties of composite/metal bolted joints with 3-pin and sleeves[J]. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(20): 20081-20086.
82. An Ziqian, Shu Maosheng, Cheng Yujia, Guo Xin, Cheng Xiaoquan. Tensile fatigue properties of composite/metal bolted joints with 3-pin and sleeves[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering, 2021, 49(12): 164-174.
83. Xu, Mingrui; Zeng, Benyin.; An, Ziqian; Xiong, Xin; Cheng, Xiaoquan. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Fatigue Properties of Carbon Fiber Cross-Ply Laminates in Hygrothermal Environments [J]. Polymers, 2022, 14, 1857.
84. XU M R,ZENG B Y,XIONG X,Cheng X, et al. Tensile fatigue properties of carbon fiber laminates in hygrothermal environments[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(7):1614-1622).
85. Zhuang, Q.; Yue, P.; Li, K.; Guo, X.; Cheng, X. Study on Low-Velocity Impact Performance of Coal-Based Carbon Foam Sandwich Structures in Thermal Protection Systems. Aerospace, 2023, 10, 630.
86. Zhuang, Q.; Cheng, X.; Yue, P.; Guo, X.; Li, K. Study on Failure Criteria and the Numerical Simulation Method of a Coal-Based Carbon Foam under Multiaxial Loading. Aerospace, 2023, 10, 721.
87. An, Z.; Cheng, X.#; Zhao, D.; Ma, Y.; Guo, X.; Cheng, Y. Tensile and Compressive Properties of Woven Fabric Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates Containing Three-Dimensional Microvascular Channels[J]. Polymers, 2024, 16, 665.
88. DENG J X, CHEN L, LU S T, CHENG XQ#, et al. Damage distribution of composite structures of a certain type aircraft[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):920-930.
88. Zhang, T.; Luo, Z.; Li, K.; Cheng, X#. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Prepreg-RTM Co-Curing Molding Composite Bolted T-Joint under Bending Load[J}. Polymers, 2024, 16, 1018. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym 16071018.
89. Peijie Yue, Xiaoqi Li, Xin Guo, Yujia Cheng, Kai Li, Xiaoquan Cheng #. Stochastic distributed elliptical pore modeling and thermal conductivity of coal-based carbon foam[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 39, 108994.
90. RAN G L,MA Y H,AN Z Q,Cheng, X#, et al. Study of tensile properties of laminates containing microvascular channels with different diameters[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2024, 50(4): 1405-1415.
91. Jinxin Deng, Lin Chen, Hui Xu,Wenjun Huang, Xiaoquan Cheng#. Progress in Research of Fatigue Properties of Scarf-Repaired Composite Laminates[J]. Polymer materials science and engineering, 2024, 40(2):164-172.
92. Li, KN; Cheng, XQ#; Zhang, XL; Huang, WJ. Study on compressive performances of carbon nanotube film-protected composite laminates after lightning strike[J]. Polymer Composites, 2024, 45(8): 6970-6984.
93. Zhang T, Luo Z, Deng J, Cheng X#. A Novel Preparation Method of Composite Bolted T-joint with High Bending Performance Based on Prepreg-RTM Co-Curing Process[J]. Polymers, 2024, 16, 1259.
Published Books
1. Li Zhengneng, Fangweiguo, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design (the 1st edition). Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2005.01.
2. Li Zhengneng, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Aircraft Components and Systems Design. Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2006.05.
3. Gao Zhenrong, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. English-Chinese Composite Material Words. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2007.01.
4. Michael, C.Y. Niu. Airframe Structural Design. Translated by Cheng Xiaoquan, Aviation Industry Press, Beijing, 2008.10.
5. Michael, C.Y. Niu. Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing. Translated by Feng Zhenyu, Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui, Aviation Industry Press, Beijing, 2009.12.
6. Li Zhengneng, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design (the 2nd edition). Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2010.03.
7. Michael, C.Y. Niu. Composite Airframe Structures. Translated by Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui, Aviation Industry Press, Beijing, 2010.11.
8. Fan Jinjuan, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Failure Analysis Basics for Polymer Matrix Composite Components. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing, 2011.06.
9. L.A. Carlsson, G.A. Kardomateas. Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich Composites. Translated by Jinjuan Fan, Xiaoquan Cheng, et al. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing, 2019.01.
10. Li Zhengneng, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Aircraft Components and Systems Design (the 2nd edition). Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2021.01.
11. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Jikui, et al. Aircraft Structure (the 3rd edition). Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2023.05.
1. Wu Pengfei, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Automatic lifting highway deceleration strips. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN104594244B, Authorization date: 04/01/2017. (Grant No. ZL 2014 1 0816654.1)
2. Wu Pengfei, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Impact test machine. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN103712765B, Authorization date: 30/12/2015. (Grant No. ZL 2013 1 0744438.6)
3. Li Chenghu, Wu Zhe, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Test jig and typical specimen of stiffened cylindrical shell structure. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN103639941B, Authorization date: 10/06/2015.
4. Li Chenghu, Wu Zhe, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. Test jig of stiffened cylindrical shell structure. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN203765492U, Authorization date: 13/08/2014.
5. Zhang Tao, Wang Guoyong, Zhang Donghua, Cheng Xiaoquan, et al. A type of composite lug π-joint and its integrated co-curing method. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN103538715B, Authorization date: 08/06/2016.
6. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhang Qian, Wang Songwei, Guo Xin. A fiber reinforced composite aircraft cabin connection structure and its manufacturing method. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN108032988B, Authorization date: 16/06/2020. (Grant No. ZL 2017 1 1014578.2)
7. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhuang Qikai, Zhang Jie, Cheng Yujia, Wu Yongkang. An air cooling thermal protection structure for fatigue testing machine. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN109060510B, Authorization date: 02/02/2021. (Grant No. ZL 2018 1 0994427.6)
8. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhou Zhen, Guo Xin, Cheng Yujia, Wu Yongkang. A three point bending fatigue test device for displacement loading. China Invention Patent, Authorized number: CN110907297B, Authorization date: 03/26/2021. (Grant No. ZL 2019 1 1367328.6)
9. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhuang Qikai. A sandwich structure based on carbon foam and its preparation method and maintenance method. China Invention Patent, (Grant No. ZL 2021 1 1081463.1). Authorized number: CN 113771445 B, Authorization date: 2022.11.01.
10. Cheng Xiaoquan, Zhuang Qikai. An insulating tile based on resin based carbon foam and its preparation method. China Invention Patent, (Grant No. ZL 2021 1 1082915.8). Authorized number:CN 113669558 B, Authorization date: 2023.03.14.
11. Cheng Xiaoquan,Du Xiaoyuan. A prediction method for strength and failure modes of composite bolted connection structures. China Invention Patent, (Grant No. ZL 2021 1 1043981.4). Authorized number:CN 1113722861 B, Authorization date: 2023.07.18.
12. Cheng Xiaoquan,Li Haodong, etal. A Test System for Impact Separation Test. China Invention Patent, (Grant No. ZL 2022 1 0264337.8).Authorized number:CN 1100114150 B, 授权公告日: 2023.11.10.
13. Cheng Xiaoquan,Ran Guangling,Ma Yihao. Design and preparation method of microvessel self-healing structure for composite material. China Invention Patent, (Grant No. ZL 202111479648.8). Authorized number:CN 114201898 B, Authorization date: 2024.06.18.
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