.Nonlinear unbiased minimum-variance filter for Mars entry autonomous navigation under large uncertainties and unknown measurement bias:ISA Transactions
.WKNN indoor location algorithm based on zone partition by spatial features and restriction of former location:Pervasive and Mobile Computing
.An adaptive three-stage extended Kalman filter for nonlinear discrete-time system in presence of unknown inputs:Isa Transactions
.Degradation reliability modeling based on an independent increment process with quadratic variance:Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing
.Three-Stage Unscented Kalman Filter for State and Fault Estimation of Nonlinear System with unknown input:Journal of the Franklin Institute
.Integrated WiFi/MEMS Indoor Navigation Based on Searching Space Limiting and Self‑calibration:Computer engineering and computer science
.Tensile failure analysis and residual strength prediction of CFRP laminates with open hole:Composites Part B-Engineering
.Robust two-stage rank filter for mars entry navigation under parameter uncertainties:Aerospace Science and Technology
.Residual Stresses in Bone as Determined by a Slotting Method:Experimental Mechanics
.Robust three-stage unscented Kalman filter for Mars entry phase navigation:Information Fusion