的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/yangxianfeng/zh_CN/index.htm
学术研究:聚焦国家重大战略需求,紧密围绕我国新一代载人登月飞船、重型运载火箭、大型宽体客机以及航空发动机等航空航天重大工程,推进航空航天冲击动力学关键技术攻关,解决航空航天科学中涉及的关键科学难题。重点从事冲击动力学,材料动态响应与冲击失效(材料动态本构模型、冲击动力学实验技术),复合材料与结构的冲击动力学行为(复合材料动态本构表征、复合结构吸能设计),智能冲击防护设计(机器学习、数据驱动、人机交互智能冲击防护结构),增材制造结构力学行为(多材料增材制造、力学性能表征), 生物材料与仿生力学(生物材料力学行为、仿生吸能结构设计),飞行器结构抗冲击设计(抗鸟撞设计、抗冰雹冲击、飞行器耐撞性设计、直升机抗坠毁设计),航天器结构与机构设计(新一代载人飞船缓冲着陆、载人月球车冲击吸能、战斗部冲击安全性评估、可重复使用火箭着陆缓冲设计)等研究。率先建立了飞机拦阻全机耦合动力学精细化理论模型,完成我国首次大型飞机整机拦阻实验,突破了飞机应急拦阻技术的瓶颈,填补了我国大型飞机安全拦阻的空白,相关研究成果被中国航空报专题报道。基于在飞行器冲击防护设计的学术贡献,应美国M.F. Platzer教授邀请在航空宇航科学与技术旗舰期刊《Progress in Aerospace Science》发表2篇航空结构冲击的综述性文章。
科研方面:目前发表SCI论文40余篇(论文链接: ResearchGate, Google Scholar,ORCID),授权国家发明发明专利10余项、撰写专著教材2部;获评全国爆炸力学优秀青年学者、小米青年学者、中国力学学会优秀博士学位论文奖、王仁青年科技奖,入选北京市科技新星计划、北京市昌聚工程人才项目、国家博士后创新人才支持计划、北航青年拔尖人才支持计划;担任期刊《International Journal of Aerospace Engineering》编委、《Aerospace Systems》编委、《Defence Technology》青年编委、《应用力学学报》青年编委、《高压物理学报》青年编委;主持科技部重大研发专项子课题、国家自然科学基金项目、GF科工局基础科研稳定支持项目、工信部民机科研重大项目课题、民用飞机专项科研项目、航空科学基金、爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金、中国博士后科学基金等纵向课题,以及航空航天科研院所重点型号项目等横向课题。
[1] 2013.09--2018.06 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,固体力学,工学博士学位
[2] 2009.09--2013.06 西北工业大学,航空学院,飞行器设计与工程,工学学士学位
[1] 2021.01--至今 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,副教授
[2] 2019.12--2020.12 美国路易斯维尔大学,机械工程系,博士后
[3] 2019.01--2019.11 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,博士后
[4] 2018.07--2018.12 英国曼彻斯特大学,机械宇航土木工程学院,研究助理
[1] 冲击动力学
[2] 材料动态力学响应与冲击失效
[3] 仿生力学超材料设计
[4] 智能冲击动力学与吸能设计
[5] 多材料轻量化结构的增材制造及其力学行为
[6] 飞行器结构冲击与易损性评估(抗弹、抗爆、抗坠毁)
[7] 航天器着陆缓冲吸能结构设计
[1] 2023年 全国爆炸力学优秀青年学者
[2] 2023年 北京市科技新星计划
[3] 2023年 王仁青年科技奖
[4] 2022年 小米青年学者
[5] 2022年 第三届全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕业设计指导教师
[6] 2022年 北京航空航天大学校级优秀本科毕设论文指导教师
[7] 2021年 北京航空航天大学青年拔尖人才
[8] 2020年 中国力学学会优秀博士学位论文奖
[9] 2019年 国家博士后创新人才支持计划
[10] 2018年 博士研究生国家奖学金
[11] 2017年 博士研究生国家奖学金
[12] 2017年 工信部创新一等奖学金
[1] 中国航空学会计算与仿真分会委员
[2] 中国复合材料学会检测与评价技术专业委员会委员
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家
[4] 期刊《International Journal of Aerospace Engineering》编委(https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijae/editors/)
[5] 期刊《Aerospace Systems》编委 (https://www.springer.com/journal/42401/editors)
[6] 期刊《应用力学学报》青年编委
[7] 期刊《高压物理学报》青年编委
[8] 期刊《Current Chinese Science-Aerospace Science》编委 (https://currentchinesescience.com/aerospace-sciences/editorial-board.php)
[9] 中国力学学会(Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)会员
[10] 中国复合材料学会首届检测与评价技术专业委员会委员
[11] 担任以下期刊审稿人:Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Composites Part B: Engineering, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Materials & Design, Composite Structures, Aerospace Science and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Thin-walled structures, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Scientific Report等
[1] 杨嘉陵、杨先锋、刘华,飞机道面拦阻系统,北京:科学出版社,2024.
[45] Bo Li, Hua Liu, Xiaochuan Liu, Jialing Yang, Xianfeng Yang*. Numerical and experimental investigation of a variable cross-section hollow BCC lattice subjected to axial and oblique impact loadings, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 198, 105223, 2025.
[44] Bo Li, Hua Liu, Qiao Zhang, Chuanguo Chai, Jie Wang, Jialing Yang, Xianfeng Yang*. Crashworthiness and stiffness improvement of a variable cross-section hollow BCC lattice reinforced with metal strips, Aerospace Science and Technology, 109732, 2024.
[43] Yi Wang, Jingxuan Ma, Yu Zhang, Jialing Yang, Xianfeng Yang*. A semi-analytical method based on the Green’s function for the laser melting process of the metal materials, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 105138, 2024.
[42] Xulong Xi, Pu Xue, Xiaochuan Liu, Chunyu Bai, Xinyue Zhang, Xiaocheng Li, Chao Zhang, Xianfeng Yang*. Energy absorption and failure modes of different composite open-section crush elements under axial crushing loading, Materials, 17(13), 3197, 2024.
[41] Xianfeng Yang, Zhuoqu Chen, Jialing Yang, Hu Liu. Static and dynamic response of pyramidal lattice sandwich plate with composite face sheets reinforced by graphene platelets, Engineering Structures, 310, 118122, 2024.
[40] Xiaochuan Liu, Chunyu Bai, Xulong Xi, Sicong Zhou, Xinyue Zhang, Xiaocheng Li, Yiru Ren, Jialing Yang, Xianfeng Yang*. Impact response and energy absorption design of composite fuselage structures: an overview, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 101002, 2024.
[39] Qiao Zhang, Bo Li, Sicong Zhou, Min Luo, Fusheng Han, Chuanguo Chai, Jie Wang, Xianfeng Yang*. Superior energy absorption characteristics of additively-manufactured hollow-walled lattices. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2108834, 2023.
[38] Sicong Zhou, Hua Liu, Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang. Deformation behaviors and energy absorption characteristics of a hollow re-entrant auxetic lattice metamaterial. Aerospace Science and Technology, 142, 108583, 2023.
[37] Yan Yang, Hua Liu, Qiao Zhang, Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang. Energy absorption characteristics of a super hexagonal honeycomb under out-of-plane crushing, Thin-Walled Structures, 189, 110914, 2023.
[36] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yun Xing, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Thermal responses of human tissues during nano-assisted hyperthermia for subcutaneous tumors. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 103042, 2023.
[35] Binwen Wang, Yu Zhang, Chunyu Bai, Xulong Xi, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang. Mitigating hydrodynamic ram effect by a novel perforated lattice filled tank. Thin-Walled Structures, 182, 110232, 2023.
[34] Sicong Zhou, Hua Liu, Bo Li, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang. A detachable chain tensile energy absorber inspired by mortise and tenon joint. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 223, 107290, 2022.
[33] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Hu Liu. Temperature and burn area prediction for nano-assisted non-invasive thermotherapy of subcutaneous tumor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022.
[32] Xulong Xi, Xiaochuan Liu, Chunyu Bai, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang, Constitutive Behavior and Ballistic Performance of Aerospace 2A16 Aluminum Alloy under Different Impact Velocities, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 35(4): 04022033, 2022.
[31] Bo Li, Hua Liu, Qiao Zhang, Xianfeng Yang*, Jialing Yang. Crushing behavior and energy absorption of a bio-inspired bi-directional corrugated lattice under quasi-static compression load. Composite Structures, 286: 115315, 2022.
[30] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Theoretical analysis on thermal treatment of skin with repetitive pulses. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 1-21, 2021.
[29] 邢运, 张桥, 杨先锋*, 刘华, 杨嘉陵. 飞机蜂窝道面拦阻系统的动力学模型与数值模拟研究[J]. 航空科学技术, 2022, 33(01):66-75.
[28] 邢运, 张桥, 杨先锋*, 刘华, 杨嘉陵. 仿生梯度圆环防护系统的耐撞性设计[J]. 航空学报, 2022, 43(06):491-505.
[27] 冯荣欣, 邢运, 倪阳, 杨先锋, 汲生成, 邓志. 民用客机短舱进气道唇口抗鸟撞试验研究与仿真分析[J]. 复合材料科学与工程, 2022, No.344(09):102-108.
[26] Hu Liu, Qiao Zhang, Xianfeng Yang*, Jingxuan Ma. Size-dependent vibration of laminated composite nanoplate with piezo-magnetic face sheets. Engineering with Computers, 1-17, 2021.
[25] Xianfeng Yang, Hu Liu, Jingxuan Ma. Thermo-mechanical vibration of FG curved nanobeam containing porosities and reinforced by graphene platelets. Microsystem Technologies, 26(8): 2535-2551, 2020.
[24] Jie Liu, Xianfeng Yang*, Hua Liu, Jialing Yang. Enhanced energy absorption performance of hexagonal tubes by local surface nano-crystallization technique. Mechanics of Materials, 148: 103508, 2020.
[23] Jie Liu, Jiangbo Li, Xianfeng Yang*, Hua Liu, Jialing Yang. Plastic and energy absorption behavior of compressed circular rings with locally nanocrystallized segments. Thin-Walled Structures, 151: 106738, 2020.
[22] Xianfeng Yang, Jingxuan Ma, Dongsheng Wen, Jialing Yang. Crashworthy design and energy absorption mechanisms for helicopter structures: A systematic literature review. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 114: 100618, 2020.
[21] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Thermal damage in three-dimensional vivo bio-tissues induced by moving heat sources in laser therapy. Scientific Reports , 9(1): 1-13, 2019.
[20] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Theoretical investigation on the thermo-mechanical responses of the human skin during thermal therapy. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 161: 105041, 2019.
[19] Xianfeng Yang, Xulong Xi, Qifan Pan, Hu Liu. In-plane dynamic crushing of a novel circular-celled honeycomb nested with petal-shaped mesostructure. Composite Structures, 226: 111219, 2019.
[18] Xianfeng Yang, Jingxuan Ma, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. An internally nested circular-elliptical tube system for energy absorption. Thin-Walled Structures, 139: 281-293, 2019.
[17] Xiaochuan Liu, Xulong Xi, Chunyu Bai, Jialing Yang, Xianfeng Yang*. Dynamic response and failure mechanism of Ti-6AL-4V hi-lock bolts under combined tensile-shear loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 131: 140-151, 2019.
[16] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang, Jilin Yu. Theoretical analysis of nanoshell-assisted thermal treatment for subcutaneous tumor. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 93: 70-80, 2019.
[15] Xianfeng Yang, Jialing Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jingxuan Ma, Yuxin Sun, Hua Liu. A review of civil aircraft arresting system for runway overruns. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 102: 99-121, 2018.
[14] Shoubin Liu, Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang, Xin Wang. Theoretical 3D model of thermoelastic damping in laminated rectangular plate resonators. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18(12): 1850158, 2018.
[13] Xianfeng Yang, Jingxuan Ma, Shoubin Liu, Yun Xing, Jialing Yang, Yuxin Sun. An exact analytical solution for thermoelastic response of clamped beams subjected to a movable laser pulse. Symmetry, 10(5):139, 2018.
[12] Xianfeng Yang, Jingxuan Ma, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Ripplecomb: A novel triangular tube reinforced corrugated honeycomb for energy absorption. Composite Structures, 202: 988-999, 2018.
[11] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Shoubin Liu, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Exact solution of thermal response in a three-dimensional living bio-tissue subjected to a scanning laser beam. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124: 1107-1116, 2018.
[10] Xianfeng Yang, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Out-of-plane crashworthiness analysis of bio-inspired aluminum honeycomb patterned with horseshoe mesostructure. Thin-Walled Structures, 125:1-11, 2018.
[9] Shi Shang, Yanting Zheng, Ming Shen, Xianfeng Yang, Jun Xu. Numerical investigation on head and brain injuries caused by windshield impact on riders using electric self-balancing scooters. Applied bionics and biomechanics, 5738090, 2018.
[8] Xianfeng Yang, Jingxuan Ma, Yingli Shi, Yuxin Sun, Jialing Yang. Crashworthiness investigation of the bio-inspired bi-directionally corrugated core sandwich panel under quasi-static crushing load. Material & Design. 135:275-290, 2017.
[7] Guizhen Yu, Yanting Zheng, Bill Feng, Binghe Liu, Kangpei Meng, Xianfeng Yang, Hongshun Chen, Jun Xu. Computation modeling of laminated crack glass windshields subjected to headform impact. Computers & Structures, 193: 139-154, 2017.
[6] Yuxing Sun, Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Shoubin Liu, Jialing Yang. Thermo-elastic response of a simply supported beam irradiated by a movable laser pulse. Canadian Journal of Physics. 95(10):1012-1022, 2017.
[5] Xianfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Yun Xing, Jialing Yang, Yuxin Sun. A new theoretical model of aircraft arresting system based on polymeric foam material, Aerospace Science and Technology, 66: 284-293, 2017.
[4] Yun Xing, Xianfeng Yang, Jialing Yang, Yuxing Sun. A theoretical model of honeycomb material arresting system for aircrafts. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 48:316-337, 2017.
[3] Xianfeng Yang, Yun Xing, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jialing Yang, Yuxin Sun. Theoretical analysis and multi-objective optimization for gradient engineering material arresting system. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 22(5):541-555, 2017.
[2] 杨先锋, 张志强, 杨嘉陵, 孙玉鑫. 飞机泡沫混凝土道面拦阻系统的阻滞性能研究[J]. 兵工学报, 2017, 38(S1):155-162.
[1] Xianfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jialing Yang, Yuxin Sun. Fluid–structure interaction analysis of the drop impact test for helicopter fuel tank, SpringerPlus, 5:1573, 2016.
[1] 罗成, 柴传国, 林贵平, 王杰, 杨先锋. 一种具有重复锁定功能的阻尼器,中国, 专利号:CN202410842687.7, 2024.
[2] 杨先锋, 李博, 张桥, 罗敏, 杨嘉陵. 一种应用于航天器的并联式缓冲承载系统, 中国, 专利号:CN202310477301.2, 2023.
[3] 杨先锋, 周思聪, 刘华, 杨嘉陵. 一种可拆装链式拉伸能量吸收装置, 中国, 专利号:CN113915289B, 2023.
[4] 杨先锋, 张桥, 李博, 罗敏, 田政. 一种基于增材制造的力学性能可调的高比吸能点阵结构, 中国, 专利号:CN202211376439.5, 2023
[5] 魏文庆, 杨先锋, 高国华, 杨嘉陵, 聂晨毅, 刘杰, 邢运. 拦阻系统, 中国, 专利号:CN202010899555.X, 2020.
[6] 杨嘉陵, 杨先锋, 刘虎. 一种应用于飞机道面拦阻的新型双曲波纹夹心防护结构, 中国,专利号:CN201710703383.2, 2017.
[7] 杨嘉陵, 杨先锋, 马静轩, 孙玉鑫. 一种嵌套圆管抗冲击多级能量吸收装置, 中国, 专利号:CN201710235215.5, 2017.
[8] 杨嘉陵, 杨先锋, 虞吉林, 孙玉鑫. 一种轴向波纹蜂窝夹心板抗冲击吸能装置, 中国, 专利号:CN201811292765.1, 2017.
[9] 张冰融, 徐孝武, 杨先锋, 黄洪阳, 暴鑫. 一种三翼面布局的倾转机翼飞行器, 中国, 专利号:CN202021983692.3, 2020.
[10] 张冰融, 徐孝武, 杨先锋, 潘祈帆, 黄洪阳. 一种下抛式探测攻击无人机, 中国, 专利号:CN202010560622.5, 2020.
[11] 黄洪阳, 潘祈帆, 杨先锋, 张冰融, 王震锡, 王少鹏. 一种基于嵌入式二维码的无人飞机降落方法, 中国, 专利号:CN201911154842.1, 2020.
[12] 许骏, 刘冰河, 杨先锋. 一种哑铃状锂离子电池壳及其堆积方法, 中国, 专利号:CN201510993046.2, 2015.