杨顺川Shunchuan Yang

博士生导师   硕士生导师 






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->刘汉宏博士生的论文"Towards the Development of a Three-Dimensional SBP-SAT FDTD Method: Subgridding Implementation" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation接收,恭喜!!!!


->李姣姣硕士生的论文"An Accuracy-enhanced Vector Fitting Technique and Its Applications to Model Electromagnetic Parameters" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters接收,恭喜!!!!


->课题组全员于西安参加国际学术会议2024 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)吴威波博士生、王彦霖硕士生进行了口头报告。

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->课题组于意大利佛罗伦萨参加国际学术会议2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting朱泽昆、刘汉宏、邓朗然、王宇辉博士生进行了口头报告。

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->刘汉宏博士生获得国际学术会议2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Finalist for Best Student Paper Award (全球共12篇,中国地区2篇),恭喜!!!!

->邓朗然博士生、王宇辉博士生获得国际学术会议2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Honorable Mention for Best Student Paper Award (取全球前10%,共34篇), 恭喜!!!!


->朱泽昆博士生的论文"A Fast SIE Solver With Cut Set Analysis and Terminals as Supernodes for Interconnects" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems接收,恭喜!!!!

->课题组三篇论文"A Symmetric FDTD Subgridding Method with Guaranteed Stability and Arbitrary Grid Ratio"、"Towards the Development of A Three-Dimensional SBP-SAT FDTD Method: Theory and Validation"、"An FCC-FDTD Method on Nonuniform Grids with Guaranteed Stability for Electromagnetic Analysis"获评领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation "Popular Articles (January 2024)",恭喜!!!!

->邓朗然、王宇辉、刘汉宏博士生的论文"A Symmetric FDTD Subgridding Method with Guaranteed Stability and Arbitrary Grid Ratio"获评领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation"Featured Articles",恭喜!!!!

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->程雨博士生的论文"A Stable FDTD Subgridding Scheme with SBP-SAT for Transient TM Analysis" 被领域旗舰期刊Journal of Computational Physics接收,恭喜!!!!


->王宇辉博士生获得国际学术会议2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China) 最佳学生论文奖Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->课题组全员于杭州参加国际学术会议2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)朱泽昆、刘汉宏、邓朗然、王宇辉博士生进行了口头报告。

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->王宇辉博士生的论文"Toward the 2-D Stable FDTD Subgridding Method With SBP-SAT and Arbitrary Grid Ratio" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques接收,恭喜!!!!


->邓朗然博士生获得国际学术会议2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Finalist for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->刘汉宏博士生获得国际学术会议2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Honorable Mention for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->朱凯硕士毕业,前往比利时Katholieke Universiteit Leuve攻读博士学位,预祝朱凯一切顺利!!!!

->邓朗然博士生的论文"A Symmetric FDTD Subgridding Method with Guaranteed Stability and Arbitrary Grid Ratio" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation接收,恭喜!!!!

->朱泽昆博士生的论文"An SIE Formulation with Triangular Discretization and Loop Analysis for Parameter Extraction of Arbitrarily Shaped Interconnects" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques接收,恭喜!!!!





->白江飞博士生的论文"An Iterative Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Surface Integral Equation Method for Scattering Analysis of PEC Objects" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters接收,恭喜!!!!

->邓朗然硕士生获得国际学术会议2022 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium学生论文竞赛Honorable Mention for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->邓朗然、王宇辉硕士生参加国际学术会议2022 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium,并进行了口头报告。

->程雨硕士生与刘汉宏博士生的论文"Towards the Development of A Three-Dimensional SBP-SAT FDTD Method: Theory and Validation" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation接收,恭喜!!!!

->朱泽昆博士生获得2022年IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Fellowship奖学金,恭喜!!!!



->刘汉宏、朱泽昆、王宇辉、邓朗然于北京参加国际学术会议2022 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC),刘汉宏博士生、王宇辉硕士生进行了口头报告。

->程雨硕士毕业,前往爱尔兰University College Dublin攻读博士学位,预祝程雨一切顺利!!!!

->王宇辉硕士生和程雨硕士生的论文"An SBP-SAT FDTD Subgridding Method Using Staggered Yee's Grids Without Modifying Field Components for TM Analysis" 被领域旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques接收,恭喜!!!!

->胡安敏本科生获得2022年IEEE AP-S Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship奖学金,恭喜!!!!

->朱泽昆博士生获得国际学术会议 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Finalist for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->程雨硕士生获得国际学术会议 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Finalist for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!

->孙爱芃硕士生获得国际学术会议 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting学生论文竞赛Honorable Mention for Best Student Paper Award,恭喜!!!!




->Aipeng received the First Class of Segway-Ninebot Scholarship for Postgraduates, Congratulations!!!!

->Our paper titled "An Unconditionally Stable Conformal LOD-FDTD Method For Curved PEC Objects and Its Application for EMC Problems" has been accpeted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Hanhong, Good Job!!!

->Our paper titled "An Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for Wideband Frequency Sweep in Electromagnetic Simulations" has been accepted for publication in  IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters! Kai, Jinhui,  Good job!!!  

->Our paper titled "Single-Source SIE for Two-Dimensional Arbitrarily Connected Penetrable and PEC Objects with Nonconformal Meshes" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques! Zekun, Aipeng, Xiaochao, Good job!!!

->Zekun won the National Scholarship for Postgraduates, Congratulations!!!!

->Our paper titled "Vector Single-Source Surface Integral Equation for TE Scattering From Cylindrical Multilayered Objects" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques! Zekun, Xiaochao, Good job!!!

->Aipeng's paper, titled "A Hybrid SIE-PDE Formulation Without Additional Boundary Conditions for Electromagnetic Analysis", was selected as the Finalist for Student Paper Competition at 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, December 2021. Congratulations!!!

->Zekun's paper titled "Non-Conformal SS-SIE Formulation Without Treatments on Junctions for Composite Objects" won the "Honorable Mention" for Student Paper Competition at 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, December 2021. Congratulations!!!

->Zekun, Aipeng, Hanhong, Shuo, Jiangfei and I presented recent research results upon the integral equation method, conformal FDTD method at ACES-China2021 at Chengdu! (Virtual online meeting!)

->Zekun's paper titled "Vector SS-SIE for Electromagnetic Analysis of Complex Scatters Embedded in Multilayers", was selected as the Finalist for Student Paper Competition at ACES-China, Chengdu, August 2021. Congratulations!!!

->Yangfan, Yuan passed their graduation defense, Congratulations!!!

->Xiaochao passed her graduation defense, Congratulations!!!

->Our paper titled "Formulation of Single-Source Surface Integral Equation for Electromagnetic Analysis of 2D Partially Connected Penetrable Objects" has been accepted for publications in IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques. Congratulations, Xiaochao, Zekun!!!

->Our paper titled "An Accurate Edge-based FEM for Electromagnetic Analysis with Its Applications to Multiscale Structures" has been accepted for publications in International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. Congratulations, Yangfan!!!


->Cheng Yu and Yin Yuan did three oral presentations upon our recent research works at NEMO2020, Hangzhou!

->Our paper titiled "Towards a Unified Approach to Electromagnetic Analysis by Multilayer Embedded Objects" has been accepted for publications in Journal of Computational Physics. Congratulations, Xiaochao, Zekun!!!

->Our paper titiled "Investigation of Numerical Dispersion with Time Step of The FDTD Methods: Avoiding Erroneous Conclusions" has accepted for publications in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation. 

->Zekun received the Second Class of Segway-Ninebot Scholarship for Postgraduates, Congratulations!!!!

->Xiaochao received the National Scholarship for Postgraduates, Congratulations!!!!

->We have three new master students, Aipeng Sun, Kai Zhu, Hanhong Liu, to join our research group! Welcome on board!

->Our new paper "A New Electromagnetic Emission Source Frequency and Factor Identification Approach for Nonlinear Circuits from the Output Spectrum Data" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access, Congratulations, Hui Xu!

->Zhekun has presented his recent research results in a virtual IEEE AP-S symposium.  

->One page abstract titiled "Single-Source Vector SIE For TE Scattering For Composite Structures" has been accepted for presentation at the 2020 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium in China (ACES-China 2020)! Congratulations, Zekun, Xiaochao!

->Our new paper "A New Optimization Algorithm Applied in Electromagnetics -- Maxwell's Equations Derived Optimization (MEDO)" has been accepted for publication in Science China Information Sciences, Congratulations, Lilin!

->Our paper titiled "ES-FEM with ABC for Accurate Parameter Extraction of High Speed Interconnects" has been accepted for presentation in 2020 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT2020)! Congratulations, Yangfan!

->Our paper titiled "Single-Source SIE for TE Electromagnetic Analysis of Penetrable Objects" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE AP-S, MontrealCanada, July, 2020! Congratulations,  Zekun, Xiaochao!


->Dr. Shunchuan Yang and Dr. Zhizhang (David) Chen organized a special session at PIERS2019 in Xiamen on December 20, 2019. The session title is Emerging Numerical Methods and Their Applications and it mainly focuses on novel emerging methods and their applications in the integrated circuit modeling,  emission source identifications and others. Several excellent talks are given in this session. Prof. Wenshen Zhao from Hangzhou Dianzi University gave an invited talk and shared research results upon 3D integrated circuit modeling done in his group during last few years. Dr. Chen shared latest research results upon time-reversal method and its applications. Dr. Nie and Miss Zhou from our group reported their results upon spherical equivalent array method and surface integral equation method. I (on behalf of Dr. Guangzhi Chen) also gave a talk upon a new FDTD method with much lower numerical dispersion error compared with the traditional FDTD method and its applications.  



->Our paper titiled "Novel Single-Source SIE for Scattering Problems by Complex Multilayer Embedded Objects" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ICCEM, Singapore, March, 2020! Congratulations,  Xiaochao!

->Our paper titiled "An Accurate and Efficient Single Source Surface Integral Equation for Multilayer Coated Conductor Modeling" has been accepted for presentation at PIERS, Xiamen, Dec., 2019! Congratulations, Xiaochao!

->Our paper titiled "FDTD(2,4) Method on Face-centered Cubic Grid" has been accepted for presentation at PIERS, Xiamen, Dec., 2019! Congratulations Guangzhi!

->Our paper titiled "Study on Multi-radiation Source Equivalence and Prediction" has been accepted for presentation at PIERS, Xiamen, Dec., 2019!! Congratulations Jin!

->Xiaochao Zhou gave an invited talk on our recent research results at ACES-China2019 at Nanjing, August, 2019. The title of her talk is "A Novel Single Source Surface Integral Equation for Electromagnetic Analysis by Multilayer Embedded Objects". Guangzhi Chen, Fan Zhang, Hui Xu, Qian Shi presented their research results at ACES-China2019 at Nanjing! Congratulations!


->Our paper titiled "Efficient Expotential Function Evaluation for MOM and Its Applications to Integrated Circuit Modeling" has been accepted for presentation at ACES-China 2019! Congratulations!

->Our paper titiled "A Novel Single Source Surface Integral Equation for Electromagnetic Analysis by Multilayer Embedded Objects" has been accepted for presentation at ACES-China 2019! Congratulations, Xiaochao!

->Welcome Yu Cheng and Zekun Zhu to join our group as master students!!!

->Our collaborated research work with Dr. Monfared has been accepted for publication at results in physics. The title of our paper is "Selectively toluene-filled photonic crystal fiber Sagnac interferometer with high sensitivity for temperature sensing applications"! Congratulations!

->Our paper titiled "An Accurate Three-Dimensional FDTD (2,4) Method on Face-Centered Cubic Grids with Low Numerical Dispersion" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters! Congratulations, Guangzhi!

->Our paper titiled "Fast Green Function Evaluation for Method of Moment" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters! Congratulations!

->Our paper titiled "An Edge-based Smoothed FEM for Multiscale Electrostatic Lens Modeling" has been accepted for presentation at ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2019! Congratulations, Yangfan!

->Our paper titiled "Numerical Dispersion Reduction Approach for Finite-difference Methods" has been accepted for publication in Electronics Letters! Congratulations, Guangzhi!

->Our paper titiled "An Edge-based Smoothed FEM for Accurate High-Speed Interconnect Modeling" has been accepted for presentation at NEMO2019, Boston, USA, May, 2019! Congratulations, Yangfan! 

->Our paper titiled "Fast Green Function Evaluation for Method of Moment" has been accepted for presentation at NEMO2019, Boston, USA, May, 2019! Congratulations!


->Our paper titiled "A Divergence-free Meshless Method for Transient Vector Wave Equations" has been accepted for publication at ACES Journal! Congratulations!!

->Our paper titiled "A Novel Classification Method Based on Adaboost for Electromagnetic Emission" has been accepted for publication at ACES Journal! Congratulations, Jin!

->Our paper titiled "基于体积分方程的三维集成电路互连线电磁快速求解器" has been accepted for publication in Chinese Journal of Radio Science (电波科学学报)!

->Our paper titiled "基于体积分方程的三维集成电路互连线电磁快速求解器" at EMC2018 (Chongqing) won the best paper award! Congratulations!!

->Our paper titled "A novel classification method based on adaboost for electromagnetic emission characteristics" has been accepted for publication at ACES-China2018. Congratulations to Jin Nei!


->Our paper titled "A Vector Meshless Method for Transient Vector Wave Equations" has been accepted for publication at ACES-China2018. Congratulations to Jie Zhang, Jianzhong Lu, Yan Liu!


->Jie Zhang, Jianzhong Lu and Yan Liu won the second place prize in the student modelling contest at ACES-China2018 under the supervision of Dr. Shunchuan Yang and Xiuzhu Ye! Great job, guys!
