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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:研究生教学副院长


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

[18]  Y. Xu, Q. Li, and H. E. King; 

Modeling oil recovery for mixed macro- and micro-pore carbonate grainstones

Scientific Reports 7(1) 9780 (2017)

[17]  Q. Ma, L. Li, Y. Xu*, J. Gu, L, Wang, and Y. Xu; 

Effect of bias voltage on TiAlSiN nanocomposite coatings deposited by HiPIMS

Applied Surface Science 392, 826-833 (2017)  (*co-corresponding author)

[16]  Q. Ma, L. Li, Y. Xu, X. Ma, Y. Xu, and H. Liu; 

Effect of Ti content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiN nanocomposites coatings

International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 59, 114-120 (2016)

[15]  L. Wu, C. Ortiz, Y. Xu, J. Willenbring, and D. Jerolmack; 

in situ liquid-cell observations of asbestos fiber diffusion in water

Environmental Science and Technology 49, 13340-13349 (2015)

[14]  D. M. Sussman, S. S. Schoenholz, Y. Xu, T. Still, A. G. Yodh, and A. J. Liu; 

Strain fluctuations and elastic moduli in disordered solids

Physical Review E 92, 022307 (2015)

[13]  R. Dreyfus, Y. Xu, T. Still, L. A. Hough, A. G. Yodh, and S. Torquato; 

Diagnosing Hyperuniformity in Two-dimentional Disordered Jammed-packings of Soft Spheres

Physical Review E 91, 012302 (2015)  

- selected as Editor’s Suggestions

[12]  R. W. Style, R. Boltyanskiy, G. K. German, C. Hyland, C. W. MacMinn, A. F. Mertz, L. A. Wilen, Y. Xu, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Using Traction Force Microscopy in Physics and Biology

Soft Matter 10, 4047-4055 (2014)

[11]  A. Basu, Y. Xu*, T. Still, P. E. Arratia, Z. Zhang, K. N. Nordstrom, J. P. Gollub, D. J. Durian, and A. G. Yodh; 

Rheology of Soft Colloids Near Rigidity Onset: Critical Scaling, Thermal, and Non-thermal Responses

Soft Matter 10, 3027-3035 (2014) (* co-first-author and corresponding author)

[10]  Y. Xu, G. K. German, A. F. Mertz, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Imaging Stress and Strain in the Fracture of Drying Colloidal Films

Soft Matter 9, 3735-3740 (2013)  

- recommended as a “HOT paper” on Soft Matter Blog

[9]   G. K. German, W. C. Engl, E. Pashkovski, S. Banerjeee, Y. Xu, A. F. Mertz, C. Hyland, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Heterogeneous Drying Stresses in stratum corneum

Biophysical Journal 102, 2424-2432 (2012)

[8]   A. F. Mertz, S. Banerjee, Y. Che, G. K. German, Y. Xu, C. Hyland, M. C. Marchetti, V. Horsley, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Scaling of Traction Forces with Size of Cohesive Cell Colonies

Physical Review Letters 108, 198101 (2012)  

- selected as Editor’s Suggestions

[7]   E. R. Jerison, Y. Xu, L. A. Wilen, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Deformation of an Elastic Substrate by a Three-Phase Contact Line

Physical Review Letters 106, 186103 (2011)  -

 selected as Editor’s Suggestions and featured in Physics Today

[6]   Y. Xu, W. C. Engl, E. R. Jerison, K. J. Wallenstein, C. Hyland, L. A. Wilen, and E. R. Dufresne; 

Imaging in-plane and normal stresses near an interface crack using traction force microscopy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 107, 14964-14967 (2010)  

- featured in Yale Press Release, Physics Today, and Yale Scientific Magazine

[5]   Y. Xu, X. Huang, and A. G. Ramirez; 

Crystallization of Amorphous NiTiCu Thin Films.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480, L13-L16 (2009)

[4]   Y. Xu, L. H. Li, X. Cai, and P. K. Chu; 

Hard Nanocomposite Ti-Si-N Films Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Using Ti-Si Mosaic Target.

Surface and Coating Technology 201, 6824-6827 (2007)

[3]   Y. Xu, L. Li, X. Cai, Q. Chen, and P. K. Chu; 

The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Si-N Nanocomposite Coating Prepared by DC Magnetron Sputtering.

Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University 41, 452-456 (2007) (in Chinese)

[2]   Y. Xu, X. Cai, Q. Chen, Y. Shen, and L. H. Li; 

Development of Superhard Ti-Si-N Nanocomposite Coating.

New Technology & New Process (8), 5-8 (2006) (in Chinese)

[1]   S. Guo, L. H. Li, X. Cai, Q. Chen, Y. Xu, H. Weng, and M. Xu; 

The Compound Ion Implanter Control System Based on the PC-PLC.

New Technology & New Process (11), 12-15 (2005) (in Chinese)