的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/xingwei/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: • Mallia., D, Kochanski, A., Kelly, K., Whitaker, R., Xing, W., Mitchell, L., Jacques A., Farguell, A., Mandel, J., Gaillardon, P., Becnel, T., Krueger, S. Evaluating wildfire smoke transport within a coupled fire-atmosphere model using a novel high-density instrumentation network. (Accepted, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres) (中科院分区Q2,JCR Q1)
下一条: • Xing, W., Kirby, R.M, Zhe, S, Sun K., Shah A. A.. Greedy Nonlinear Autoregression For Multifidelity Computer Models at Different Scales. (Accepted, Journal of Energy and AI) (新办SCI收录杂志)