Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
.An efficient method for transcranial ultrasound focus correction based on the coupling of boundary integrals and finite elements:Ultrasonics
.Flow shear stress controls the initiation of neovascularization via heparan sulfate proteoglycans:LAB ON A CHIP
.Mandarin Electrolaryngeal Speech Recognition Based on WaveNet-CTC:Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research
.Dynamic walking stability of elderly people with various BMIs:Gait & Posture
.Design and Preliminary Evaluation of Electrolarynx With F0 Control Based on Capacitive Touch Technology:IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
.Development and Evaluation of Wheel-Controlled Pitch Adjustable Electrolarynx:Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing