Baochang ZhangProfessorBeihang University, Beijing, China Academic Advisor of Deep Learning Lab of Baidu inc.Http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/mpl/en/index.htmEmail: bczhang@buaa.edu.cn; bczhang@139.comOur Github: https://github.com/bczhangbczhang Brief CVBaochang Zhang received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Harbin Institute of the Technology, Harbin, China, in 1999, 2001, and...details>
School/Department:Beihang University
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
Academic Advisor of Institute of Deep Learning, Baidu Research -
Education Experience
 哈尔滨工业大学 |  Computer Science and Technology   本硕博 
Work Experience
2006/11-2007/11 IE | Chinese unversity of Hongkong  | researcher  | 2006/11- 2007/8  | Focusing on face recognition 
2007/11-2008/11 Griffith university  | Griffith fellow  |    | focusing on feature learning 
2011/3-2011/12 PolyU Hong Kong  | visting fellow  |    | focusing on infrared face recognition 
2014/1-2015/3 PAVIS | IIT Italian  | Senior Postdoc  |    | focusing on machine learning