莫超杰(联系方式:mochaojie@buaa.edu.cn),男,中共党员,2018年博士毕业于北京航空航天大学宇航学院,毕业后先后于德国于利希研究中心复杂系统研究所/先进模拟技术研究所和西班牙巴斯克应用数学中心开展博士后研究。主要从事介尺度流体数值模拟方法、微生物/微纳米机器人游动力学、射流稳定性与雾化等方向的研究。在光滑耗散粒子动力学的框架下开发了固体浸润过程与膨胀耦合模型,流动与固体侵蚀耦合模型,柔性体大变形与粘弹性流体耦合模型,提出了预测多体耗散粒子动力学液体结构的类HNC闭合关系。通过开展数值模拟研究在固液萃取、复杂流体环境中的微纳米机器人游动行为等方向取得了多项原创性科学成果。截至目前,共发表SCI论文22篇,以第一作者/通讯作者在Phys. Rev. E, Phys. Fluids, J. Food Eng. 等期刊发表论文12篇。获中德博士后奖学金奖励,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项。
C Mo, L Navarini, FS Liverani, M Ellero, Modelling swelling effects in real espresso extraction using a 1-dimensional coarse-grained model, Journal of Food Engineering, 365 (2024), 111843
C Mo, Q Fu, X Bian, Chemotaxis of an elastic flagellated microrobot, Physical Review E, 108 (4), 044408, 2023
C Mo, R Johnston, L Navarini, FS Liverani, M. Ellero, Exploring the link between coffee matrix microstructure and flow properties using combined X-ray microtomography and smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations, Scientific Reports, 13 (2023), 16374
C Mo, D Fedosov, Hydrodynamic clustering of two finite-length flagellated swimmers in viscoelastic fluids, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 20 (199):20220667, 2023
C Mo, L Navarini, FS Liverani, M Ellero, Modeling swelling effects during coffee extraction with smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Physics of Fluids, 34 (4), 043104, 2022
C Mo, R Johnston, L Navarini, M Ellero, Modeling the effect of flow-induced mechanical erosion during coffee filtration, Physics of Fluids, 33 (9), 093101, 2021
C Mo, D Fedosov, Competing effects of inertia, sheet elasticity, fluid compressibility, and viscoelasticity on the synchronization of two actuated sheets, Physics of Fluids, 33 (4), 043109, 2021
C Mo, G Li, X Bian, Challenges and attempts to make intelligent microswimmers, Frontiers in Physics. 11(Sep), 2023