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Ziyu Ren

Personal Information

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2024-01-11

School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Education Level:博士研究生


Contact Information:renzy@buaa.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Professional Title:Associate Professor


Alma Mater:ETH Zurich

Discipline:Mechanical Engineering

Academic Honor:
2023  elected:National outstanding youth fund winner

Honors and Titles:
2022-04-01  elected:ETH Medal;
2019-06-01  elected:2019 Robotics: Science and Systems Best paper award;
2019-12-01  elected:2019 IEEE-CYBER Best paper award;
2017-12-01  elected:2017 ROBIO Best paper award in biomimetics;
2015-06-01  elected:2015 CLAWAR Best technical paper award;
2017-03-01  elected:Outstanding master's thesis of Beihang University;
2014-07-01  elected:Outstanding graduate of Beihang University


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Other Contact Information

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Educational Experience

  • 2017.7-2022.4

    ETH Zurich | Electrical Engineering | Postgraduate (Doctoral) | Doctoral degree

  • 2014.9-2017.3

    Beihang University | Mechanical Engineering | Master's Degree | Master's Degree

  • 2010.9-2014.7

    Beihang University | Mechanical Engineering | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

  • 2024.1-Now

     School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation | Beihang University | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 

  • 2022.12-2023.12

     Physical Intelligence Department | Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems | Physical Intelligence Department 

Social Affiliations

    No content

Research Group

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