Journal Papers
R.Y. Mou, Z. Li, X.R. Huang, W.X. Huang, and L. Fang. Shape optimization of a flexible flapping wing with hovering kinematics. Physics of Fluids, accepted (2025) (SCI)
C.Y. Wang, H. Zhang, T. Xue, and L. Fang. A multi-factor CFD simulation to dust suppression in dynamic tunnel excavation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 159: 106458 (2025) (SCI)
L. Fang, Z.Y. Zhou, X.R. Huang, and Z. Li. Initialization algorithms of a rigid-flexible coupling fluid-structure interaction system by considering length-and-area constraints, Water, 16(22): 3265 (2024) (SCI)
C.H. Wang, L. Fang, Z. Wang, and C.X. Xu. Role of Fourier phase dynamics in decaying turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 9: 114603 (2024) (SCI)
J.L. Du, W.S. Liu, L. Fang, and T.W. Bao. Involving non-equilibrium training dataset in data-driven turbulence modeling for turbomachinery. The Aeronautical Journal, accepted (2024) (SCI)
X. Hou, J. Zhang, and L. Fang. Invertible neural network combined with dynamic mode decomposition applied to flow field feature extraction and prediction. Physics of Fluids, 36(9): 095174 (2024) (SCI)
X.X. Li, R.F. Hu, and L. Fang. Scaling laws of velocity gradient moments of attached eddies. Physical Review Fluids, 9: 094602 (2024) (SCI)
C.Y. Wang, and L. Fang. An analytical scaling law model framework for short-time dust emission from belt conveyor. Advanced Powder Technology, 35(10): 104613 (2024) (SCI)
T.W. Bao, Z.Y. He, J.L. Du, C.Y. Wang, L. Fang, and S. Chen. Numerical Study of the Boundary Layer Separation of a Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade at Different Incidence Angles. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2024: 8832296 (2024) (SCI)
Z.H. Chen, and L. Fang. Eliminating the residual velocity divergence of spectral methods in channel turbulence. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal, 24(3): 127-134 (2024) (SCI)
R.Y. Mou, W.X. Huang, X.R. Huang, and L. Fang. Vortex-induced rotation of square cylinder under the influence of Reynolds number and density ratio. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 986: A15 (2024) (SCI)
X.Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y.H. Zhang, and L. Fang. Applicability assessment of effective-medium approximation in predicting radiative characteristics of fractal aggregates with non-absorbing spherical particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 321: 108992 (2024) (SCI)
C.S. Luo, P.F. Yang, and L. Fang. Low-order moments of velocity gradient tensors in two-dimensional isotropic turbulence. Symmetry, 16(2):175 (2024) (SCI)
T. Wu, L. Fang, J. Peinke, and W.J.T. Bos. Exciting turbulence in an elongated domain. Journal of Turbulence, 25(1-3): 1-15, DOI:10.1080/14685248.2023.2298882 (2024) (SCI)
C.S. Luo, R.Y. Mou, X.R. Huang, W.X. Huang, and L. Fang. A free-streamline boundary-layer model for small-amplitude oscillation regime of square cylinder under vortex-induced rotation. Physics of Fluids, 35: 093602 (2023) (SCI)
X. Shao, J. Fang, and L. Fang. Non-equilibrium dissipation laws in a minimal two-scale wake model. Physics of Fluids, 35: 085105 (2023) (SCI)
Z. Li, X.R. Huang, and L. Fang. Numerical modeling of fluid-structure-piezoelectric interaction for energy harvesting. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 414: 116164 (2023) (SCI)
L. Fang, and W.J.T. Bos. An EDQNM study of the dissipation rate in isotropic non-equilibrium turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 24 (6-7): 217-234 (2023) (SCI)
G. Wu, L. Fang, and J. Zhang. Numerical investigation and parametric analysis of an attached eddy model applied to inlet condition. Physics of Fluids, 34: 115143 (2022) (SCI)
P.F. Yang, J. Fang, L. Fang, A. Pumir, and H.T. Xu. Low-order moments of the velocity gradient in homogeneous compressible turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 947: R1 (2022) (SCI)
L. Fang, T.W. Bao, W.Q. Xu, Z.D. Zhou, J.L. Du, and Y. Jin. Data driven turbulence modeling in turbomachinery --- an applicability study. Computers & Fluids, 238: 105354 (2022) (SCI)
L. Fang, L.L. Li, J.S. Guo, Y.W. Liu, and X.R. Huang. Time scale of directional change of active Brownian particles. Physics Letters A, 427: 127934 (2022) (SCI)
J. Chai, and L. Fang. Late dynamics of large-scale vortices in periodic two-dimensional flows. Physics Letters A, 426: 127889 (2022) (SCI)
H.K. Zhao, Y.W. Liu, L. Shao, L. Fang, and M. Dong. Existence of positive skewness of velocity graidient in early transition. Physical Review Fluids, 6: 104608 (2021) (SCI)
F. Liu, L. Fang, and J. Fang. Non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in transitional flat plate boundary-layer flows. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 42: 567-582 (2021) (SCI)
T. Wu, L. Fang, and Z. Wang. Exact time scale of energy exchange in triad interactions of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 33: 035136 (2021) (SCI)
F. Liu, L. Fang, and L. Shao. The role of velocity derivative skewness in understanding non-equilibrium turbulence. Chinese Physics B, 29(11): 114702 (2020) (SCI)
G.Q. Jing, D. Ding, and L. Fang. Ballasted track aerodynamic optimization by wind tunnel test and CFD simulation. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, DOI:10.1177/0954409720960889 (2020) (SCI)
J. Chai, T. Wu, and L. Fang. Single-scale two-dimensional-three-component generalized-Beltrami-flow solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Physics Letters A, 384: 126857 (2020) (SCI)
J. Chai, L. Fang, and J.P. Bertoglio. Reducing the background anisotropy by using hexagonal Fourier transform in two-dimensional turbulent flows. Computers & Fluids, 210: 104671 (2020) (SCI)
L. Fang, T. Wu, and W.J.T. Bos. Staircase scaling of short-time energy transfer in turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 21(4): 234-242 (2020) (SCI)
K. Jia, L. Fang, and W.X. Huang. Coupled states of dual side-by-side inverted flags in a uniform flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91: 102768 (2019) (SCI)
F. Liu, L.P. Lu, W.J.T. Bos, and L. Fang. Assessing the nonequilibrium of decaying turbulence with reversed initial fields. Physical Review Fluids, 4: 084603 (2019) (SCI)
L. Fang, H.K. Zhao, W.D. Ni, J. Fang, and L.P. Lu. Non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in the flow over a backward-facing ramp. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English version), 40(2): 215-236 (2019) (SCI)
F. Liu, L. Fang, and L.P. Lu. Non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in transitional channel flows. Journal of Turbulence, 19(9): 731-753 (2018) (SCI)
J.Z. Wu, L. Fang, L. Shao, and L.P. Lu. Theories and applications of second-order correlation of longitudinal velocity increments at three points in isotropic turbulence. Physics Letters A, 382(25): 1665-1671 (2018) (SCI)
C.H. Wang, and L. Fang. A closure for isotropic turbulence based on extended scale similarity theory in physical space. Chinese Physics Letters, 35(8): 080501 (2018) (SCI)
L. Fang, and L.P. Lu. Rational subgrid-scale modelling: a short survey. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 8(3): 143-146 (2018)
J.Z. Wu, and L. Fang. Two-dimensional free-surface flow under gravity: A new benchmark case for SPH method. AIP Advances, 8(2): 025220 (2018) (SCI)
B. Huang, J.Y. Hong, G.Q. Jing, W. Niu, and L. Fang. Travelling wave solutions of the homogeneous one-dimensional FREFLO model. AIP Advances, 8(1): 015217 (2018) (SCI)
Y. Huang, J.M. Wu, L. Fang, L.X. Wu, and L. Wang. Experiments on the merged vortex formation in a flapping plate. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 916(1): 012016 (2017)
L. Fang, S.L. Wang, and J.Y. Hong. Analytical expressions of the deformation limit of fluid particles. Physics Letters A, 381(48): 3996-4004 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang, H.K. Zhao, L.P. Lu, Y.W. Liu, and H. Yan. Quantitative description of non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in compressors. Aerospace Science and Technology, 71: 78-89 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang, and F. Gao. A closure model on velocity structure functions in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English version), 38(11): 1627-1634 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang. Background scalar-level anisotropy caused by low-wave-number truncation in turbulent flows. Physical Review E, 95(3), 033102 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang, and M.W. Ge. Mathematical constraints in multiscale subgrid-scale modeling of nonlinear systems. Chinese Physics Letters, 34(3): 030501 (2017) (SCI)
M.W. Ge, L. Fang, and Y.Q. Liu. Drag reduction of wall bounded incompressible turbulent flow based on active dimples/pimples. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29(2): 261-271 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang, J.C. Marongiu, J. Leduc, A. Amicarelli, and J. Caro. A high-order SPH method by introducing inverse kernels. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 30(1): 1-14 (2017) (SCI)
L. Fang, X.Y. Sun, and Y.W. Liu. A criterion of orthogonality on the assumption and restrictions in subgrid-scale modelling of turbulence. Physics Letters A, 380(47): 3988-3992 (2016) (SCI)
L. Fang, Y.J. Zhang, J. Fang, and Y. Zhu. Relation of the fourth-order statistical invariants of velocity gradient tensor in isotropic turbulence. Physical Review E, 94(2): 023114 (2016) (SCI)
Z.C. Qin, L. Fang, and J. Fang. How isotropic are turbulent flows generated by using periodic conditions in a cube? Physics Letters A, 380(13): 1310-1317 (2016) (SCI)
Y.W. Liu, H. Yan, L. Fang, L.P. Lu, Q.S. Li, and L. Shao. Modified k-omega model using kinematic vorticity for corner separation in compressor cascade. Science China Technological Sciences. 59(5): 795-806 (2016) (SCI)
L. Fang, F.Y. Liu, S. Chen, and J.Z. Wu. The SPH-EL method for the simulation of the interaction between water drops and solid wall. Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 2(2): 55-60 (2015)
L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, and G.D. Jin, Short-time evolution of Lagrangian velocity gradient correlations in isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 27: 125102 (2015) (SCI)
M.W. Ge, L. Fang, and D. Tian, Influence of Reynolds number on multi-objective design of a wind turbine blade in the aspect of aerodynamics. PloS one, 10(11): E0141848 (2015) (SCI)
L. Fang, Y. Zhu, Y.W. Liu, and L.P. Lu, Spectral non-equilibrium property in homogeneous isotropic turbulence and its implication in subgrid-scale modeling, Physics Letters A, 379(38): 2331-2336 (2015) (SCI)
W.J.T. Bos, and L. Fang, Dependency of turbulent advection on the Lagrangian correlation time, Physical Review E, 91: 043020 (2015) (SCI)
Y.S. Ma, L. Fang, and Y. Wang, Advances of some recent mechanical models on emergency evacuation, Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1(1): 25-30 (2014)
L. Fang, Correlation between large- and small-scale velocity components under Fourier filters, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 4(6): 10-062008 (2014)
L. Fang, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio, Recent understanding on the subgrid-scale modeling of large-eddy simulation in physical space, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 57(12): 2188-2193 (2014) (SCI)
L. Fang, J.Z. Wu, and Y.W. Liu, Inverse SPH method: a new method for restoring high-order consistency, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A, 32(6): 4839-4848 (2014) (EI)
S. Chen, L. Fang, and B. Qu, A numerical method for tracking the deformation of fluid particles, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 556-562: 3752-3755 (2014) (EI)
F.Y. Liu, L. Fang, A Local regrouping method in the 2D SPH simulation. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 556-562: 3756-3759 (2014) (EI)
L. Fang, B. Li, and L.P. Lu, Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence and its application in large-eddy simulation, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(3): 339-350 (2014) (SCI)
H. Yan, Y.W. Liu, L. Fang, and L.P. Lu, Modification of Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for predicting S825 airfoil aerodynamic performance, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 543-547: 189-194 (2014) (EI)
S.Y. Yao, L. Fang, J.M. Lv, J.Z. Wu, and L.P. Lu, Multiscale three-point velocity increment correlation in turbulent flows, Physics Letters A, 378(11-12): 886-891 (2014) (SCI)
Y.S. Jiang, L. Fang, X.D. Jing, X.F. Sun, and F. Leboeuf, A second-order numerical method for elliptic equations with singular sources using local filter, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26(6): 1398-1408 (2013) (SCI)
L. Fang, M.W. Ge, and J.Z. Wu, Comment on "A self-adjusting flow dependent formulation for the classical Smagorinsky model coefficient", Physics of Fluids, 25(9): 099101 (2013) (SCI)
W.J.T. Bos, R. Rubinstein, and L. Fang, Reduction of mean-square advection in turbulent passive scalar mixing, Physics of Fluids, 24(7): 075104 (2012) (SCI)
L. Fang, Y.W. Liu, G.Q. Jing, and S.J. Huang, Review of some recent patents on the Large-Eddy Simulation technique in turbulence, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 5: 89-95 (2012) (EI)
L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio, Time-reversibility of Navier-Stokes turbulence and its implication for subgrid scale models, Journal of Turbulence, 13(3): 1-14 (2012) (SCI)
Y.W. Liu, L.P. Lu, L. Fang, and F. Gao, Modification of Spalart-Allmaras model with consideration of turbulence energy backscatter using velocity helicity, Physics Letters A, 375(24): 2377-2381 (2011) (SCI)
A. Amicarelli, J.C. Marongiu, F. Leboeuf, J. Leduc, M. Neuhauser, L. Fang, and J. Caro, SPH truncation error in estimating a 3D derivative, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 87(7): 677-700 (2011) (SCI)
W.J.T. Bos, R. Rubinstein, and L. Fang, Depletion of advection in turbulent scalar mixing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318: 052037 (2011) (EI)
L. Fang, A new dynamic formula for determining the coefficient of Smagorinsky model, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 1(3): 032002 (2011)
Y. Wei, S. Cotin, J. Allard, L. Fang, C. Pan, and S. Ma, Interactive blood-coil simulation in real-time during aneurysm embolization, Computers & Graphics, 35(2): 422-430 (2011) (SCI)
L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, L.P. Lu, and Z.S. Zhang, The rapid-slow decomposition of the subgrid flux in inhomogeneous scalar turbulence, Journal of Turbulence, 12(8): 1-23 (2011) (SCI)
L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, X. Zhou, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio, Corrections to the scaling of the second-order structure function in isotropic turbulence, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 26(2): 151 (2010) (SCI)
Y. Wei, S. Cotin, L. Fang, J. Allard, C. Pan, and S. Ma, Real-time simulation of blood flow and coil interactions during aneurysm embolization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5761: 198-205 (2009) (EI)
L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S. Zhang, An improved velocity increment model based on Kolmogorov equation of filtered velocity, Physics of Fluids, 21(6): 065108 (2009) (SCI)
G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, L. Fang, L. Shao, and Z.S. Zhang, A new subgrid eddy-viscosity model for large-eddy simulation of anisotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 582: 377-397 (2007) (SCI)
L. Fang, G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S. Zhang, Multi-scale analysis of energy transfer in scalar turbulence, Chinese Physics Letters, 22: 2877-2880 (2005) (SCI)
C.S. Luo, R.Y. Mou, X.R. Huang, W.X. Huang, and L. Fang, Free Streamline-boundary Layer Model for Small-amplitude Oscillation Regime of Square Cylinder Under Vortex-induced Rotation, Journal of Dynamics and Control, 21(6): 55-65 (2023)
罗宸晟,牟瑞勇,黄行蓉,黄伟希,方乐,涡激旋转下方柱小幅振荡模态的自由流线-边界层理论模型,动力学与控制学报,21(6): 55-65 (2023)
H.K. Zhao, and L. Fang, Two-scale simplified model of wake and its large eddy simulation modelling, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 42(6): 1446 (2021)
赵宏凯,方乐,尾流的双尺度简化模型及其大涡模拟建模, 工程热物理学报, 42(6): 144 (2021)
L. Fang, and C.H. Wang, Practices and advances on rational subgrid-scale modeling (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 35(3): 253-261 (2018)
方乐,王楚涵, 理性亚格子建模的实践与反思, 计算物理, 35(3): 251-261 (2018)
H.K. Zhao, L. Fang, and L.P. Lu, Advances in Non-Equilibrium Turbulence Research (in Chinese), Physics of Gases, 3(2): 13-26 (2018)
赵宏凯,方乐,陆利蓬, 非均衡湍流研究进展, 气体物理, 3(2): 13-26 (2018)
L. Fang, Physical interpretation of Laplacian operator (in Chinese), Physics and Engineering, 28(1): 54-56 (2018)
方乐, 拉普拉斯算子的直观物理意义, 物理与工程, 28(1): 54-56 (2018)
F.J. Bao, and L. Fang, Lagrangian time auto-correlation of strain-rate tensor in channel turbulence (in Chinese). Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 43(12):2513-2519 (2017)
鲍赋劼,方乐, 槽道湍流中应变率张量的拉格朗日时间自相关, 北京航空航天大学学报, 43(12): 2513-2519 (2017)
L. Fang, X.F. Jin, S.Y. Wang, and Y. Wang, Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model based on Potential Grid and its Application to Lane Formation Phenomenon (in Chinese). Journal of System Simulation, 4: 714-722 (2017)
方乐, 金雪夫, 王思远, 王颖, 基于势能网格的人群流动模型及其在渠化效应中的应用, 系统仿真学报, 4: 714-722 (2017)
Z.C. Qin, L. Fang, An improved method for initializing homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 48(6): 1319-1325 (2016)
秦泽聪,方乐, 一种改进的均匀各向同性湍流初始化方法, 力学学报, 48(6): 1319-1325 (2016) (EI)
L. Fang, M.W. Ge, and Y.W. Liu, From pendulum to the change of spatial dimension (in Chinese). Physics and Engineering, 26(6):31-33 (2016)
方乐, 葛铭纬, 柳阳威, 从单摆看空间的升降维现象, 物理与工程, 26(6): 31-33 (2016)
H.J. Xu, W. Zhang, L. Fang, and D.F. Zhang, Application of BP neural network for the automatic control system of water level in boiler barrel (in Chinese), Journal of Hebei University of Technology, 42(5): 22-26 (2013)
徐华京, 张巍, 张东方, 方乐, BP神经网络在锅炉汽包水位自动调节系统中的应用, 河北工业大学学报, 42(5): 22-26 (2013)
L. Wang, W. Niu, L. Fang, H. Zhang, and H.W. Chen, A new multi-touch recognition algorithm for infrared touch screen based on computational geometry (in Chinese), Journal of Central South University of Technology, 44(S2): 300-303 (2013)
王璐, 牛薇, 方乐, 张浩, 陈赫威, 基于计算几何的新型红外式触摸屏多点触摸识别算法, 中南大学学报, 44(S2): 300-303 (2013) (EI)
X.Q. Wen, Y.W. Liu, L. Fang, and L.P. Lu, Improving the capability of k-ωSST turbulence model for predicting stall characteristics of airfoil (in Chinese), Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 39(8): 1127-1132 (2013)
文晓庆, 柳阳威, 方乐, 陆利蓬, 提高 k-omega SST 模型对翼型失速特性模拟能力的研究, 北京航空航天大学学报, 39(8): 1127-1132 (2013) (EI)
L. Fang, A novel high-order immersed boundary method based on filter and deconvolution operation (in Chinese), Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(8): 807-814 (2013)
方乐, 一种基于过滤和反卷积的新型高阶浸没边界法, 应用数学和力学, 34(8): 807-814 (2013)
L. Fang and J.Y. Hong, A rapid approximate algorithm for computing the areas / volumes of the cells in weakly inhomogeneous Voronoi diagram (in Chinese). Journal of numerical methods and computer applications. 32(2): 135-142. (2011)
方乐, 洪洁瑛, 弱非均匀Voronoi图细胞面积/体积的快速近似算法, 数值计算与计算机应用, 32(2): 135-142. (2011)
W. Ma, L. Fang, L. Shao, and L.P. Lu. Scaling Law of Resolved-Scale Isotropic Turbulence (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 43(2): 267-276. (2011)
马威, 方乐, 邵亮, 陆利蓬, 可解尺度各向同性湍流的标度律, 力学学报, 43(2): 267-276 (2011) (EI)
L. Fang, Y.K. Yang, H.T. Wang, and J.Y. Hong. A rapid algorithm for Tophat filter operator in discrete field (in Chinese). Journal of numerical methods and computer applications. 30(3):218-224 (2009)
方乐, 杨云柯, 王洪涛, 洪洁瑛, 全场离散Tophat 过滤操作的快速算法, 数值计算与计算机应用, 30(3):218-224 (2009)
L. Fang, G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S. Zhang. Energy transfer in scalar turbulence (in Chinese). Chinese journal of computational physics. 23(6):692-698 (2006)
方乐, 崔桂香, 许春晓, 张兆顺, 标量湍流的能量传输特性, 计算物理, 23(6):692-698 (2006) (EI)
Conference Papers
X.X. Li, R.F. Hu, L. Fang, and J.Y. Hong, Scaling laws of velocity gradient moments of attached eddies, ICTAM 2024, Daegu, Korea, 2024
C.S. Luo, L. Fang, and J.Y. Hong, Determining the spatial resolution in direct numerical simulations of compressible turbulence by using Burgers equation, 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD), Kobe, Japan, 2024
C.Y. Wang, and L. Fang, Analytical scaling law model framework for short-time dust emission from belt conveyor, 3rd International Conference on Loss Prevention, Process Safety, and Thermal Analysis in Chemical and Coal Industries (IPPSTA), Hefei, 2024
C.H. Wang, L. Fang, Z. Wang, and C.X. Xu, Diagnostics of Fourier triad-phase synchronization via a phase-frozen model in 1D Burgers and 3D Navier-Stokes flows, European Turbulence Conference (ETC) 18, Valencia, 2023
L. Fang, Hexagonal periodic condition in the simulation of two-dimensional flows, International Conference on Applied Statistics, Modeling and Advanced Algorithms (ASMA2023), Qingdao, 2023
C.S. Luo, R.Y. Mou, X.R. Huang, W.X. Huang, and L. Fang, Free streamline-boundary layer model for small-amplitude oscillation regime of square cylinder under vortex-induced rotation, 17th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM), Beijing, 2023
Z.Y. He, J.L. Du, C.Y. Wang, L. Fang, and S. Chen, Large eddy simulation of a low-pressure turbine cascade at different conditions, 17th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM), Beijing, 2023
R.Y. Mou, L. Fang, X.R. Huang, and W.X. Huang, Effects of Reynolds number and moment of inertia on vortex-induced rotations of a rigid square cylinder, The 21st IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC 2021), Hangzhou, 2021
T. Wu, C.H. Wang, and L. Fang, Long-term dynamics of triad interactions in turbulence, The 8th International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, Xi'an, 2019
F. Liu, L.P. Lu, L. Fang, J. Fang, and Q. Cao, Non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in transitional flat plate boundary-layer flows, Global Power and Propulsion Society, Beijing, 2019
H.W. Zhao, X.R. Huang, J.L. Xu, and L. Fang, Sound Insulation Properties of Composite Laminated Structures, Global Power and Propulsion Society, Beijing, 2019
L. Fang, Non-equilibrium turbulence, 10th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Nantes, 2019
F. Liu, L. Fang, and L.P. Lu, Non-equilibrium turbulent phenomena in channel flow, 9th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2017
S.L. Wang, and L. Fang, Simulation and analytical expressions of the deformation limit of fluid particles, 9th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2017
L. Fang, H.K. Zhao, L.P. Lu, Y.W. Liu, and H. Yan, Non-equilibrium turbulence in compressors, 9th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2017
L. Fang, and L.P. Wang, A theoretical approach on the scaling of the second-order cross structure function in homogeneous shear turbulence, TSFP-9, Melbourne, 2015, poster
L. Fang, J. Lelouvetel, J. Caro, M. Lance, and F. Leboeuf, Development of "sph-turb": an open-source code using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics, 7th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2014
Y.S. Jiang, L. Fang, X.D. Jing, X.F. Sun, and F. Leboeuf, A Hybrid Numerical Method for Elliptic Equations with Immersed Interfaces Using a Local Filter, ACFM14, Hanoi and Halong, 2013
J. Lelouvetel, L. Fang, J. Caro, and F. Leboeuf, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation for cavitating flows, 6th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Lille, 2012
L. Fang, F. Gao, L. Shao, Y.W. Liu, and L.P. Lu, From theory to engineering: numerical simulation of turbulent flows in compressors, 5th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2012
W.J.T. Bos, R. Rubinstein, and L. Fang, Depletion of advection in turbulent scalar mixing, ETC13, Warsaw, 2011
D. Le Touzé, J. Biddiscombe, A. Colagrossi, E. Jacquin, F. Leboeuf, J.-C. Marongiu, N. Quinlan, A. Amicarelli, M. Antuono, D. Barcarolo, M. Basa, J. Caro, M. De Leffe, N. Grenier, P.-M. Guilcher, M. Kerhuel, L. Fang, L. Lobovský, S. Marrone, A. Marsh, G. Oger, E. Parkinson, and J. Soumagne, Next-generation multi-mechanics simulation engine in a highly interactive environment, Procedia Computer Science, v 7, p 292-293, 2011, Proceedings of the 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011, FET 11
Y. Wei, L. Fang, S. Cotin, and S. Ma, Interactive blood-coil simulation using Discrete Exterior Calculus, ICVFM, Caserta, 2010
L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio, On time-reversibility of subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation, DLES 8, Eindhoven, 2010
L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, L.P. Lu, and Z.S. Zhang, Rapid and slow decomposition in large eddy simulation of scalar turbulence, ASME FEDSM-ICNMM, Montreal, 2010
A. Amicarelli, F. Leboeuf, L. Fang, J. Caro, J.C. Marongiu, and J. Leduc, SPH truncation error in 3D simulations, SPHERIC, Manchester, 2010
L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L.Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio, A dynamic multiscale subgrid model for MHD turbulence based on Kolmogorov's equation, ETC12, Marburg, 2009, poster
Y. Wei, S. Cotin, L. Fang, J. Allard, C. Pan, and S. Ma, Toward real-time simulation of blood flow and coil interactions during aneurysm embolization, MICCAI, London, 2009 ( obtained the MICCAI Young Scientist Awards )
Y. Wang, H. Wang, C. Pan, and L. Fang, Style preserving Chinese character synthesis based on hierarchical representation of character, ICASSP, Las Vegas, 2008
L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, G. Cui, C. Xu, and Z. Zhang, An improvement of increment model by using Kolmogorov equation of filtered velocity, DLES 7, Trieste, 2008
L. Fang, J. Boudet, and L. Shao, Les echanges inter-echelles en simulation des grandes echelles, CFM 18, Grenoble, 2007
柴锦,方乐, J.-P. Bertoglio,六边形谱空间网格在二维湍流计算的应用,第11届全国流体力学学术会议,深圳,2020
刘锋,方乐,陆利蓬, 时间反转湍流的非均衡性质研究, 第10届全国流体力学学术会议, 杭州, 2018
王楚涵,方乐, 可解尺度线性强迫各向同性湍流在理性亚格子建模中的应用, 第10届全国流体力学学术会议, 杭州, 2018
方乐, 非均衡湍流:现象、理论与建模, 2016年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会, 厦门, 2016
鲍赋劼, 方乐, 槽道湍流中应变率张量的拉格朗日时间自相关研究, 全国流体力学学术会议, 南京, 2016
方乐, W.J.T. Bos, 晋国栋, 各向同性湍流拉格朗日速度梯度交叉相关函数的短期增长现象, 中国力学大会, 上海, 2015
金雪夫, 方乐, 王颖, 一种基于势能网格的新型人群流动数值模拟方法, 中国力学大会, 上海, 2015
方乐, 各向同性非均衡湍流与大涡模拟, 2014年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会, 上海, 2014
曲波, 方乐, 陆利蓬, 被动标量湍流对流与标量脉动梯度相关性研究, 中国力学大会, 西安, 2013
吴建钊, 姚思远, 吕金明, 方乐, 任意方向三点速度增量的二阶结构函数的研究, 中国力学大会, 西安, 2013
孙雪砚, 方乐, 柳阳威, 亚格子建模中正交条件的研究, 北航研究生学术论坛, 北京, 2016
李豪扬, 方乐, 牛薇, 王璐, 基于斜截式变换的红外触摸屏触点识别算法, 北航研究生学术论坛, 北京, 2014
李博, 方乐, 陆利蓬, Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence and its application in large-eddy simulation, 北航研究生学术论坛, 北京, 2013
曲波, 方乐, 陆利蓬, Statistical correlation between scalar gradient and advection in turbulent passive scalar mixing, 北航研究生学术论坛, 北京, 2013
Marc Pauly 著, 方乐 译, 微分方程, 科学出版社, 北京, 2013
方乐,牛薇,李豪扬, 基于点斜式变换的红外触摸屏的单触点识别方法, 专利号:ZL201410222324.X
方乐, 牛薇, 张浩, 管健, 基于红外触摸屏触摸点识别算法的虚拟测试系统和方法, 专利号:ZL201310149129.4
Open Sources
sph-turb : 3D SPH simulation for homogeneous isotropic turbulence (Fortran 77)
pushbox-pyqt : A PyQT based Sokoban solver
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2012-02-01
School/Department:Ecole Centrale de Pekin
Education Level:博士研究生
Business Address:409, Building #2, Beihang University
Contact Information:+86-10-82339156
Academic Titles:Director, Sino-french research & teaching center, Research Institute of Aero-Engine, Beihang University
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