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  • 郭晶晶 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/guojingjing/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   副教授
Publications 当前位置: 中文主页 >> Publications

Publications Update:

28. J Guo*, J Tuo, J Sun, Z Li, X Guo, Y Chen, R Cai, J Zhong, L Xu*, Stretchable Multimodal Photonic Sensor for Wearable Multiparameter Health Monitoring, Advanced Materials, 2024, 2412322.

27. C. Shang, B. Fu, J. Tuo, X. Guo,  Z. Li, Z. Wang, L. Xu, J. Guo*, Soft Biomimetic Fiber-Optic Tactile Sensors Capable of Discriminating Temperature and Pressure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023, 15(46), 53264–53272.

26. 郭晶晶*, 郭校言, 脱佳霖, 李卓洲, 徐立军, 柔性有机聚合物光子器件及其生物医学应用, 激光与光电子学进展, 2023, 60(13), 1316048. (特邀综述、封面)

25. B. Zhou#, K. Fan#, J. Guo#, J. Feng, C. Yang, Y. Li, S. Shi, L. Kong*, Plug-and-play fiber-optic sensors based on engineered cells for neurochemical monitoring at high specificity in freely moving animals, Science Advances, 2023, 9, eadg021.(#Co-first)

24.  J. Guo*, C. Shang, S, Gao, Y. Zhang, B. Fu*, and L. Xu, Flexible plasmonic optical tactile sensor for health monitoring and artificial haptic perception, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023,8, 2201506.

23.  J. Guo*, B. Zhou, Z. Du, C. Yang, L. Kong*, Soft and plasmonic hydrogel optical probe for glucose monitoring. Naonophotonics, 2021, 10(13): 3549-3558.

22. A. Leal-Junior, J. Guo*, R. Min, A. J. Fernandes, A. Frizera, and C. Marques. Photonic smart bandage for wound healing assessment. Photonics Research, 2021, 9(3): 272-280. 

21. B. Zhou, J. Guo*, C. Yang, & L. Kong*, Upconversion-luminescent hydrogel optical probe for in situ dopamine monitoring. Photonics Research, 2020, 8(11), 1800-1807. 

20. Y. Wang, W. Zhu, Y. Deng, B. Fu, P. Zhu, Y. Yu, J. Li, J. Guo, Self-powered wearable pressure sensing system for continuous healthcare monitoring enabled by flexible thin-film thermoelectric generator. Nano Energy, 2020, 73: 104773.

19. J. Guo*, B. Zhou, C. Yang, Q. Dai, L.  Kong*, Stretchable and temperature‐sensitive polymer optical fibers for wearable health monitoring. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(33): 1902898.

18. J. Guo, B. Zhou, R. Zong, L. Pan, X. Li, X. Yu, C. Yang, L. Kong, and Q. Dai, Stretchable and highly sensitive optical strain sensors for human-activity monitoring and healthcare. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(37): 33589-33598.

17. J. Guo, K. Zhao, B. Zhou, W. Ning, K. Jiang, C. Yang, L. Kong, Q. Dai, Wearable and Skin‐Mountable Fiber‐Optic Strain Sensors Interrogated by a Free‐Running, Dual‐Comb Fiber Laser. Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7(12): 1900086.

16. J. Guo*, B. Zhou, C. Yang, Q. Dai, and L. Kong*, Stretchable and upconversion-luminescent polymeric optical sensor for wearable multifunctional sensing. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(23): 5747-5750. 

15. Y. Li, X. Xiao, J. Guo, K. Zhao, S. Yao, L. Gui, C. Yang, Multimodal coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy with a supercontinuum all-fiber laser. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(2): 1-8. 

14. J. Guo*, C. Yang, Q. Dai, and L. Kong*, Soft and stretchable polymeric optical waveguide-based sensors for wearable and biomedical applications. Sensors, 2019, 19(17): 3771. 

13. K. Zhao, H. Jia, P. Wang, J. Guo, X. Xiao, and C. Yang, Free-running dual-comb fiber laser mode-locked by nonlinear multimode interference. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(17): 4323-4326. 

12. N. Jiang, R. Ahmed, A. A. Rifat, J. Guo, Y.a Yin, Y. Montelongo, H. Butt, A. K. Yetisen, Functionalized flexible soft polymer optical fibers for laser photomedicine. Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, 6(3): 1701118. 

11. J. Guo, Y. Ding, X. Xiao, L. Kong, and C. Yang, Multiplexed static FBG strain sensors by dual-comb spectroscopy with a free running fiber laser[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26(13): 16147-16154.

10. M. Zhou#, J. Guo#, Changxi Yang, Ratiometric fluorescence sensor for Fe3+ ions detection based on quantum dot-doped hydrogel optical fiber. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 264: 52-58.(#Co-first)

9. J. Guo, H. Huang, M. Zhou, C. Yang, and L. Kong, Quantum dots-doped tapered hydrogel waveguide for ratiometric sensing of metal ions. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(20): 12292-12298. 

8. J. Guo, Y. Luo, C. Yang, and L. Kong, In situ surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensing with soft and flexible polymer optical fiber probes. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(21): 5443-5446. 

7. J. Guo, M. Niu, and C. Yang, Highly flexible and stretchable optical strain sensing for human motion detection. Optica, 2017, 4(10): 1285-1288. 

6. J. Guo, M. Zhou, and C. Yang, Fluorescent hydrogel waveguide for on-site detection of heavy metal ions. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-8.

5. J. Guo, C. Yang, Ultrasonic lamb wave detection based on a tunable, narrow-linewidth, and frequency-locked fiber laser. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017, 9(4): 1-8.

4. J. Guo, X. Liu, N. Jiang, A. K. Yetisen, H. Yuk, C. Yang, A. Khademhosseini, X. Zhao, Se. Yun, Highly stretchable, strain sensing hydrogel optical fibers. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28(46): 10244-10249. 

3. J. Guo, C. Yang, Highly stabilized phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating sensing system for ultrasonic detection. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(8): 848.

2. J. Guo, S. Xue, Q. Zhao, C. Yang, Ultrasonic imaging of seismic physical models using a phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating. Optics Express, 2014, 22(16): 19573-19580.

1. J. Guo, C. Yang, Non-contact fiber vibration sensor based on intracavity modulation of an extrinsic Fabry–Perot interferometer. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(12): 7229-7233.

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