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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
教授,博导,国家级青年人才,中国力学学会湍流与稳定性专业委员。北京大学力学系本、硕、博、博后(2002-2014),美国德州理工大学研究助理教授(2015-2019)。从事湍流边界层的理论研究,在湍流的分析、模型预测和流动减阻控制上开展了多方位探索并获得了系列发现,在JFM, PRF, PoF, PRE, PRR, NJP, Science China等发表SCI论文30余篇,部分论文被选为 JFM focus on fluids, web of science 高被引论文,以及AMS封面。曾受美国斯坦福大学、纽约大学、加州大学(UCSB)、德州工、法国里尔大学、英国帝国理工大学等多所高校邀请给出学术报告;受聘担任过国家体育总局科教教练(2006-2007),获得过教育部“2008科技奥运团队”表彰(2008),受到了中组部海外高层次人才(青年)计划支持(2020)。参与过科技部973、基金委重大创新、基金委创新群体等项目,现主持基金委面上项目,重大专项课题负责人,为多个学术期刊编委。
2020-至今 教授,北京航空航天大学流体所
2019- 2020副教授,北京航空航天大学流体所
2014-2019 研究助理教授/Faculty,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, TX, USA
2013-2014 博士后湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京大学
2019- 流体所,北航
2015-2019 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, TX, USA
2009-2014 湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京大学
2006-2008 科技教练,中国皮划艇激流回旋国家队
2021 Theoretical Mechanics (Beihang University)
Teaching theoretical mechanics for international undergraduate students of BUAA.
2020 Introduction to Turbulence (Beihang University)
Teaching turbulence course for undergraduate students of BUAA.
2017 Fluid Mechanics Lecture (Texas Tech University)
Teaching fluid mechanics for undergraduate students (with projects of Matlab and HYSYS).
2013 Master's Research Mentor (Peking University)
2011-2012 Undergraduate Research Mentor (Peking University)
2010-2012 Advanced Applied Mathematics Tutor (Peking University)
2014- Associate Editor of International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (IJNSNS).
2011- Member of American Physical Society.
Journal Reviewer: Journal of fluid mechanics, Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review E, Physical of Fluids, Journal of Turbulence, Modern Physics Letter B,SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, IJNSNS
2020: 国家海外高层次人才(青年),中国
2019: Global Scholarship for the 21st Century, Texas Tech University, USA
2017: Global Scholarship for the 21st Century, Texas Tech University, USA
发表论文: (*通讯作者)
X. Chen*, P.-Y. Duan, J.C. He. Unbounded two-dimensional wall turbulence induced by inverse cascade, Physical Review Fluids, 2024, 9(3): 034609.
P.-Y. Duan, X. Chen*, et al. Large-scale control in turbulent flows over surface riblets, Physics of fluids, 2024, 36(9): 095137.
J.C. He, Y. Bao, X. Chen* Turbulent boundary layers in thermal convection at moderately high Rayleigh numbers, Physics of fluids, 2024, 36(2): 025140.
J.C. He, P.-Y. Duan, X. Chen* Double-reflection symmetry of thermal convection for Rayleigh number up to 1010, Physics of fluids, 2024, 36(10):105113.
J.C. He, Y. Bao, X. Chen* Asymmetry of Two-Dimensional Thermal Convection at High Rayleigh Numbers, Symmetry, 2024, 16(12):1583.
X. Chen*, K.R. Sreenivasan. "Reynolds number asymptotics of wall-turbulence fluctuations." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 976, A21, 2023.
Y. Ji, X. Chen*. "Symmetry Analysis of Mean Velocity Distribution in Stratified Atmospheric Surface Layers." Symmetry, 15, 1951, 2023.
X. Chen*, K.R. Sreenivasan. "Law of bounded dissipation and its consequences in turbulent wall flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, A20, 2022.
Jian-Chao He, Yun Bao, Xi Chen*. "Scaling transition of thermal dissipation in turbulent convection," Physics of Fluids 35(1), 2022.
Yong Ji, Chao Shen, Nian Ren, Lan Ma, Yong Hui Ma, and Xi Chen. "Curvature of Magnetic Field and Its Role on Plasma in Turbulent Magnetosheath," The Astrophysical Journal, 941:67 (9pp), 2022.
J. Yao, X. Chen and F. Hussain. “Direct numerical simulation of turbulent open channel flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 953, A19, 2022.
J. Yao, X. Chen and F. Hussain. "Composite active drag control in turbulent channel flows". Physical Review Fluids. 6, 054605, 2021.
B. Birnir, L. Angheluta, J. Kaminsky, and X. Chen, "Spectral link of the generalized Townsend-Perry constants in turbulent boundary layers", Physical Review Research, 3, 043054, 2021.
J.B. Xie, J.C. He, Y. Bao and X. Chen, "A low-communication-overhead parallel DNS method for the 3D incompressible wall turbulence", International journal of computational fluid dynamics, 1971002, 2021.
Y. Ji, J. Yao, F. Hussain, and X. Chen*, "Vorticity transports in turbulent channels under large-scale control via spanwise wall jet focing", Physics of Fluids, 33, 095112, 2021.
X. Chen*, K.R. Sreenivasan. "Reynolds number scaling of the peak turbulence intensity in wall flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 908, R3, 2021.
X. Chen*, J. Yao, F. Hussain. "Theoretical framework for energy flux analysis of channels under drag control". Physical Review Fluids. 6, 013902, 2021.
J. Yao, X. Chen, F. Hussain. "Reynolds number effect on drag control via spanwise wall oscillation in turbulent channel flows". Physics of Fluids. 31, 085108, 2019
Hong-Yue Zou, Wen-Feng Zhou, Xi Chen, Yun Bao, Jun Chen*, Zhen-Su She.“Boundary layer structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection in a slim box.”Acta Mechanica Sinica. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-019-00874-x. 2019.
X. Chen*, F. Hussain, Z.S. She. "Non-universal scaling transition of momentum cascade in wall turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 871, R2, 2019.
Hong-Yue Zou, Wen-Feng Zhou, Xi Chen, Yun Bao, Jun Chen*, Zhen-Su She.“Boundary layer structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection in a slim box.”Acta Mechanica Sinica. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-019-00874-x. 2019.
X. Chen, F. Hussain, Z.S. She. "Quantifying wall turbulence via a symmetry approach. Part 2. Reynolds stresses." Journal of Fluid Mechanics.850, 401-438, 2018.
J. Yao, X. Chen, F. Hussain. "Drag control in wall-bounded turbulent flows via spanwise opposed wall-jet forcing". Journal of Fluid Mechanics.852, 678-709, 2018.
Z.S. She., H.Y. Zou, M.J. Xiao, X. Chen, F. Hussain."Prediction of compressible turbulent boundary layer via a symmetry-based length model." Journal of Fluid Mechanics.857, 449-468, 2018.
J. Yao, X. Chen*, F. Thomas, F. Hussain. "Large-Scale Control for drag reduction in turbulent channel Flow". Physical Review Fluids - Rapid Communication, 2, 062601(R), 2017.
Z.S. She, X. Chen, F. Hussain. "Quantifying wall turbulence via a symmetry approach: a Lie group theory." Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 827, 322-356, 2017.
X. Chen, F. Hussain. "Similarity transformation for equilibrium flows, including effects of blowing and suction." Physical Review Fluids, 2, 034605, 2017.
X. Chen, B.B. Wei, F. Hussain, Z.S. She. "Anomalous dissipation and kinetic-energy distribution in pipes at very high Reynolds number." Physical Review E - Rapid Communication. 93, 011102(R), 2016.
B. Birnir, X. Chen*. "Sub-Gaussian behavior of the Townsend-Perry constants in turbulent boundary layers." Physical Review E - Rapid Communication 93, 011101(R), 2016.
X. Chen, F. Hussain, Z.S. She. "Predictions of canonical wall-bounded turbulent flows via a modified k-ω equation." Journal of Turbulence,10.1080/14685248, 2016.
X. Chen, F. Hussain, Z.S. She. "Bulk flow scaling for turbulent channel and pipe flows." Europhysics Letters, 115 (34001), 2016.
X. Chen, Z.S. She. "Analytic prediction for planar turbulent boundary layers." Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 59 (0228.R1), 2016.
C. Liu, X. Chen*. "Probability density functions of vorticities in turbulent channels with effects of blowing and suction." International journal of nonlinear science and numerical simulation. 10.1515/ijnsns-2015-0163.
B. Birnir, X. Chen, C. Liu, "Moments and probability density functions in turbulent boundary layers." eScholarship, University of California (http://escholarship.org/uc/item/770564zd), 2015.
Z.S. She, X. Chen, B.B. Wei, H.Y. Zou, W.T. Bi, “SED-based studies of turbulence models for wall flows.” Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica; 2015, 45(12):124703.