.[J10] Q. Gao, G. Feng, Z. Xi, Y. Wang, and J. Qiu, “A new design of robust H infinity sliding mode control for uncertain stochastic T-S fuzzy time-delay systems,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1556-1566, 2014.,2019
.[J9] Q. Gao, G. Feng, D. Dong, and Y. Wang, “Universal fuzzy models and universal fuzzy controllers for discrete-time nonlinear systems,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 880-887, 2015.,2019
.[J8] Q. Gao, D. Dong, I. R. Petersen, and H. Rabitz, “Fault tolerant filtering and fault detection for quantum systems driven by fields in single photon states,” Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 57, p. 062201, 2016.,2019
.[J7] Q. Gao, D. Dong, and I. R. Petersen, “Fault tolerant quantum filtering and fault detection for quantum systems,” Automatica, vol. 71, pp. 125-134, 2016.,2019
.[J6] J. Pan, Q. Gao, J, Qiu, and Y. Wang, “Type number based steady-state error analysis on fractional order control systems,” Asian Journal of Control, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 266–278, 2017.,2019
.[J5] S. Wang, Q. Gao, D. Dong, “Robust H infinity controller design for a class of linear quantum systems with time delay,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 27, pp. 380-392, 2017.,2019
.[J4] Y. Chen, Q. Gao, Y. Wei, and Y. Wang, “Study on fractional order gradient methods,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 314, pp. 310-321, 2017.,2019
.[J3] Y. Wei, Q. Gao, D. Liu and Y. Wang, “On the series representation of nabla discrete fractional calculus,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Accepted, 2018.,2019
.[J2] Q. Yu, D. Dong, I. R. Petersen, F. E. Muhammad, and Q. Gao, “Filtering for a class of quantum systems with classical stochastic disturbances,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology, Accepted, 2018.,2019
.[J1] Q. Gao, G. Zhang, and I. R. Petersen, “An exponential quantum projection filter for open quantum systems,” Automatica, Accepted as a Regular Paper, 2018.,2019