教师英文名称:Weisheng ZHAO
教师拼音名称:Weisheng ZHAO
IEEE Fellow(2018), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I :Regular Paper 总主编(2020-2023),IEEE 电路与系统学会Guillemin Cauer,Darlington及Outstanding Youth Author最佳论文奖评审委员会主席(2020-2023),IEEE Fellow Selection Committee委员(2021-)。《集成电路与嵌入式系统》期刊总主编(2023-), ESI高倍引科学家(2024-)。
赵巍胜教授长期从事自旋电子学、新型信息器件、非易失存储器等领域的交叉研究,2013年归国后开展超低功耗自旋存储及逻辑相关研究领域,提出了将自旋轨道矩与自旋转移矩结合实现高速读写的新型自旋电子存储器件,研制了基于钨薄膜的超高隧穿磁阻效应隧道结器件,实现了反铁磁自旋存储器件的全电学读写。目前主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家重点研发计划等项目。近五年以第一或通讯作者已在 Nature Electronics、Proceedings of the IEEE、PRL、PNAS 等高档次期刊或IEDM等顶级会议发表论文300余篇,其中ESI高被引论文15篇,总索引超过 25000次,H因子超过80,国际会议邀请报告(TMRC,NVMST,DATE等)120余次,专利超过200项(产权转让或授权使用80余项);2018年起担任欧盟杰出研究学者项目(ERC)评委会委员,曾担任IEEE IEDM 技术程序委员会委员(2021-2022),曾担任2016年 第12届ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Nanoscale Architecture 大会主席,2020年第30届 ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI大会主席。2020-2022年连续入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier) “中国高被引学者” (Highly Cited Chinese Researchers),。
创建北航“微电子科学与工程”专业并入选国家一流本科专业(2021),主讲研究生课程“现代微纳电子学”入选“北京高校研究生课程思政示范课程”(2021),主讲本科生课程“自旋电子科技前沿”入选“北京优质本科课程”(2021),集成电路科学与工程前沿系列教材入选“十四五”时期国家重点出版物出版专项规划项目,相关教材“自旋电子科学与技术”入选工信部十四五规划教材。以第一完成人获北京市教学成果二等奖(战略布局 协同育人,培养具有全球胜任力的集成电路拔尖创新人才;2022年度)。
[1]Ao Du, Daoqian Zhu, Kaihua Cao, Zhizhong Zhang, Zongxia Guo, Kewen Shi, Danrong Xiong, Rui Xiao, Wenlong Cai, Jialiang Yin, Shiyang Lu, Cong Zhang, Yue Zhang, Shijiang Luo, Albert Fert, Weisheng Zhao* "Electrical manipulation and detection of antiferromagnetism in magnetic tunnel junctions", Nature Electronics, vol.6, 423, 2023.
[2]Shouzhong Peng, Daoqian Zhu, Weixiang Li, Hao Wu, Alexander J. Grutter, Dustin A. Gilbert, Jiaqi Lu, Danrong Xiong, Wenlong Cai, Padraic Shafer, Kang L. Wang and Weisheng Zhao*, "Exchange bias switching in an antiferromagnet/ferromanget bilayer driven by spin-orbit toque", Nature Electronics, vol.3, 757, 2020.
[3]Xiaoyang Lin, Wei Yang, K.L. Wang, and Weisheng Zhao*, "Two-dimensional spintronics for low-power electronics" Nature Electronics, vol.2, 274, 2019.(ESI 高被引论文,热点论文)
[4]Zongxia Guo, Jialiang Yin, Yue Bai, Daoqian Zhu, Kewen Shi, Gefei Wang, Kaihua Cao and Weisheng Zhao*, "Spintronics for Energy-Efficient Computing: An Overview and Outlook", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 109, pp. 1398-1417, 2021.
[5]Sai Li, Ao Du, Yadong Wang, Xinran Wang, Xueying Zhang, Houyi Cheng, Wenlong Cai, Shiyang Lu, Kaihua Cao, Biao Pan, Na Lei, Wang Kang, Junming Liu, Albert Fert, Zhipeng Hou, Weisheng Zhao*, "Experimental demonstration of Skyrmionic magnetic tunnel junction at room temperature", Science Bullletin, vol. 67, pp. 691-699, 2022.
[6]Dapeng Zhu, Tianrui Zhang, Xiao Fu, Runrun Hao, Amir Hamzic, Huanwen Yang, Xueying Zhang, Hui Zhang, Ao Du, Danrong Xiong, Kewen Shi, Shishen Yan, Shufeng Zhang, Albert Fert, Weisheng Zhao*, "Spin Change of Spin-Orbit Torque in Pt/NiO/CoFeB Structures", Physical Review Letters, vol. 128, 217702, 2022. (Editors' Suggestions).
[7]Luding Wang, Houyi Cheng, Pingzhi Li, Youri L. W. van Hees, Yang Liu, Kaihua Cao, Reinoud Lavrijsen, Xiaoyang Lin, Bert Koopmans and Weisheng Zhao*, "Picosecond Optospintronic tunnel junctions", PNAS, vol. 119, e2204732119, 2022.
[8]Haiyu Wang, Hao Wu, Jie Zhang, Yingjie Liu, Dongdong Chen, Chandan Pandey, Jialiang Yin, Dahai Wei, Na Lei, Shuyuan Shi, Haichang Lu, Peng Li, Albert Fert, Kang L Wang, Tianxiao Nie and Weisheng Zhao*, "Room temperature energy-efficient spin-orbit torque switching in two-dimensional van der Waals Fe3GeTe2 induced by topological insulators", Nature Communications, vol.14, 5173, 2023.
[9]Shijie Xu, Bingqian Dai, Yuhao Jiang, Danrong Xiong, Houyi Cheng, Lixuan Tai, Meng Tang, Yadong Sun, Yu He, Baolin Yang, Yong Peng, Kang L Wang, Weisheng Zhao* "Universal scaling law for chiral antiferromagnetism", Nature Communications, vol.15, 3717, 2024.
[10]Yong Xu, Fan Zhang, Albert Fert, Henri-Yves Jaffres, Yongshan Liu, Renyou Xu, Yuhao Jiang, Houyi Cheng, Weisheng Zhao* "Orbitronics: light-induced orbital currents in Ni studied by terahertz emission experiments", Nature Communications, vol.15, 2043, 2024.
[1]Mengxing Wang, Wenlong Cai, Daoqian Zhu, Zhaohao Wang, Jimmy Kan, Zhengyang Zhao, Kaihua Cao, Zilu Wang, Youguang Zhang, Tianrui Zhang, Chando Park, Jianping Wang, Albert Fert and Weisheng Zhao*, "Field-Free switching of a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction through the interplay of spin-orbit and spin-transfer torques" Nature Electronics, vol.1, 582, 2018. (ESI 高被引论文)
[2]Mengxing Wang, Wenlong Cai, Kaihua Cao, Jiaqi Zhou, Jerzy Wrona, Shouzhong Peng, Huaiwen Yang, Jiaqi Wei, Wang Kang, Youguang Zhang, Jurgen Langer, Berthold Ocker, Albert Fert and Weisheng Zhao*, "Current-induced magnetization switching in atomthick tungsten engineered perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with large tunnel magnetoresistance" Nature Communications, vol.9, 671, 2018. (ESI 高被引论文,热点论文,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文)
[3]Zhaohao Wang, Lei Zhang, Mengxing Wang, Zilu Wang, Daoqian Zhu, Youguang Zhang and Weisheng Zhao* "High-density NAND-like spin transfer torque memory with spin orbit torque erase operation", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.39, 343, 2018.(ESI 高被引论文)
[4]Wang Kang, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, and Weisheng Zhao*, "Skyrmion-Electronics: An Overview and Outlook", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104 (10), pp. 2040-2061, 2016.(ESI 高被引论文,热点论文)
[5]Shouzhong Peng, Jiaqi Lu, Weixiang Li, Lezhi Wang, Xiang Li, K.L. Wang, and Weisheng Zhao*, "Field-Free Switching of Perpendicular Magnetization through Voltage-Gated Spin-Orbit Torque", IEDM 2019 (65th International Electron Devices Meeting).
[6]Yuhao Jiang, Hangyu Zhou, Daoqian Zhu, Chao Wang, Zhaohao Wang and Weisheng Zhao*, "Computational Study for Spin-orbit Torque Magnetic Random Access Memoy", IEDM 2021 (67th International Electron Devices Meeting).
[7]Daoqian Zhu, Zongxia Guo, Ao Du, Danrong Xiong, Rui Xiao, Wenlong Cai, Kewen Shi, Shouzhong Peng, Kaihua Cao, Shiyang Lu, Dapeng Zhu, Gefei Wang, Hongxi Liu, Qunwen Leng and Weisheng Zhao*, "First demonstration of three terminal MRAM devices with immunity to magnetic fields and 10 ns field free switching by electrical manipulation of exchange bias", IEDM 2021 (67th International Electron Devices Meeting).
112) Mengxing Wang, Wenlong Cai, Kaihua Cao, Jiaqi Zhou, Jerzy Wrona, Shouzhong Peng, Huaiwen Yang, Jiaqi Wei, Wang Kang, Youguang Zhang, Jurgen Langer, Berthold Ocker, Albert Fert and Weisheng Zhao*, "Current-induced magnetization switching in atomthick tungsten engineered perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with large tunnel magnetoresistance" Nature communications, vol.9, 671, 2018.
113)Mengxing Wang, Wenlong Cai, Daoqian Zhu, Zhaohao Wang, Jimmy Kan, Zhengyang Zhao, Kaihua Cao, Zilu Wang, Youguang Zhang, Tianrui Zhang, Chando Park, Jianping Wang, Albert Fert and Weisheng Zhao*, "Field-Free switching of a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction through the interplay of spin-orbit and spin-transfer torques" Nature Electronics, vol.1, 582, 2018.
114) Lezhi Wang, Wang Kang, Farbod Ebrahimi, Xiang Li, Yangqi Huang, Chao Zhao, Kang. L. Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Processing in memory implementation", Electron Device Letters, vol.39, 440, 2018.
115) Zhaohao Wang, Lei Zhang, Mengxing Wang, Zilu Wang, Daoqian Zhu, Youguang Zhang and Weisheng Zhao* "High-density NAND-like spin transfer torque memory with spin orbit torque erase operation", Electron Device Letters, vol.39, 343, 2018
116) Daoqian Zhu, Wang Kang, Sai Li, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, "Skyrmion Racetrack Memory with Random Information Update/Deletion/Insertion”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.65, pp.87-95, 2018.
117) Tobias Stuckler, Chuanpu Liu, Haiming Yu, Florian Heimbach, Jilei Chen, Junfeng Hu, Sa Tu, Weisheng Zhao, "Spin Wave propagation detected over 100um in half-metallic heusler alloy Co2MnSi”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol.450, pp.13-17, 2018.
118) Chuanpu Liu, Jilei Chen, Tao Liu, Florian Heimbach, Haiming Yu, Yang Xiao, Junfeng Hu, Mengchang Liu, Houchen Chang, Tobias Stueckler, Sa Tu, Youguang Zhang, Yan Zhang, Peng Gao, Zhimin Liao, Dapeng Yu, Ke Xia, Na Lei, Weisheng Zhao and Mingzhong Wu, "Long-distance propagation of short-wavelength spin waves", Nature communications, vol. 9, 738, 2018
119) Junfeng Qiao, Shouzhong Peng, Youguang Zhang, Hongxin Yang and Weisheng Zhao*, "First-Principles investigation of magnetocrystalline anisotropy oscillations in Co2FeAl/Ta Heterostructures" Physical Review B, vol.97, 054420, 2018
120) Xueying Zhang, Nicolas Vernier, Weisheng Zhao*, Haiming Yu, Laurent Vila, Yue Zhang and Dafine Ravelosona, "Direct Observation of Domain-Wall Surface Tension by deflating or inflating a magnetic bubble", Physical Review Applied, vol.9, 024032, 2018.
121) A. Cao, X. Zhang, B. Koopmans, S. Peng, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Yan, H. Yang, and W. Zhao*, “Tuning the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in Pt/Co/MgO heterostructures through the MgO thickness,” Nanoscale, vol. 10, no. 25, pp. 12062–12067, 2018.
122) Y. Zhang, X. Lin, J.-P. Adam, G. Agnus, W. Kang, W. Cai, J.-R. Coudevylle, N. Isac, J. Yang, H. Yang, K. Cao, H. Cui, D. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, W. Zhao*, and D. Ravelosona, “Heterogeneous Memristive Devices Enabled by Magnetic Tunnel Junction Nanopillars Surrounded by Resistive Silicon Switches,” Adv. Electron. Mater., vol. 4, no. 3, p. 1700461, Mar. 2018.
123) X. Chen, W. Kang, D. Zhu, X. Zhang, N. Lei, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and W. Zhao*, “A compact skyrmionic leaky–integrate–fire spiking neuron device,” Nanoscale, vol. 10, no. 13, pp. 6139–6146, 2018.
124) L. Zhang, X. Zhang, M. Wang, Z. Wang, W. Cai, K. Cao, D. Zhu, H. Yang, and W. Zhao*, “Size dependence of the spin-orbit torque induced magnetic reversal in W/CoFeB/MgO nanostructures,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 112, no. 14, p. 142410, Apr. 2018.
125) S. Li, J. Xia, X. Zhang, M. Ezawa, W. Kang, X. Liu, Y. Zhou, and W. Zhao*, “Dynamics of a magnetic skyrmionium driven by spin waves,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 112, no. 14, p. 142404, Apr. 2018.
126) X. Zhang, W. Cai, X. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Li, Y. Zhang, K. Cao, N. Lei, W. Kang, Y. Zhang, H. Yu, Y. Zhou, and W. Zhao*, “Skyrmions in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 10, no. 19, pp. 16887–16892, May 2018.
127) Y. Zhang, W. Cai, W. Kang, J. Yang, E. Deng, Y. G. Zhang, W. Zhao*, and D. Ravelosona, “Demonstration of Multi-State Memory Device Combining Resistive and Magnetic Switching Behaviors,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 684–687, 2018.
128) Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, N. Vernier, Z. Zhang, G. Agnus, J. R. Coudevylle, X. Lin, Y. Zhang, Y. G. Zhang, W. Zhao*, and D. Ravelosona, “Domain-Wall Motion Driven by Laplace Pressure in Co-Fe- B/MgO Nanodots with Perpendicular Anisotropy,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1–6, 2018.
129) S. Yan, Z. Cao, Z. Guo, Z. Zheng, A. Cao, Y. Qi, Q. Leng, and W. Zhao*, “Design and Fabrication of Full Wheatstone-Bridge-Based Angular GMR Sensors,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 6, p. 1832, 2018.
130) 赵巍胜, 黄阳棋, 张学莹, 康旺, 雷娜张有光, “斯格明子电子学的研究进展,” 物理学报, vol. 67, no. 13, p. 131205, 2018.
131) X. Zhang, N. Vernier, Z. Cao, Q. Leng, A. Cao, D. Ravelosona, and W. Zhao*, “Magnetoresistive sensors based on the elasticity of domain walls,” Nanotechnology, vol. 29, no. 36, 2018.
90) Wang Kang, Tingting Pang, Weifeng Lv, Weisheng Zhao*, "Dynamic Dual-Reference Sensing Scheme for Deep Submicrometer STT-MRAM", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol.64, pp. 122-132, 2017.
91) Xiaoyang Lin, Li Su, Zhizhong Si, Youguang Zhang, Arnaud Bournel, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Albert Fert, Weisheng Zhao*, “Gate-driven pure spin current in graphene”, Physical Review Applied, Vol.8, 034006, 2017.
92) Jiaqi Zhou, Arnaud Bournel, Yin Wang, Xiaoyang Lin, Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Silicene spintronics: Fe (111)/silicene system for efficient spin injection”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.111, 182408, 2017.
93) Kang Wang, Weifeng Lv, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Low Store Power High-Speed High-Density Non-volatile SRAM design with Spin Hall Effect-Driven Magnetic Tunnel Junctions", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 61, pp. 148-154, 2017.
94) Yangqi Huang, Wang Kang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou and Weisheng Zhao*, "Magnetic skyrmion-based synaptic devices" Nanotechnology, vol. 28, 08LT02, 2017.
95) Boyu Zhang, Anni Cao, Junfeng Qiao, Minghong Tang, Kaihua Cao, Xiaoxuan Zhao, Sylvain Eimer, Zhizhong Si, Na Lei, Zhaohao Wang, Xiaoyang Lin, Zongzhi Zhang, Mingzhong Wu and Weisheng Zhao*, "Large influence of capping layers on tunnel magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, 012405, 2017.
96) Shouzhong Peng, Weisheng Zhao*, Junfeng Qiao, Li Su, Jiaqi Zhou, Hongxin Yang, Qianfan Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Cecile Grezes, Pedram Khalili Amiri and Kang L. Wang, "Giant interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in MgO/CoFe/capping layer structures”, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 072403, 2017.
97) Wang Kang, Chengtian Zheng, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Weifeng Lv, Yan Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, "Compact Modeling and evaluation of Magnetic Skyrmion-Based Racetrack Memory" IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.64, pp.1060-1068, 2017.
98) H. Cai, Y. Wang, L. A. D. B. Naviner, W. Zhao*, "Robust Ultra-Low Power Non-Volatile Logic-in-Memory Circuits in FD-SOI Technology", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 64, pp.847-857, 2017.
99) Wang Kang, Zhaohao Wang, Weifeng Lv, Guangyu Sun, and Weisheng Zhao*, "Pseudo-Differential Sensing Framework for STT-MRAM: A Cross-Layer Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 66, pp.531-544, 2017.
100) Wang Kang, Yi Ran, Youguang Zhang, Weifeng Lv and Weisheng Zhao* "Modeling and Exploration of the Voltage Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy Effect for the Next-Generation Low-Power and High-Speed MRAM Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,vol. 16, pp.387-395, 2017.
101) Yue Zhang, Zhizhong Zhang, Lezhi Wang, Jiang Nan, Zhenyi Zheng, Xiang Li, Kin Wong, Yu Wang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Youguang Zhang, Kang L. Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Partial spin abosorption induced magnetization switching and its voltage-assisted improvement in an asymmetrical all spin logic device at the mesoscopic scale”Applied Physics Letters, 111, 052407, 2017.
102) Sai Li, Wang Kang, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, "Magnetic skyrmion-based artificial neuron device" Nanotechnology, vol. 28, 31LT01, 2017.
103) He Zhang, Wang Kang, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Stateful Reconfigurable Logic via a Single-Voltage-Gated Spin Hall-Effect Driven Magnetic Tunnel Junction in a Spintronic Memory", vol. 64, pp. 4295-4301, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017.
104) Yong Xu, Marwan Deb, Grégory Malinowski, Michel Hehn, Weisheng Zhao, Stéphane Mangin "Ultrafast Magnetization Manipulation Using Single Femtosecond Light and Hot Electron Pulses", Advanced Materials, vol.29, 1703474, 2017.
105) Yuqian Gao, Zhaohao Wang, Xiaoyang Lin, Wang Kang, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Scaling Study of Spin-Hall-Assisted Spin Transfer Torque Driven Magnetization Switching in the Presence of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.16, pp.1138-1142, 2017.
106) H Yu, SD Brechet, P Che, FA Vetro, M Collet, S Tu, YG Zhang, Y Zhang, T Stueckler, L Wang, H Cui, D Wang, C Zhao, P Bortolotti, A Anane, J-Ph Ansermet, W Zhao, “Thermal spin torques in magnetic insulators”, Physical Review B, Vol.95, 104432, 2017.
107) Tobias Stückler, Chuanpu Liu, Tao Liu, Haiming Yu, Florian Heimbach, Jilei Chen, Junfeng Hu, Sa Tu, Youguang Zhang, Simon Granville, Mingzhong Wu, Zhi-Min Liao, Dapeng Yu, Weisheng Zhao, "Ultrabroadband spin-wave propagation in Co 2 (Mn 0.6 Fe 0.4) Si thin films”, Physical Review B, Vol.94, 144430, 2017.
108) Xing Chen, Wang Kang, Daoqian Zhu, Xichao Zhang, Na Lei, Youguang Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, "Skyrmion dynamics in width-varying nanotracks and implications for skyrmionic applications”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.111, 202406, 2017.
109) Shouzhong Peng, Sai Li, Wang Kang, Jiaqi Zhou, Na Lei, Youguang Zhang, Hongxin Yang, Xiang Li, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Kang L Wang, Weisheng Zhao* "Large voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy in the SrTiO3/Fe/Cu structure”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.111, 152403, 2017.
110) Lang Zeng, Deming Zhang, Tianqi Gao, Fanghui Gong, Xiaowan Qin, Mingzhi Long, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, "Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Single Layer MoS2 Double Gate Transistors with Schottky Barrier Contacts”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.64, pp.2999-3006, 2017.
111) Pan Liu, Xiaoyang Lin, Yong Xu, Boyu Zhangn Zhizhong Si, Kaihua Cao, Jaiqi Wei, Weisheng Zhao* "Optically Tunable Magnetoresistance Effect: From Mechanism to Novel Device Application”, Materials, vol.11, 47, 2017.
75) Wang Kang, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, and Weisheng Zhao*, "Skyrmion-Electronics: An Overview and Outlook", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104 (10), pp. 2040-2061, 2016.
76) Jianlei Yang, Peiyuan Wang, Yaojun Zhang, Yuanqing Cheng, Weisheng Zhao, Yiran Chen, Hai Li, “Radiation-Induced Soft Error Analysis of STT-MRAM: A Device to Circuit Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And Systems, 2016.
77) Weisheng Zhao, Xiaoxuan Zhao, Boyu Zhang, Kaihua Cao, Lezhi Wang, Wang Kang, Qian Shi, Mengxing Wang, Yu Zhang, You Wang, Shouzhong Peng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Lirida Alves de Barros Naviner and Dafine Ravelosona, "Failure Analysis in Magnetic Tunnel Junction Nanopillar with Interfacial Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy," Materials, vol.9(1), 41, 2016. (Invited review)
78)Wang Kang, Yangqi Huang, Chentian Zheng, Weifeng LV, Na Lei, Youguang Zhang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, “Voltage Controlled Magnetic Skyrmion Motion for Racetrack Memory” Scientific Reports, vol.6, 23164, 2016.
79)You Wang, Hao Cai, Lirida Naviner, Yue Zhang, Xiaoxuan Zhao, Erya Deng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Weisheng Zhao* "Compact model of Dielectric Breakdown in Spin transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction", IEEE Transaction on Electron Device, vol.63, pp.1762-1767, 2016.
80)Yue Zhang, Chao Zhang, Jiang Nan, Zhizhong Zhang, Xueying Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafine Ravelosona, Guangyu Sun, Weisheng Zhao* "Perspectives of Racetrack Memory for Large-Cpacity On-Chip Memory: From Device to System", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper vol.63, pp.629-638, 2016.
81) Deming Zhang, Lang Zeng, Kaihua Cao, Mengxing Wang, Shouzhong Peng, Yue Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yu Wang, Weisheng Zhao* "All Spin Artificial Neural Networks Based on Compound Spintronic Synapse and Neuron", IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Circuits and Systems vol.10, pp.828-836, 2016.
82) Wang Kang, Chentian Zheng, Yangqi Huang, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weifeng Lv and Weisheng Zhao*, "Complementary Skyrmion Racetrack Memory with voltage manipulation", IEEE Electron Device Letters vol.37, pp.924-927, 2016.
83) Wang Kang, Zhaohao Wang, Youguang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Weifeng Lv and Weisheng Zhao* "Spintronic logic design methodology based on spin Hall effect–driven magnetic tunnel junctions", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics vol.49, 229502, 2016.
84) Hao Cai, You Wang, Lirida Alves de Barros Naviner, Weisheng Zhao*, "Breakdown Analysis of Magnetic Flip-Flop With 28-nm UTBB FDSOI Technology", IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 16 (3), pp. 376-383, 2016.
85)赵巍胜, 王昭昊, 彭守仲, 王乐知, 常亮, 张有光, "STT-MRAM存储器的研究进展", 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, vol. 46 (10), pp. 107306, 2016.
86) Weiwei Lin, Nicolas Vernier, Guillaume Agnus, Karin Garcia, Berthold Ocker, Weisheng Zhao, Eric E. Fullerton, Dafiné Ravelosona, "Universal domain wall dynamics under electric field in Ta/CoFeB/MgO devices with perpendicular anisotropy", Nature Communications, vol. 7, pp. 13532, 2016.
87) Xichao Zhang, Jing Xia, Yan Zhou, Daowei Wang, Xiaoxi Liu, Weisheng Zhao and Motohiko Ezawa, "Control and Manipulation of a magnetic skyrmionium in nanostructures", Physical Review B, vol. 94, 094420, 2016.
88) Jiaqi Zhou, Weisheng Zhao*, Yin Wang, Shouzhong Peng, Junfeng Qiao, Li Su, Lang Zeng, Na Lei, Lei Liu, Youguang Zhang and Arnaud Bournel, "Large influence of capping layers on tunnel magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, 242403, 2016.
89) Bi Wu, Yuanqing Cheng, Jianlei Yang, Aida Todri-Sanial, Weisheng Zhao*, "Temperature Impact Analysis and Access Reliability Enhancement for 1T1MTJ STT-RAM", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol.65, pp.1755-1768, 2016.
51) Erya Deng, Wang Kang, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Weisheng Zhao*, “Design Optimization and Analysis of Mutli-Context STT-MTJ/CMOS Logic Circuits,” IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, vol.14, pp. 169-177, 2015.
52) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Erya Deng, Jacques-Olivier Klein and Claude Chappert, “Perpendicular-anisotropy magnetic tunnel junction switched by spin-hall-assisted spin transfer torque”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.48, 105001, 2015.
53) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, “Peristaltic perpendicular-magnetic-anisotropy racetrack memory based on chiral domain wall motions,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48 (2015) 105001.
54) Li Su, Weisheng Zhao*, Yue Zhang, Damien Querlioz, Youguang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Philippe Dollfus, Arnaud Bournel, “Proposal for a graphene-based all-spin logic gate,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.106, 072407, 2015.
55) Djaafar Chabi, Weisheng Zhao*, Damien Querlioz, Jacques-Olivier Klein, “On-Chip Universal Supervised Learning Methods for Neuro-Inspired Block of Memristive Nanodevice,” ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol.11, number 4, 34, 2015.
56) A.F. Vincent, N. Locatelli, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Weisheng Zhao, S. Galdin-Retailleau, D. Querlioz, "Analytical Macrospin Modeling of the Stochastic Switching Time of Spin Transfer-Torque Devices", IEEE Transaction on Electron Device, vol.62, pp.164-170, 2015.
57) Kang Wang, Liuyang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Dafine Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, “Yield and Reliability Improvement Techniques for Emerging Nonvolatile STT-MRAM,” IEEE Journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems, vol.5, issue 1, pp. 28-39, 2015.
58) Adrian Vincent, Jerome Larroque, Nicolas Locatelli, Nesrine Ben Romdhane, Olivier Bichler, Christian Gamrat, Weisheng Zhao, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Sylvie Galdin-Retailleau, Damien Queriloz, “Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Memory as a Stochastic Memristive Synapse for Neuromorphic Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and systems, vol.9, issue 2, pp.166-174, 2015. (Best Paper Award)
59) Wang Kang, Liuyang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yue Zhang, Dafine Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao*, “Reconfigurable Co-design of STT-MRAM under Process Variations in Deeply Scaled Technology,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Device, vol.62, pp.1769-1777, 2015.
60) Yue Zhang, Bonan Yan, Wang Kang, Yuanqing Cheng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Yiran Chen, Weisheng Zhao*, “Compact model of sub-volume MTJ and its design application at nanoscale technology nodes,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Device, vol.62, pp.2048-2055, 2015.
61) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Erya Deng, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, “Magnetic non-volatile flip-flop with spin-Hall assistance,” Phys. Status Solidi RRL, vol.9, no.6, pp.375-378, 2015.
62) Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Motohiko Ezawa, Guoping Zhao, Weisheng Zhao*, “Magnetic Skyrmion transistor: Skyrmion motion voltage gated nanotrack,” Scientific Reports, vol.5, 11369, 2015.
63) Erya Deng, Yue Zhang, Wang Kang, Bernard Dieny, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Guillaume Prenat, Weisheng Zhao*, “Synchronous 8-Bit Non-Volatile Full-Adder based on Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction,” IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I, vol.62, no.7, pp.1757-1765, 2015.
64) Wang Kang, Yue Zhang, Zhaohao Wang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, Gefei Wang, Youguang Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, “Spintronics: Emerging Ultra-low power circuits and systems beyond MOS technology,” ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol.2, article 16, 2015.
65) Mengxing Wang, Yue Zhang, Xiaoxuan Zhao, Weisheng Zhao*, “Tunnel junction with perpeticular magnetic anisothopy: status and challenges,” Micromachine, vol. 6, pp.1023-1045, 2015.
66) Li Su, Youguang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yue Zhang, Arnaud Bournel, Albert Fert and Weisheng Zhao*, “Current-limiting challenges for all-spin logic devices,” Scientific Reports, vol.5, 14905, 2015.
67) Cai Hao, You Wang, LAB Naviner, Weisheng Zhao*, “Multiplxing Sense-Amplieifer-Based Magnetic Flip-Flop in A 28-Nm FDSOI Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.14, no.4, pp.761-767, 2015.
68) Hao Cai, You Wang, Lirida Alves de Barros Naviner, Weisheng Zhao*, “Ultra Wide Voltage Range Consideration of Reliability-Aware STT Magnetic Flip-Flop in 28 nm FDSOI Technology,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55, pp.1323-1327, 2015.
69) You Wang, Hao Cai, Lirida Alves de Barros Naviner, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Weisheng Zhao*, “Compact themal modeling of spin transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55, pp.1649-1653, 2015.
70) Djaafar Chabi, Zhaohao Wang, Christophe Bennett, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Weisheng Zhao*, Ultra high density memristor neural crossbar for On-Chip Universal Supervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 14, no. 6, pp.964-962, 2015.
71) Mengxing Wang, Shouzhong Peng, Yue Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Qianfan Zhang, Dafine Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao*, “A Multilevel Cell for STT-MRAM Realized by Capping Layer Adjustment,” IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 3401604, 2015.
72) Erya Deng, Zhaohao Wang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Guillaume Prenat, Bernard Dieny, Weisheng Zhao*, “High-Frequency Low-Power Magnetic Full-Adder Based on Magnetic Tunnel Junction With Spin-Hall Assistance,” IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 1401704, 2015.
73) Shouzhong Peng, Mengxing Wang, Hongxin Yang, Lang Zeng, Jiang Nan, Jiaqi Zhou, Youguang Zhang, Ali Hallal, Mairbek Chshiev, Kang L. Wang, Qianfan Zhang and Weisheng Zhao*, “Origin of interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in MgO/CoFe/metallic capping layer structures,” Scientific Reports, vol.5, 18173, 2015.
74) Wang Kang, Chengtian Zheng, Youguang Zhang, Dafine Ravelosona, Weifeng Lv, Weisheng Zhao*, “Complementary Spintronic logic with spin hall effect driven magnetic tunnel junction,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 3401704, 2015.
33) Weisheng Zhao, Mathieu Moreau, Erya Deng, Yue Zhang, Jean-Michel Portal, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Marc Bocquet, Hassen Aziza, Damien Deleruyelle, Christophe Muller, Damien Querlioz, Nesrine Ben Romdhane, Claude Chappert, Dafiné Ravelosona, "Synchronous Non-Volatile Logic Gate Design based on Resistive Switching Memories", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I, vol.61, no.2, pp.443-454, 2014.(Best Paper Award)
34) Weisheng Zhao, Jean Michel Portal, Wang Kang, Mathieau Morcea, Yue Zhang, H. Aziza, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Zhaohao Wang, Damien Querlioz, Dafine Ravelosona, M. Bocquet, D. Deleruyelle, C. Muller, Claude Chappert, "Design and Analysis of Crossbar Architecture Based on Complementary Resistive Switching Non-Volatile Memory Cells", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol.74, no.06, pp.2484-2496, 2014.
35) Djaafar Chabi, Damien Querlioz, Weisheng Zhao* and Jacques-Olivier Klein, "Robust Learning Approach for Neuro-Inspired Nanoscale Crossbar Architecture", ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing System, vol.10, no.1, pp.5:10-5:20, 2014.
36) Li Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Yiqi Zhuang, Gefei Wang, Junlin Bao, Hualian Tang, Cong Li, Xin Xiang, "A 16Kb Spin transfer torque random access memory with self-enbale switching and pre-charge sensing schemes", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.50, no.14, pp.1-7, 2014.
37) Djaafar Chabi, Weisheng Zhao*, Erya Deng, Yue Zhang, Nesrine Ben Romdhane, Jacques-Olivier Klein and Claude Chappert, "Ultra Low Power Magnetic Flip-Flop Based on checkpointing/Power Gatingand Self-Enable Mechanisms", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I, vol.61, no.6, pp.1755-1765, 2014.
38) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert and Dafiné Ravelosona, "Implementation of Magnetic Field Assistance to Current-Induced Perpendicular-Magnetic-Anisotropy Racetrack Memory", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.115, pp.17D509, 2014.
39) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Wang Kang, Annes Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Dafine Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "A physics-based compact model of ferroelectric tunnel junction for memory and logic design", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , vol.47, no.04, pp.045001, 2014.
40) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert and Dafiné Ravelosona, "Current Induced Perpendicular-Magnetic-Anisotropy Racetrack Memory with Magnetic Field Assistance", Applied Physics Letter, vol.104, pp.032409, 2014.
41) Wang Kang, Erya Deng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yue Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, Dafiné Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao*, "Separated Pre-Charge Sensing Amplifier for Deep Submicron MTJ/CMOS Hybrid Logic Circuits", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.50, no.6, pp.3400305, 2014.
42) Wang Kang, Weisheng Zhao*, Zhaohao Wang, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, "DFSTT-MRAM: Dual Functional STT-MRAM Cell Structure for Reliability Enhancement and 3D MLC Functionality", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.50, no.6, pp.3400207, 2014.
43) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Wang Kang, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafine Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Compact modelling of ferroelectric tunnel memristor and its use for neuromorphic simulation", Applied Physics Letter, vol.104, pp.033505, 2014.
44) Chenxing Deng, Weiwei Lin, Guillaume Agnus, Diana Dragoe, D. Pierucci, A. Ouerghi, Sylvain Eimer, I. Barisic Dafine Ravelosona, Claude Chappert and Weisheng Zhao*, "Reversible charge transfer doping in graphene due to reaction with polymer residues", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol.118, no.25, 2014, pp.13890-13897.
45) You Wang, Yue Zhang, Erya Deng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Lirida Alves de Barros Naviner, Weisheng Zhao*, "Compact model of magnetic tunnel junction with stochastic spin transfer torque switching for reliability analyses", Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 54, pp. 1774-1778, 2014.
46) Wang Kang, Weisheng Zhao*, Erya Deng, Yuanqing Cheng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafine Ravelosona, Youguang Zhang and Claude Chappert, "Radiation Hardened hybrid spintronics/CMOS nonvolatile unit using magnetic tunnel junctions", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.47, 405003, 2014.
47) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Wang Kang, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafine Ravelosona, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, "Nonvolatile Boolean logic block based on Ferroelectric Tunnel Memristor", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.50, 9100604, 2014.
48) Wang Kang, Zheng Li, Zhaohao Wang, Erya Deng, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao* "Variation-tolerant High-Reliability Sensing Scheme for Deep Submicron STT-MRAM", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 50, 3400904, 2014.
49) Wang Kang, Zheng Li, Youguang Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao*, "Variant-Tolerant and Disturbance-Free Sensing circuit for Deep Nanometer STT-MRAM", IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, vol.13, pp. 1088-1092, 2014.
50) Djaafar Chabi, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein and Claude Chappert "Design and Analysis of Radiation Hardened Sensing Circuits for Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Memory and Logic", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.61, pp.3258-3264, 2014.
22) Olivier Bichler, Weisheng Zhao*, Fabien Alibart, S.Pleutin, Dominique Vuillaume and Christian Gamrat, "Pavlov's Dog Associative Learning Demonstrated on Synaptic-like Organic Transistors", MIT press journals, Neural Computation, vol.25, no.2, pp.549-566, 2013.
23) Na Lei, Thibaut Devolder, Guillaume Agnus, Pascal Aubert, Laurent Daniel, Joo-Von Kim, Weisheng Zhao, Theodossis Trypiniotis, Russell P. Cowburn, Claude Chappert, Dafiné Ravelosona, Philippe Lecoeur, "Strain-controlled magnetic domain wall propagation in hybrid piezoelectric/ferromagnetic structures", Nature Communications, vol.4, 1378, 2013.(ESI Highly cited paper)
24) H-P Trinh, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yue Zhang, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Magnetic Adder based on racetrack memory", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol.60, pp.1469-1477, 2013.
25) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Guillaume Prenat, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Bernard Dieny Dafiné Ravelosona, "Electrical Modeling of Stochastic Spin Transfer Torque Writing in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Memory and Logic Applications", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.49, pp.4375-4378, 2013.
26) Erya Deng, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Dafiné Ravelosona, Weisheng Zhao*, "Low Power Magnetic Full-Adder based on Spin Transfer Torque MRAM", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics,vol.49, pp.4982-4987, 2013.
27) Zhaohao Wang, Weisheng Zhao*, Wang Kang, Annes Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafine Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Write operation study of Co/BTO/LSMO ferroelectric tunnel junction", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.114, pp.044108, 2013.
28) Wang Kang, Weisheng Zhao*, Zhaohao Wang, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, Dafine Ravelosona, "A low-cost built-in error correction circuit design for STT-MRAM reliability improvement", Microelectronics Reliability, vol.53, pp.1224-1229, 2013.
29) Wang Kang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Youguang Zhang, Claude Chappert, Dafiné Ravelosona, "High reliability sensing circuit for deep submicron spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory", Electronics Letters, vol.49, no.20, pp.1283-1285, 2013.
30) Li Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Yiqi Zhuang, Junlin Bao, Hualian Tang, Cong Li, Xin Xiang, "Design and Analysis of the Reference Cells for STT-MRAM", IEICE Electronics Express, vol.10, no.12, pp.20130352, 2013.
31) Karim Gacem, Jean-Marie Retrouvey, Djaafar Chabi, Arianna Filoramo, Weisheng Zhao, Jacques-Olivier Klein and Vincent Derycke, "Neuromorphic Function Learning with Carbon Nanotube-based Synapses", Nanotechnology, vol.24, no.38, pp.384013, 2013.
32) Weisheng Zhao, Raphael Brum, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Lionel Torres, Gilles Sassatelli, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Spintronic Memories based Reconfigurable Computing", SPIN Journal, vol.03, no.04, pp.1340010, 2013. (Invited review paper).
14) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Dafiné Ravelosona, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Joo-Von Kim, Claude Chappert, "Compact Modeling of Perpendicular-Anisotropy CoFeB/MgO Magnetic Tunnel Junctions", IEEE Transaction on Electron Device,vol.59, no.3, pp.819-826, 2012. (ESI Highly cited paper)
15) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Dafiné Ravelosona, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Joo-Von Kim, Claude Chappert, "Perpendicular-Magnetic-Anisotropy CoFeB Racetrack Memory", Journal of Applied Physics (JAP), vol.111, pp.093925, 2012.
16) Weisheng Zhao, Yue Zhang, Thibault Devolder, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert and Pascale Mazoyer, "Failure and Reliability Analysis of STT-MRAM", Microelectronics Reliability, vol.52, no.9-10, pp.1848-1852, 2012.
17) Yue Zhang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Ultra-High Density Content Addressable Memory based on Current Induced Domain Wall Motion in Magnetic Track", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.48, pp.3219-3222, 2012.
18) Yayha Lakys, Weisheng Zhao*, Thibaut Devolder, Yue Zhang, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Self-Enabled “Error-Free” Switching Circuit for Spin Transfer Torque MRAM and Logic", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.48, pp.2403-2406, 2012.
19) Yayha Lakys, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, "Hardening techniques for MRAM-Based non-volatile latches and logic", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, vol. 59, no.4, pp.1136-1141, 2012.
20) H-P Trinh, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Yue Zhang, Dafiné Ravelosona, Claude Chappert, "Domain wall motion based Magnetic Adder", Electronics Letters, vol.48, no.17, pp.1049-1051, 2012.
21) Weisheng Zhao, Sumanta Chaudhuri, Celso Accoto, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert and Pascale Mazoyer, "Cross-Point architecture for spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory", IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, 2012. vol.11, no.5, pp.907-917, 2012.
9) Weisheng Zhao, Julien Duval, Dafiné Rovelosona, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Joo-Von Kim, Claude Chappert, "A Compact Model of Domain Wall propagation for logic and memory design", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, 07D501, 2011.
10) Weisheng Zhao, Julien Duval, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, "A Compact Model of Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) switched by Thermally Assisted Spin Transfer Torque (TAS+STT)" , Nanoscale Research Letters, 6:368, 2011.
11) Yi Gang, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, Pascale Mazoyer, "A High Reliability, Low Power Magnetic Full Adder", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no.11 pp.4611-4616, 2011.
12) Weisheng Zhao, Dafiné Ravelosona, Jacques-Olivier Klein and Claude Chappert, "Domain Wall Shift Register based reconfigurable logic", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.47, no.10, pp.2966-2969, 2011.
13) Weisheng Zhao, Thibault Devolder, Yahya Lakys, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert and Pascale Mazoyer, "Design Considerations and Strategies for High-Reliable STT-MRAM", Microelectronics Reliability , vol.51, no.9-11, pp.1454-1458, 2011.
5) Guillaume Agnus, Weisheng Zhao, Vincent Derycke, Arianna Filoramo, Yves Lhuillier, Stéphane Lenfant, Dominique Vuillaume, Christian Gamrat and Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, "2-Terminal Carbon Nanotube Programmable Devices for Adaptive Architectures", Advanced Materials, vol.22, no.6, pp. 702-706, 2010.
6) Weisheng Zhao, Guillaume Agnus, Vincent Derycke, A.Filoramo, C.Gamrat and Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, "Nanotube devices based crossbar architecture: Toward neuromorphic computing", Nanotechnology, vol.21, no.17, pp.175202, 2010.
7) Yahya Lakys, Weisheng Zhao*, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Claude Chappert, "Low Power, High Reliability Magnetic Flip-Flop", Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.22, pp.1493-1494, 2010.
8) Olivier Bichler, Weisheng Zhao*, Fabien Alibart, S.Pleutin, Dominique Vuillaume and Christian Gamrat, "Functional Model of a Nanoparticle-Organic Memory Transistor for Use as a Spiking Synapse", IEEE Transaction on Electron Device. vol. 57, no.11, pp.3115-3122, 2010.
1) Weisheng Zhao, Eric Belhaire, Claude Chappert, Pascale Mazoyer, "Power and area optimization for Run-Time Reconfiguration SOPC based on MRAM", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.45, no.2, pp.776-780, 2009.
2) Weisheng Zhao, Eric Belhaire, Claude Chappert, Guillaume Prenat, Bernard Dieny, "TAS-MRAM based low power, high speed Run-Time Reconfiguration (RTR) FPGA", ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, vol.2, no.2, article 8, 2009.
3) Weisheng Zhao, Claude Chappert, Virgile Javerliac and Jean-Pierre Noizière, "High speed, high stability and low power sensing amplifier for MTJ/CMOS hybrid logic circuits", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.45, no.10, pp.3784-3787, 2009.
4) Weisheng Zhao, Eric Belhaire, Claude Chappert, Pascale Mazoyer, "Spin Transfer Torque (STT)-MRAM based Run Time Reconfiguration FPGA circuit ", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol.9, no.2, article 14, 2009.