于靖军,教授。北京市青年教学名师,北京市科技新星。中国机械工程学会机器人分会、机械设计分会、空间机构分会常务委员。Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering等编委。主要研究方向为柔性机构学与机器人。主持国家自然科学基金6项(含重点1项),出版专著2部、教材8部,发表论文170余篇,授权发明专利30余件。获教育部自然科学奖二等奖2项、省部级及以上教学成果奖5项,宝钢优秀教师奖1项。
1. 国家自然科学基金深圳机器人基础研究中心项目:面向航空狭小空间作业的柔性连续体机器人刚度调控与精度保障研究,2019.01-2022.12,负责人。
2. 国家重点研发计划项目,飞机复杂狭窄部件舱内结构探测清除作业机器人,2020.01-2022.12,课题负责人。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“可实现滚动运动模式的大转角并联&柔性机构设计理论”(51575017),2016.01-2019.12,负责人。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“柔性精微机构的刚度设计方法研究”(51175010),2012.01-2015.12,负责人。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“胞元式柔性机构的创新设计研究”(50875008),2009.01-2011.12,负责人。
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“RCM机构的综合与设计研究”(50405007),2005.01-2007.12,负责人。
1. 于靖军、毕树生、裴旭、赵宏哲、宗光华著. 柔性设计:柔性机构的分析与综合, 北京:高等教育出版社,2018
2. 于靖军、裴旭、宗光华著. 机械装置的图谱化创新设计,北京:科学出版社,2014
3. 于靖军主编. 机械原理,北京:机械工业出版社,2013
4. 于靖军、刘辛军、丁希仑 编著. 机器人机构学的数学基础(第2版),北京:机械工业出版社,2016
5. 于靖军、刘辛军、丁希仑、戴建生编著. 机器人机构学的数学基础,北京:机械工业出版社,2008
6. 于靖军、贾振中译. 现代机器人学:机构、规划与控制,北京:机械工业出版社,2019
7. 于靖军、刘辛军译. 精密机械设计:运动学设计原理与实践,北京:机械工业出版社,2017
8. 于靖军、周艳华、毕树生译. 并联机构构型综合,北京:机械工业出版社,2013
9. 陈贵敏、于靖军、马洪波、邱丽芳译. 柔顺机构设计理论与实例图册,北京:高等教育出版社,2015
10. K. Liu, J.J. Yu, X.W. Kong. Synthesis of multi-mode single-loop Bennett-based mechanisms using factorization of motion polynomials. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 155: 104110.
11. K. Liu, J.J. Yu, X.W. Kong. Structure synthesis and reconfiguration analysis of variable-DOF single-loop mechanisms with prismatic joints using dual quaternions. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 14(2): 021009.
12. W.S. Ma, J.J. Yu, Y.Q. Yang. Graphical Design Methodology of Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Tuned Mass Damper for Suppressing Multiple Modes. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2021, 143(1): 011008.
13. W.S. Ma, J.J. Yu, Y.Q. Yang. Optimization and Tuning of Passive Tuned Mass Damper Embedded in Milling Tool for Chatter Mitigation. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2021, 5(1): 2
14. K. Liu, X.W. Kong, J.J. Yu, Operation mode analysis of lower-mobility parallel mechanisms based on dual quaternions, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 142: 10357
15. F.H. Meng, J.J. Yu, D. Alaluf, B. Mokrani, A. Preumont. Modal flexibility based damage detection for suspension bridge hangers: A numerical and experimental investigation, Smart Structures and Systems, 2019, 23(1): 15-29.
16. W.S. Ma, Y.Q. Yang, and J.J. Yu. General routine of suppressing single vibration mode by multi-DOF tuned mass damper: Application of three-DOF, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 121: 77-96.
17. Y. Xie, X. Pei, and J.J. Yu. Double-layer sandwich annulus with ultra-low thermal expansion. Composite Structures, 2018, 203: 709-717.
18. Y. Xie, J.J. Yu, H.Z. Zhao. Deterministic design for a compliant parallel universal joint with constant rotational stiffness, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 10(5): 031006.
19. X.B. He, J.J. Yu, G.B. Hao. Effect of degree-of-symmetry on kinetostatic characteristics of flexure mechanisms: a comparative case study, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 31(1): 1-12.
20. N. Ma, J.J. Yu, X. Dong, et al. Design and stiffness analysis of a class of 2-DoF tendon driven parallel kinematics mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 129: 202-217.
21. Y. Wang, J.J. Yu, X. Pei. Fast forward kinematics algorithm for real-time and high-precision control of the 3-RPS parallel mechanism, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 13(3): 368-375.
22. J.J. Yu, Z. Jin, X.W. Kong. Identification and comparison for continuous motion characteristics of three two-degree-of-freedom pointing mechanisms. Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 9(5): 051015.
23. J.J. Yu, K. Wu, G.H. Zong, X.W. Kong. A Comparative study on motion characteristics of three two-degree-of-freedom pointing mechanisms. Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 8(2): 021027.
24. J.J. Yu, X. Yan, Z.G. Li, G.B. Hao. Design and experimental testing of an improved large-range decoupled XY compliant parallel micromanipulator, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 7(4): 044503.
25. K. Wu, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, et al. A family of rotational parallel manipulators with equal-diameter spherical pure rotation, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2014, 6(1): 011008.
26. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, C. Qiu. An analytical approach for synthesizing line actuation spaces of parallel flexure mechanisms, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 135(6): 12450.
27. J.J. Yu, X. Dong, X. Pei, X.W. Kong. Mobility and singularity analysis of a class of 2-DOF rotational parallel mechanisms using a visual graphic approach, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2012, 4(4): 041006.
28. J.J. Yu, W. Li, X. Pei, S.S. Bi, G.H. Zong. A compound load simulator based on zero-torsion parallel mechanisms, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 7(1): 92-95.
29. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, H.J. Su, M.L. Culpepper. Screw theory based methodology for the deterministic type synthesis of flexure mechanisms, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transactions of the ASME, 2011, 3(3): 031008.
30. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, X. Pei, S.S. Bi, G.H. Zong. A unified approach to type synthesis of both rigid and flexure parallel mechanisms, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(5): 1206-1219.
31. 于靖军, 刘凯, 孔宪文. 多模式机构研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2020, 56(19): 14-27.
32. 于靖军, 谢岩, 裴旭. 负泊松比超材料研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2018.
33. 于靖军、陈贵敏、郝广波、毕树生,柔性机构设计及应用研究进展,机械工程学报, 2015, 51(13): 53-68.
34. 于靖军,郭卫东,陈殿生. 面向工程教育的STEP教学模式,高等工程教育研究,2017(4): 73-77.
35. 于靖军,郭卫东. 融入机械史的机械原理教学研究与实践,机械原理课程的内涵发展与质量提升,大连理工大学出版社, 2017.
1. 于靖军,谢岩,裴旭. 一种具有常值刚度的柔性并联万向节,中国发明专利:ZL 201610574323.0
2. 于靖军,孔宪文,吴钪,旷静,一种运动模式可变的二自由度并联机械手腕,中国发明专利:ZL201410146578.8
3. 于靖军,吴钪,宗光华,具有球面纯滚性质的二自由度并联转动机构,中国发明专利:ZL201310080303.4
4. 于靖军,吴钪,宗光华,一种并联式二自由度指向装置,中国发明专利:ZL201310277000.1
5. 于靖军,余家柱,吴钪,孔宪文,一种等速的并联式动力传动装置,中国发明专利:ZL201410108624.5
6. 于靖军,旷静,宗光华,李振国,一种组合式电子激光音乐喷泉,中国发明专利:ZL 201310247166.9
7. 于靖军,陆登峰,宗光华,一种机械原理教学中用于演示自由度与约束对偶关系的可重构柔性教具,中国发明专利, 专利号: 201310080303.4
8. 于靖军,裴旭,徐杰,宗光华,毕树生. 一种适用于复合加载的异形十字轴式联轴器. 中国发明专利,专利号: ZL201210094716.3
9. 于靖军,东昕,裴旭,宗光华. 两自由度空间转动并联机构. 中国发明专利,专利号: ZL201110031919.3
10. 于靖军,裴旭,宗光华,毕树生. 具有虚拟转动中心的大变形柔性虎克铰. 中国发明专利,专利号: ZL200710064993.9
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2004-07-01
Education Level:博士研究生
Business Address:新主楼A837
Contact Information:82313904
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
Discipline:Mechanical Engineering
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