
开授课程 >>个人简介

经管学院应用经济系专任教师,博士,兼任全国高校人文社会科学重点研究基地“中国WTO研究院”专家团成员、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)企业集成信息系统协会中国分会会员、中国宇航学会会员。长期从事国际经济、国际贸易、国际投资、国际金融领域教学科研工作,研究方向:跨国公司与FDI、技术转移与融资管理、进出口贸易。讲授本科及研究生《微观经济学》、《宏观经济学》、《货币银行学》、《商业银行管理》、《金融机构经营管理》、《国际贸易》、《国际经济学》、《国际贸易实务》、《跨国公司管理》、《国际技术贸易》、《金融英语》以及远程教育学院《货币银行学》等课程。参加国家自然科学基金项目,主持教学研究与实践项目。硕士生导师,指导应用经济类学士及硕士学位论文多篇(含留学生CSC Scholarship),出版译著、发表论文多篇。


[1] 减税政策对企业税收负担的影响研究——以B市M区为例(MPacc)

[2] 上市公司财务报表舞弊识别方法及实证研究(MPacc)

[3] 贷款业务对上市银行盈利能力的影响研究(MPacc)

[4] 医药类证券投资基金的绩效评价研究(MPacc)

[5] 新冠疫情对我国上市航空公司盈利能力的影响研究(MPacc)

[6] 我国互联网上市公司的并购行为对其股价的影响分析(MPacc)

[7] 对外直接投资对我国进出口的影响(MSc)

[8] 汇率对印尼咖啡出口的影响分析(留学生)
[9] 丝绸之路经济带基础设施投资与贸易增长(留学生)

[10] 外商直接投资对印尼旅游业的贡献分析(留学生)

[11] 越南胡椒出口欧盟市场策略分析(留学生)

[12] 中国直接投资对老挝经济增长的影响(留学生)

[13] 巴西大豆对华出口分析(留学生)

[14] 阿尔巴尼亚移民的经济效应(留学生)

[15] 外国直接投资对玻利维亚经济增长的影响(留学生)

[16] 俄罗斯信息技术企业的服务出口策略研究(留学生)

[17] 从中国进口的机械设备在俄罗斯的市场研究(留学生)

[18] 普惠金融支持精准扶贫效应研究(MSc)



2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,No.70831001,国家外汇储备的多元化和国际资产配置模型研究,2009-2012,主要成员

3. 国家自然科学基金应急项目,No.70841019,金融风暴过程中资产价格波动及对中国的影响,2008-2009,主要成员

4. 教育部“ 双一流” 引导专项资金项目“ 能源经济专业建设”(编号:ZG211S1816), 2018,成员


Jie Yang, Liyan Han, (2013), Optimal Size of Currency Swap between Central Banks: Evidence from China [J], Applied Economics Letters, 2013, Vol.20, No.3, 203-207. (SSCI)

Jie Yang, Liyan Han, Guangyu Ren, (2014), China-to-North Korea Tourism: A Leisure Business on a Tense Peninsula, North Korean Review, 10 (2), fall 2014, 57-70, USA McFarland & Company, Inc.

Jie Yang, (2010), Dynamic portfolio management of strategic investment in Chinese banking sector, International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2010.

Jie Yang, (2010), Risk control and portfolio management of investment in Chinese new power market, International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2010.

Jie Yang, (2008), Financial opening and its impact on Chinese major commercial banks, ICIM’08 Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Industrial Management, Osaka Japan, 904-909.

Jie Yang, (2008), Economic effects analysis of monetary shock on Chinese financial markets, 38th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 416-422.


PhD,  Management Science,  Beihang University

Research field: international trade, international investment (FDI), finance, business management

Supervisor of Master candidates (including international students with CSC schoarship) majoring (1) International Trade and (2) Business Administration.
Graduated Master's student thesis titles includes but not limited to:
[1] Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Exchange Rate on Indonesia’s Coffee Export
[2] Infrastructure Investment and Trade Growth along Silk Road Economic Belt
[3] Analysis of FDI’s Contribution to Indonesian Tourism Industry
[4] Vietnam’s Pepper Export Strategy Analysis for European Union Market
[5] The impact of Chinese direct investment on economic growth in Lao P.D.R
[6] Analysis of Brazilian Soyabean Export to China
[7] Outbound FDI's Impact on China's Import and Export

[8] Economic effect of immigrants in Albania  

[9]The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Bolivia´s Economic Growth

[10] Study of Russian Market for Machinery and Mechanical Appliances Imported from China

[11] Study on Service Export Strategy of Russian Information Echnology Enterprises

Published article on SSCI journal Applied Economics Letters.

Jie Yang, Liyan Han, (2013), Optimal Size of Currency Swap between Central Banks: Evidence from China [J], Applied Economics Letters, 2013,Vol.20,No.3,203-207   

Contact:  jieyang2099(a)buaa.edu.cn


Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering, Economics and Management School, Beihang University. 2013.

M.S. in Management Engineering (Industrial Foreign Trade), Economics and Management School, Beihang University. 1996.

B.S. in Industrial Foreign Trade, Economics and Management School, Beihang University. 1993.


Welcome the students in majors of Business, Economics, Trade, and Finance to take part in our research group. Currently, our researches are mainly in:

1) World economies and trade

2) Economic cooperation between China and foreign countries

3) Financial markets

4) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Teaching Experience:

For bachelor students: teaching International Trade, International Trade Practices, International Investment and Multinational Corporation Management, International Technology Trade, and Intellectual Property Rights Management.

For postgraduate students: teaching International Business, International Capital Markets and International Business Negotiation.