王毓琦,华东师范大学思勉人文高等研究院应用语言学博士,北京航空航天大学外国语言文学流动站“卓越百人”博士后,美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校访问学者。目前任职北京航空航天大学外国语学院,副教授职称。研究方向包括语用学、二语习得、积极心理学、二语语用学。近年来在SSCI、CSSCI等国内外权威核心期刊发表多篇学术论文,出版专/译著两部,主持/研课题项目五项。担任Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (SSCI...details>
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
No contact
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
Education Experience
2017/9-2021/6 华东师范大学 思勉人文高等研究院 |  Foreign Languages and Literature |  Doctoral Degree in Literature |  博士研究生 
2019/9-2020/4 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 教育学院 |  Foreign Languages and Literature   访问学者(联合培养) 
2015/9-2017/7 哈尔滨工业大学 外国语学院 |  Foreign Languages and Literature |  Master's Degree in Literature |  With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates 
2011/9-2015/6 东北农业大学 |  Foreign Languages and Literature |  Bachelor's Degree in Literature |  大学本科 
Work Experience
2023/10-Now 外国语学院 语言科学与工程系 | 北京航空航天大学  | 副教授  | 在职 
2021/6-2023/10 外国语言文学博士后流动站 | 北京航空航天大学  | 卓百博士后  | 已出站 
- 1.Wang Yuqi.The roles of language mindsets and willingness to communicate in receptive pragmatic competence among Chinese EFL learners.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (SSCI Q1 权威).2023:1-17
- 2.Wang Yuqi.L2 grit and pragmatic comprehension among Chinese postgraduate learners: Enjoyment and anxiety as mediators.International Journal of Applied Linguistics (SSCI).2024,34(1):224-241
- 3.Wang Yuqi.The role of prior and actual situational context in conversational routines produced by Chinese learners of English.Pragmatics and Society (SSCI).2022,13(4):585-604
- 4.Wang Yuqi.The effects of proficiency and study-abroad on Chinese EFL learners' refusals.The Language Learning Journal (ESCI).2022,50(4):521-536
- 5.Wang Yuqi.二语坚毅与交际意愿的关系探究 ——外语愉悦与焦虑的中介效应.现代外语(CSSCI权威).2022,46(1):42-55
- 6.Wang Yuqi.中国学习者英语水平、留学经历与程式话语语用接受能力的关系研究.解放军外国语学院学报(CSSCI).2022,45(1):111-119