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  • 教授
  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师
  • 教师英文名称:Guangquan Lu
  • 教师拼音名称:luguangquan
  • 电子邮箱:
  • 入职时间:2006-09-01
  • 所在单位:交通科学与工程学院
  • 职务:Associate Dean
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 性别:
  • 联系方式:lugq@buaa.edu.cn
  • 学位:博士
  • 在职信息:在职
  • 毕业院校:哈尔滨工业大学,吉林大学
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 研究领域





[1]   Lu, G. *, Bo, C. , Lin, Q. , & Wang, Y. . (2012). Quantitative indicator of homeostatic risk perception in car following. Safety Science, 50(9).

[2]  Tan, H. , Lu, G. * , and Liu, M. . Risk Field Model of Driving and Its Application in Modeling Car-Following Behavior. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3105518.

[3] Lu, G. *, Cheng, B. , Wang, Y. , & Lin, Q. . (2013). A car-following model based on quantified homeostatic risk perception. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 165-185.

[4]  Zhang, J. , Wang, Y. , & Lu, G. *. (2019). Impact of heterogeneity of car-following behavior on rear-end crash risk. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125(APR.), 275-289.

[5] Wang, Y. , Zhang, J . , & Lu, G . * . (2019). Influence of driving behaviors on the stability in car following. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20 (3):1081-1098.

[6] 鲁光泉刘倩王云鹏陈鹏, & 丁川. (2018). 一种基于风险动态平衡理论的弯道跟驰模型. ZL201810758357.4.

[7] 鲁光泉王云鹏吴梦晓陈鹏, & 丁川. (2017) 一种基于V2V的弯道车头时距与车头间距计算方法. ZL201610956587.2.


[8]     Hua, J., Lu, G. *, & Liu, H. X. (2022). Modeling and simulation of approaching behaviors to signalized intersections based on risk quantification. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 142, 103773.

[9]    Lu, G . *, Wang, Y . , Wu, X . , Liu, H . (2015). Analysis of yellow-light running at signalized intersections using high-resolution traffic data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 73, 39-52.

[10]  Lu, G. *, Liu, M. , Wang, Y. , Wan, H. , & Tian, D. . (2015). Logit-based analysis of drivers' crossing behavior at unsignalized intersections in China. Human Factors the Journal of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, 57(7), 1101-1114.

[11] Liu, M. , Wang, Y. , Lu, G. *, & Zhang, Z. . (2014). Logit-based merging behavior model for uncontrolled intersections in china. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(12), 04014059.

[12] Lu, G. *, Kong, L. , Wang, Y. , & Tian, D. . (2014). Vehicle trajectory extraction by simple two-dimensional model matching at low camera angles in intersection. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 8(7), 631-638.

[13] Liu, M. , Lu G. *, Wang, Y. , & Zhang Z. . (2014). Preempt or yield? an analysis of driver's dynamic decision making at unsignalized intersections by classification tree. Safety Science. 65, 36-44.

[14] Liu, M. , Lu, G. *, Wang, Y. , & Zhang, Z. . (2014). Analyzing drivers' crossing decisions at unsignalized intersections in China. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology & Behaviour. 24, 244-255.

[15] 鲁光泉谭海天陈发城丁川. (2021). 一种基于风险动态平衡的无信号交叉口车辆运动规划方法. ZL202010438570.4



[16]  Wang, Y. , Cai, P. , & Lu, G. *. (2020). Cooperative autonomous traffic organization method for connected automated vehicles in multi-intersection road networks. Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies, 111, 458-476.

[17]  鲁光泉,王云鹏,田大新.车车协同安全控制技术(专著).科学出版社.2014

[18]  鲁光泉,田大新,王云鹏.车用安全通信-协议、安全及隐私(译著).北京理工大学出版社.2015

[19]  鲁光泉潘日佩王云鹏陈鹏, & 丁川. (2017). 一种车车通信环境下考虑车辆间相对位置的多车协同定位算法. ZL201710564723.8.

[20]  鲁光泉李良王云鹏田大新余贵珍, & 于海洋等. (2013). 一种基于车车协同的跟驰辅助控制系统. ZL201310170268.5.



[21]  Chen, F., Lu, G. *, Tan, H., Liu, M., & Wan, H. (2022). Effects of assignments of dedicated automated vehicle lanes and inter-vehicle distances of automated vehicle platoons on car-following performance of nearby manual vehicle drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 177, 106826.

[22] Jin, M. , Lu, G. *, Chen, F. , Shi, X. , Tan, H. , & Zhai, J. . (2021). Modeling takeover behavior in level 3 automated driving via a structural equation model: considering the mediating role of trust. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 157(1), 106156.

[23]  Lu, G. , Zhai, J. , Li, P. , Chen, F. , & Liang, L. * . (2021) Measuring drivers’ takeover performance in varying levels of automation: Considering the influence of cognitive secondary task. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 82, 96-110

[24]  Chen, F. , Lu, G. *, Lin, Q. , Zhai, J. , & Tan, H. . (2021). Are novice drivers competent to take over control from level 3 automated vehicles? a comparative study with experienced drivers. Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81(1), 65-81.

[25] 鲁光泉,赵鹏云,王兆杰,林庆峰.自动驾驶中视觉次任务对年轻驾驶人接管时间的影响[J].中国公路学报,2018,31(04):165-171.

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[28] 鲁光泉石茜丁川, & 陈发城. (2020). 一种基于皮电反应确定汽车防撞预警系统预警时刻的方法. ZL201910985621.2.



[29] Lu, G. *, Cheng, B. , Kuzumaki, S , & Mei, B. . (2011). Relationship between road traffic accidents and conflicts recorded by drive recorders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12(4), 320-326.

[30] Cai, P. , Wang, Y. , & Lu, G. *. (2018). Tunable and transferable rbf model for short-term traffic forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1-11.

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