MORE+Professor Ma Baofeng
Research Team: the Aircraft Optimization Design and Complex Flows.
Office Room: Shahe Compus, Building 2, Room 402
Main Research Directions:
1) Aerodynamic/multi-multidisciplinary optimization design of aircraft;
2)Stability analysis, numerical simulation and experiments on separated vortex flows;
3) Stability analysis and numerical simulation on super/hypersonic flows.
Education Experience:
1996.9-2000.9, Design of Flight Vehicle, Beihang University, Bachelor
2000.9-2005.6, Fluid Mechanics, Beihang University, PHD
Work Experience:
2005.6-2007.9, Aerospace Angineering, Beihang University, Postdoc
2007.9-2009.9, School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Assistant Professor
2015.5-2016.5, Department of Mechanical Egineering, University of Bath, UK, Acadamic visitor
2009.9-2020.7, School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Associate Professor
2020.7-now, School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Full Professor
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Flow Separation and Vortex Flows
Published papers:
Zhou-Yang Wang and Bao-Feng Ma, Mechanism of vortex oscillation around a hemisphere–cylinder body, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 990, A20:1-16
Xin-Ru Zheng, Zong-Cheng Wu, Bao-Feng Ma, and You-Bing Zeng, Numerical Evaluation on Large Ground-Effect Seaplane at Takeoff with Power Augmented Ram, Journal of Aircraft, 2023, 60(3): 766-773
Hamdoon Ijaz, Bao-Feng Ma, Unsteady vortex flows around a hemisphere-cylinder body with turbulent separation, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 077105:1-15
Hong-Gang Jiang, Bao-Feng Ma, Experiments on self-sustained oscillations of leeward vortices over a hemisphere cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(9):1-16
Cheng Gong, Bao-Feng Ma, Aerodynamic evaluation of an unmanned aerial vehicle with variable sweep and span, Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(13):4980-4997
Cheng Gong, Bao-Feng Ma, Shape Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Morphing-Wing Aircraft, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2019, 20:57-69
Heng Luo, and Bao-Feng Ma, Time-averaged asymmetries and oscillatory global modes of vortex flows over a slender wing, Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30(9), 097101:1-18
Bao-Feng Ma, and Hong-Gang Jiang, Estimation of perspective errors in 2D2C-PIV measurements for 3D concentrated vortices, Experiments in Fluids, 2018, 59(101): 1-14.
Bao-Feng Ma, Shuo-Lin Yin, Vortex oscillations around a hemisphere-cylinder body with a high fineness ratio, AIAA Journal, 2018, 56(4): 1402-1420.
Bao-Feng Ma, Zhijin Wang, Ismet Gursul, Symmetry Breaking and Instabilities of Conical Vortex Pairs over Slender Delta Wings, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 832:41-72.
Bao-Feng Ma, Bing Wang, and Xue-Ying Deng, Effects of Reynolds Numbers on Wing Rock Induced by Forebody Vortices, AIAA Journal, 2017, 55(9): 2980-2991.
Ma Baofeng, Deng Xueying, and Wang Bing, Effects of Wing Locations on Wing Rock Induced by Fore-body Vortices, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2016, 29(5): 1226-1236.
Bao-Feng Ma,Yu Huang,and Xue-Ying Deng,Dynamic responses of asymmetric vortices over slender bodies to a rotating tip perturbation, Experiments in Fluids, 2016, 57(4):1-16.
Bao-Feng Ma,Xue-Ying Deng, Zhen Rong,and Bing Wang,The self-excited rolling oscillations induced by fore-body vortices,Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 47:299-313.
Bao-Feng Ma, and Tong-Xin Liu, Low-frequency vortex oscillation around slender bodies at high angles-of-attack, Physics of Fluids, 26, 091701, 2014.
Ma Baofeng, Huang Yu, and Liu Tongxin, Low-frequency unsteadiness of vortex wakes over slender bodies at high angle of attack, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 27(4), 2014, pp772-780.
Long-Kun Wei, and Bao-Feng Ma, Wing Rock Induced by a Hemisphere-Cylinder Forebody, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.51, No.2, 2014, pp.606-613
Bing Wang, Xue-Ying Deng, Bao-Feng Ma, Zhen Rong, and Bo-Chao Cao, Modeling of Wing Rock Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis to Free-to-Roll Time History, Journal of Aircraft,2011, 48(3):805-811.
Bing Wang, Xue-Ying Deng, Bao-Feng Ma, and Zhen Rong, Effects of tip perturbation and wing locations on rolling oscillation induced by forebody vortices,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010,26(5):787-791.
Xueying Deng, Wei Tian, Baofeng Ma, and YanKui Wang, Recent progress on the study of asymmetric vortex flow over slender bodies, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24(5):475-487.
Bao-Feng, Ma, and Xue-Ying, Deng, Tip-Disturbance Effects on Asymmetric Vortex Breakdown of a Chined-Forebody, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.45, No.4, 2008
Bao-Feng, Ma, Xue-Ying, Deng, and Ying Chen, Effects of Forced Asymmetric Transition on Vortex Asymmetry around Slender Bodies, AIAA Journal, Vol.45, No.11, 2007
Bao-Feng, Ma, and Xue-Ying, Deng, Vortex Interactions between Chined Forebody and Strake, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.43, No.6, 2006
Bao-Feng,Ma, Pei-Qing,liu, and Yuan Wei, Effects of Wing and Canard Sweep on Lift Enhancement of Canard Configurations, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.41, No.6, 2004