Yu Chen, Qiong Huang, Zongyang Zhang (通讯作者), Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara Identity-Based Non-Interactive Key Exchange Scheme, Revisited, the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8544, pp. 274-289, Springer-Verlag, July 7-9, 2014. EI, CCF Rank C.
上一条:Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang (通讯作者), Publicly Evaluable Pseudorandom Functions and Their Applications, the Ninth Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8642, pp.115-134, Springer-Verlag, September 3-5, 2014. EI.
下一条:Zongyang Zhang, Yu Chen, Sherman S.M. Chow, Goichiro Hanaoka, Zhenfu Cao, Yunlei Zhao, All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications, the 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8479, pp.181-198, Springer-Verlag, June 10-13, 2014. EI, CCF Rank C.