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Two freedom linear parameter varying μ synthesis control for flight environment testbed

Impact Factor:5.7

Journal:Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

Abstract:To solve the problem of robust servo performance of Flight Environment Testbed (FET) of Altitude Ground Test Facilities (AGTF) over the whole operational envelope, a two-degree-offreedom μ synthesis method based on Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) schematic is proposed, and meanwhile a new structure frame of μ synthesis control on two degrees of freedom with double integral and weighting functions is presented, which constitutes a core support part of the paper. Aimed at the problem of reference command's rapid change, one freedom feed forward is adopted, while another freedom output feedback is used to meet good servo tracking as well as disturbance and noise rejection; furthermore, to overcome the overshoot problem and acquire dynamic tuning, the integral is introduced in inner loop, and another integral controller is used in outer loop in order to guarantee steady errors; additionally, two performance weighting functions are designed to achieve robust specialty and control energy limit considering the uncertainties in system. As the schedule parameters change over large flight envelope, the stability of closed-loop LPV system is proved using Lyapunov inequalities. The simulation results show that the relative tracking errors of temperature and pressure are less than 0.5% with LPV μ synthesis controller. Meanwhile, compared with non-LPV μ synthesis controller in large uncertainty range, the proposed approach in this research can ensure robust servo performance of FET over the whole operational envelope.

Co-author:Zhihong Dan,Song Zhang,Xitong Pei

First Author:Meiyin Zhu

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Xi Wang

First-Level Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology

Document Type:J



Page Number:1204-1214

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-05-12

Included Journals:SCI


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Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Business Address:浙江省杭州市余杭区双红桥街166号科研3号楼5037


Contact Information:mecalzmy@buaa.edu.cn


Academic Titles:综合教工党支部书记、人力资源高级助理

Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学

Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Honors and Titles:

中国内燃机学会技术发明奖一等奖  2022-11-27

中国颗粒学会颗粒测试奖一等奖  2022-11-01

ASME Gas Turbine Segment and the ASME IGTI Honors & Awards  2017-10-17

第六届“海科杯”全球华侨华人创新创业大赛二等奖  2020-10-10

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