Zhou Shenghan
Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
.Shenghan Zhou, Silin Qian, Wenbing Chang* , Yiyong Xiao and Yang Cheng, A Novel Bearing Multi-Fault Diagnosis Approach Based on Weighted Permutation Entropy and an Improved SVM Ensemble Classifier, Sensors 2018, 18(6): 1934
.Chang Wenbing, Xu Zhenzhong, Zhou Shenghan*, Cao Wen, Research on detection methods based on Doc2vec abnormal comments, Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of Escience, Vol 86, 656-662
.Shenghan Zhou, Silin Qian, Xiaohan Li, Liping Zheng,Wenbing Chang, Liping Wang, Using the Capture-Recapture Method to Estimate the Incidence of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Beijing, China, Neuroepidemiology 2018;50:29–34
.Yue Xie, Shenghan Zhou, Yiyong Xiao∗, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Abdullah Konak. A β-accurate linearization method of Euclidean distance for the facility layout problem with heterogeneous distance metrics, European Journal of Operational Research, 265 (2018) 26–38
.张志辉, 周晟瀚. 高技术制造业对高等教育的影响研究, 化工高等教育, 2017.2: 11-15+62
.潘星,康锐,周晟瀚,王立梅.工科本科生科技文明类通识教育研究——以北京航空航天大学《失败的逻辑》课题为例.高等工程教育研究.2019,4 :79-83+112