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.36.Zhaoxiang Chen,Yihai He*, Fengdi Liu, Chunling Zhu and Di Zhou.Product infant failure risk modeling based on quality variation propagation and functional failure dependency.Advances in Mechanical Engineering.2018,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1177/1687814018816587.
.35.Yihai He*, Changchao Gu, Zhenzhen He & Jiaming Cui.Reliability-oriented quality control approach for production process based on RQR chain.Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.2018,29(5-6):652-672.
.34.Yihai He*,Xiao Han,Changchao Gu,Zhaoxiang Chen.Cost-oriented predictive maintenance based on mission reliability state for cyber manufacturing systems.Advances in Mechanical Engineering.2018,10(1): 1-15.
.33.Yihai He*,Changchao Gu,Xiao Han,Jiaming Cui,Zhaoxiang Chen.Mission reliability modeling for multi-station manufacturing system based on Quality State Task Network.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability.2017,231(6): 701-715.
.32.Yihai He*,Changchao Gu, Zhaoxiang Chen,Xiao Han.Integrated predictive maintenance strategy for manufacturing systems by combining quality control and mission reliability analysis.International Journal of Production Research.2017,55(19):5841-5862.
.31.Yihai He*,Chunling Zhu,  Zhenzhen He,  Changchao Gu,  Jiaming Cui.Big data oriented root cause identification approach based on Axiomatic domain mapping and weighted association rule mining for product infant failure.Computers & Industrial Engineering.2017,109:253–265.
.30.Yihai He*, Linbo Wang,Yi Wei, Zhenzhen He.Optimisation of burn-in time considering the hidden loss of quality deviations in the manufacturing process.International Journal of Production Research.2017,55(10):2961-2977.
.29.Yihai He*, Linbo Wang, Zhenzhen He,and Xun Xiao.Modelling infant failure rate of electromechanical products with multilayered quality variations from manufacturing process.International Journal of Production Research.2016,54(21): 6594-6612.
.28.Yihai He*,Linbo Wang,Zhenzhen He, Min Xie .A fuzzy TOPSIS and rough set based approach for mechanism analysis of product infant failure. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.2016,47:25-37.
.27.Yihai He*, Zhenzhen He, Linbo Wang, and Changchao  Gu.Reliability Modeling and Optimization Strategy for Manufacturing System Based on RQR Chain.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2015
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