的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/zhanghui2/zh_CN/index.htm
( * 指通讯作者, # 指共同一作)
1. Shen Yusong, Zhang Liwen, Zhang Hui, Li Yimeng, Zhao Jing, Tian Jie, Yang GuanYu, Tian Jie. A Greedy Regularized Block Kaczmarz Method for Accelerating Magnetic Particle Imaging [J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024 , 69(15): 155004.
2. Zihao Wang, Jing Zhao, Hui Zhang*, Double-Flow GAN model for the reconstruction of perceived faces from brain activities. https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.07478
3. Jing Zhao#, Yusong Shen#, Xinyi Liu, Xiaoyuan Hou, Xuetong Ding, Yu An, Hui Hui, Jie Tian*, Hui Zhang*, MPIGAN: an end-to-end deep based generative framework for high-resolution magnetic particle imaging reconstruction. Medical Physics. 2024. Accepted
1. Hui Hui#, Jiaojiao Liu#, Hui Zhang#, Jing Zhong#, Jie He, Bo Zhang, Haoran Zhang, Qin Li*, Hongjun Li*, Jie Tian*. First in vivo measurement of cerebral blood volume in nonhuman primate using magnetic particle imaging detector. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2023. DOI:10.1109/LMAG.2023.3281933.
2. Hui Zhang*, Xuetong Ding, Ning Liu, Rachel Nolan, Leslie G Ungerleider, Shruti Japee. Equivalent processing of facial expression and identity by macaque visual system and task-optimized neural network. NeuroImage. 2023. Online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120067.
3. Hui Zhang, Jing Zhao, Yusong Shen, Jie Tian. Deep Generative Adversarial Network for Direct Super-resolution Magnetic Particle Imaging Reconstruction. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 2023. Vol 9, No 1, Suppl 1, Article ID 2303011.
4. ZhenChao Tang#, JiaoJiao Liu#, XueTong Ding #, Dan Liu, HongWei Qiao, XiaoJie Huang, Hui Zhang*, Jie Tian*, HongJun Li*. The default mode network is affected in the early stage of simian immunodeficiency virus infection: a longitudinal study. Neural regeneration research. 2023,18(8).
1. Xuetong Ding and Hui Zhang*. Dissociation and hierarchy of human visual pathways for simultaneously coding facial identity and expression. NeuroImage. 2022. 264:119769.
2. Xiaoyuan Hou, Jing Zhao and Hui Zhang*. Reconstruction of perceived face images from brain activities based on multi-attribute constraints. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022. DOI 10.3389/fnins.2022.1015752.
3. Jing Zhao, Xiaoyuan Hou, Meiqing Pan, Hui Zhang*. Attention-based generative adversarial network in medical imaging: A narrative review. Computers in Biology and Medicine.2022.149.105948.
1. Ning Liu, Hui Zhang, Xilin Zhang, Jiongjiong Yang, Xuchu Weng, Lin Chen. In Memory of Leslie G. Ungerleider. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2021, 37(4): 592-595
2. Luo Zhang, Peng Liu, Lizhe Wang, Jianbo Liu, Bingze Song, Yuwei Zhang, Guojin He, Hui Zhang. Improved 1-km-resolution Hourly Estimates of Aerosol Optical Depth Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sensing. 2021. 13(19), 3834.
3. Sirui Fu#, Meiqing Pan#, Jie Zhang#, Hui Zhang#, Zhenchao Tang, Yong Li, Wei Mu, Jianwen Huang, Di Dong, Chongyang Duan, Xiaoqun Li, Shuo Wang, Xudong Chen, Xiaofeng He, ianfeng Yan, Ligong Lu, Jie Tian. Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Future Extrahepatic Metastasis and Macrovascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2021: 8 1065-1076.
4. Di Dong, Zhenchao Tang, Shuo Wang, Hui Hui, Lixin Gong, Yao Lu, Zhong Xue, Hongen Liao, Fang Chen, Fan Yang, Ronghua Jin, Kun Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Jingwei Wei, Wei Mu, Hui Zhang, Jingying Jiang, Jie Tian, Hongjun Li. The Role of Imaging in the Detection and Management of COVID-19: A Review. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 2021.14:16-29.
1. Hui Zhang*, Shruti Japee, Andrea Stacy, Molly Flessert, Leslie G. Ungerleider. Anterior superior temporal sulcus is specialized for non-rigid facial motion in both monkeys and humans. NeuroImage. 2020. 218.116878.
2. Hui Zhang*, Shruti Japee, Rachel Nolan, Carlton Chu, Ning Liu, Leslie G. Ungerleider. Face-selective regions differ in their ability to classify facial expressions. NeuroImage. 2016. 130(1):77-90.
3. Hui Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yingshi Sun, Jiangang Liu, Wu Li and Jie Tian. A Weighted-RV method to detect fine-scale functional connectivity during resting states. NeuroImage. 2011. 54(4): 2885-2898.
4. Peng Liu, Hui Zhang, Kie Eom. Active Deep Learning for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images. IEEE J-STARS. 2016. 10(2): 712-724.
5. Molly Flessert, Hui zhang*, Japee Shruti, Ungerleider Leslie, Comparing the specialization for facial motion in macaques and humans [Abstract]. Journal of vision. 2016(12): 722.
6. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian, Jiangang Liu, Jun Li and Kang Lee. Intrinsically Organized Network for Face Perception during the Resting State. Neuroscience Letters, 2009. 454(1):1-5.
7. Zonglei Zhen, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang. Adaptive integration of local region information to detect fine-scale brain activity patterns. Science in China Series E, 2008, 51(11): 1980-1989.
8. Zonglei Zhen, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang. Finer discrimination of brain activation with local multivariate distance. Progress in Natural Science, December 2007, 17(12): 1508-1514.
9. 张慧, 刘伟军; 一种基于小波的轮廓特征提取算法[J]; 中国图象图形学报; 2005年07期; 30-35.
10. 张慧, 刘伟军; 基于多尺度统计形状模型的Levelset分割方法[J];计算机工程;2006年07期.
11. 张慧, 刘伟军; 基于小波的三维扫描线数据处理算法[J];计算机应用与软件; 2006年09期.
1. Hui Zhang, Jing Zhao, Yusong Shen, Jie Tian. Deep Generative Adversarial Network for Direct Super-resolution Magnetic Particle Imaging Reconstruction. International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging. March 12-15, 2023.
2. Meiqing Pan, Hui Zhang*, tang zhenchao, zhao yinghua, Jie Tian*. Attention-Based Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesizing Contrast-Enhanced MRI. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, October 31 – November 4, 2021.
3. Meiqing Pan, Zhenchao Tang, Sirui Fu, Wei Mu, Jie Zhang, Xiaoqun Li, Hui Zhang*, Ligong Lu, Jie Tian. Deep learning-based aggressive progression prediction from CT images of hepatocellular carcinoma. SPIE medical imaging 2021 Digital Forum, Online, February 15-19, 2021.
4. Hui Zhang*, Xuetong Ding, Jiaqi Zhou. Multi-task deep neural network reveals distinct and hierarchical pathways for face perception in visual cortex. ISMRM 29th Annual Meeting, Online, May 15-20, 2021.
5. Xiaoyuan Hou, Hui Zhang*, Yan Tan, Zhenchao Tang, Hui Zhang, Jie Tian. Automatic Prediction of MGMT and IDH Genotype for Gliomas from MR Images via Multi-task Deep Learning Network. ISMRM 29th Annual Meeting, Online, May 15-20, 2021.
6. Hui Zhang*, Zixiang Wei, Jiaqi Zhou, Jie Tian. Reconstructing the Perceived Faces from Brain Signals without Large Number of Training Samples. Proceedings of 42th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBS2020), Online, July 20-24, 2020.
7. Hui Zhang*, Zixiang Wei, Xueping Wang, Yunhong Wang. Reconstructing Multi-dimensional Face Attributes from fMRI Signals. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting in Montréal, QC, Canada, May 11-16, 2019. (Oral Power pitch)
8. Hui Zhang, Zixiang Wei, Xueping Wang, Yunhong Wang. The Discrimination Ability of Human Visual System for Facial Expression, Identity and Gender. Vision Science Society 2019 Annual Meeting in St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 17-22, 2019.
9. Hui Zhang, Zixiang Wei, Xueping Wang, Yunhong Wang. The Selectivity of Facial Motion in Human Visual Cortex. 2019 OHBM Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy, June 9-13, 2019.
10. Hui Zhang, Shruti Japee, Leslie G. Ungerleider. Decoding dynamic facial expressions in both macaque and human. Vision Sciences Society, VSS2018, Tradewinds Island Resorts,St.Pete Beach,Florida, United States. May 18 - 23, 2018.
11. Hui zhang, Andrea Stacy, Japee Shruti, Ungerleider Leslie, Comparing the specialization of facial motion in macaques and humans. Society for Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States. October 17-21, 2015.
12. Hui zhang, Andrea Stacy, Japee Shruti, Ungerleider Leslie, Monkey and human share similar structure for facial expression classification in amygdala. Society for Neuroscience 2014 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States. November 15-19, 2014.
13. Hui Zhang,Xiaoting Li,Intrinsic organized face network by using granger causality analysis,The 6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing & The 6th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, Hangzhou, China. Dec 16-18, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-60595-163-8, EI Index.
14. Hui Zhang,Xiaoting Li,Fine-scale spatial patterns of face brain network in resting states,The 6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing & The 6th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, Hangzhou, China. Dec 16-18, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-60595-163-8, EI Index.
15. Hui Zhang, Xiaoting Li. Effective connectivity of facial expression network by using Granger causality analysis, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Proceedings of SPIE), Munich, Germany, May, 2013. Vol. 8920. DOI: 10.1117/12.2030912.
16. Hui zhang, Rachel Nolan, Japee Shruti, Ungerleider Leslie, facial expression discrimination ability of monkey face-selective regions. Society for Neuroscience 2013 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States. November 9-13, 2013.
17. Hui zhang, Rachel Nolan, Japee Shruti, Ungerleider Leslie, face selective regions differ in their ability to discriminate facial expressions. Society for Neuroscience 2012 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States. October 13-17, 2012.
18. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian. Intrinsically Organized Low Frequency Network for Face Perception. Proceedings of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM2009), Hawaii, United States, 18-24 April 2009. Oral Report
19. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian, Jun Li, Jizheng Zhao. RV-coefficient and its significance test in mapping brain functional connectivity. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - SPIE, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United States, February 7-12, 2009.
20. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian. Extracting information based face selective functional connectivity from resting-state fMRI. The 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, United States, November 15-19, 2008
21. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian, Jun Li, Jizheng Zhao, Fine-Scale based Face-Selective Functional Connectivity in Resting and Visual Task, workshop on analysis of functional medical images at MICCAI 2008, New York, USA, Septemper 10, 2008. Oral Report.
22. Hui Zhang, Jie Tian, Zonglei Zhen. Directly measure of local region functional connectivity with multivariate correlation technique. Proceedings of 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS2007), Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007.
23. Zonglei Zhen, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang. Principal component analysis of fMRI data in local frequency domain. Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2007) May 23-27,2007 ,Beijing, Oral Report.
24. Zonglei Zhen,Jie Tian, Hui Zhang, Detection of fine-scale activity patterns by integration of information in local regions, Proccedings of SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging 2007, San Diego, California, USA, 2007, Vol.6511, pp.651115, 8 pages, Oral Report.
25. Zonglei Zhen,Jie Tian, Wei Qin, Hui Zhang. Partial correlation mapping of brain function connectivity with resting state fMRI, Proccedings of SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging 2007, San Diego, California, USA, 2007, Vol.6511, pp.651112, 8pages, Oral Report.
26. Jun Li, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang, Guangming Shi, A study of specific neural substrate for face processing, Proccedings of SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging 2008, San Diego, California USA,16-21 February, 2008.
27. Zonglei Zhen, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang. Finer Discrimination of brain activation. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2007, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 15:3467, 2007.
[1]. 专利名称: 图像重建方法和装置
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[2]. 专利名称:动态人脸图像重建的方法及装置
专利号:ZL 201910382834.6;
[3]. 专利名称:表情的识别方法和装置
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[4]. 专利名称:一种识别猕猴面部表情的方法
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[5]. 专利名称:一种用钆造影剂增强后的磁共振图像生成方法
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[6]. 专利名称:一种同时识别面部多种属性特征的方法
[7]. 专利名称:基于磁性纳米粒子成像系统的默认模式网络构建方法
[8]. 专利名称:基于生成对抗网络的磁性纳米粒子成像重建方法
[9]. 专利名称:从低空间分辨率图像到高分辨率图像的MPI重建方法
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[12]. 专利名称:一种功能磁性纳米粒子成像灵敏度检测方法、系统
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