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Observations by GMRT at 323 MHz of radio-loud quasars at z  >  5

发布时间:2023-03-22 点击次数:

发表刊物:Astronomy & Astrophysics
摘要:We present Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) 323 MHz radio continuum observations toward 13 radio-loud quasars at z >  5, sampling the low-frequency synchrotron emission from these objects. Among the 12 targets successfully observed, we detected 10 above 4σ significance, while 2 remain undetected. All of the detected sources appear as point sources. Combined with previous radio continuum detections from the literature, 9 quasars have power-law spectral energy distributions throughout the radio range; for some the flux density drops with increasing frequency while it increases for others. Two of these sources appear to have spectral turnover. For the power-law-like sources, the power-law indices have a positive range between 0.18 and 0.67 and a negative values between −0.90 and −0.27. For the turnover sources, the radio peaks around ∼1 and ∼10 GHz in the rest frame, the optically thin indices are −0.58 and −0.90, and the optically thick indices are 0.50 and 1.20. A magnetic field and spectral age analysis of SDSS J114657.59+403708.6 at z = 5.01 may indicate that the turnover is not caused by synchrotron self-absorption, but rather by free-free absorption by the high-density medium in the nuclear region. Alternatively, the apparent turnover may be an artifact of source variability. Finally, we calculated the radio loudness R2500 Å for our sample, which spans a very wide range from 12−13+13 to 4982−254+279.
合写作者:Jeff Wagg, Ran Wang, Chris L. Carilli, Dominik A. Riechers, Huib T. Intema, Axel Weiss and Karl M. Menten
第一作者:Yali Shao