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JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results

发布时间:2023-03-22 点击次数:

发表刊物:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
摘要:JINGLE is a new JCMT legacy survey designed to systematically study the cold interstellar medium of galaxies in the local Universe. As part of the survey we perform 850 µm continuum measurements with SCUBA-2 for a representative sample of 193 Herschel-selected galaxies with M* > 109 M⊙, as well as integrated CO(2–1) line fluxes with RxA3m for a subset of 90 of these galaxies. The sample is selected from fields covered by the Herschel-ATLAS survey that are also targeted by the MaNGA optical integral-field spectroscopic survey. The new JCMT observations combined with the multiwavelength ancillary data will allow for the robust characterization of the properties of dust in the nearby Universe, and the benchmarking of scaling relations between dust, gas, and global galaxy properties. In this paper we give an overview of the survey objectives and details about the sample selection and JCMT observations, present a consistent 30-band UV-to-FIR photometric catalogue with derived properties, and introduce the JINGLE Main Data Release. Science highlights include the non-linearity of the relation between 850 µm luminosity and CO line luminosity (log LCO(2–1) =  1.372 logL850–1.376), and the serendipitous discovery of candidate z > 6 galaxies.
合写作者:Christine D Wilson, Ting Xiao, Lihwai Lin, Ho Seong Hwang, Tomoka Tosaki, Martin Bureau, Phillip J Cigan, Christopher J R Clark, David L Clements, Ilse De Looze, Thavisha Dharmawardena,Yang Gao, Walter K Gear, Joshua Greenslade, Isabella Lamperti, Jong Chul Lee, Cheng Li, Michał J Michałowski, Angus Mok, Hsi-An Pan, Anne E Sansom, Mark Sargent, Matthew W L Smith, Thomas Williams,Chentao Yang, Ming Zhu, Gioacchino Accurso, Pauline Barmby, Elias Brinks, Nathan Bourne, Toby Brown, Aeree Chung, Eun Jung Chung, Anna Cibinel, Kristen Coppin, Jonathan Davies, Timothy A Davis,Steve Eales, Lapo Fanciullo, Taotao Fang, Yu Gao, David H W Glass, Haley L Gomez, Thomas Greve, Jinhua He, Luis C Ho, Feng Huang, Hyunjin Jeong, Xuejian Jiang, Qian Jiao, Francisca Kemper,Ji Hoon Kim, Minjin Kim, Taehyun Kim, Jongwan Ko, Xu Kong, Kevin Lacaille, Cedric G Lacey, Bumhyun Lee, Joon Hyeop Lee, Wing-Kit Lee, Karen Masters, Se-Heon Oh, Padelis Papadopoulos,Changbom Park, Sung-Joon Park, Harriet Parsons, Kate Rowlands, Peter Scicluna, Jillian M Scudder, Ramya Sethuram, Stephen Serjeant, Yali Shao, Yun-Kyeong Sheen, Yong Shi, Hyunjin Shim, Connor M A Smith,Kristine Spekkens, An-Li Tsai, Aprajita Verma, Sheona Urquhart, Giulio Violino, Serena Viti, David Wake, Junfeng Wang, Jan Wouterloot, Yujin Yang, Kijeong Yim, Fangting Yuan, Zheng Zheng
第一作者:Amélie Saintonge