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Zhao, Yanyu, Pilvar, A., Tank, A. et al. Shortwave-infrared meso-patterned imaging enables label-free mapping of tissue water and lipid content. Nature Communincations 11, 5355 (2020).


Journal:Nature Communications

Indexed by:Applied Research

Document Type:J



Translation or Not:no

CN No.:null

Date of Publication:2020-10-23

Included Journals:SCI

Pre One:Yanyu Zhao, Qiaozhi He, Shuna Li, and Jiamiao Yang, "Gradient-assisted focusing light through scattering media", Optics Letters, 46, 7, 1518-1521 (2021)

Next One:Zhao, Yanyu, Yue Deng, Feng Bao, Hannah Peterson, Raeef Istfan, and Darren Roblyer. "Deep learning model for ultrafast multifrequency optical property extractions for spatial frequency domain imaging." Optics Letters, 43, no. 22 (2018): 5669-5672.(SCI,Optics, 14/94, Q1, 3.589)