Translation or Not:no
Pre One : H. Wang, Q. Chang, Y. Xu, and X. Li, "Estimation of Interference Arrival Direction Based on a Novel Space-Time Conversion MUSIC Algorithm for GNSS Receivers," Sensors (Basel), vol. 19, no. 11, Jun. 2019. doi: 10.3390/s19112570. (JCR: Q1区, IF: 3.031).
Next One : H. Wang, Q. Chang, Y. Xu, "Anti-jamming Beam Steering based on SINS Aid for GNSS Receivers in Highly Dynamic Scenes," Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 32, no 11, pp. 43-56, Sep. 2021. doi: 10.1002/ett.4356. (JCR: Q3区, IF: 2.632).
Research Associate
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2016-01-01
Education Level:博士研究生
Business Address:无人机楼B506
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
Honors and Titles:
XX科技进步三等奖 2009
XX科技工业十大创新人物(团队) 2016
卫星导航定位科技进步一等奖 2016
The Last Update Time : 2018.5.22