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   鑫,女,博士,助理教授,硕士生导师。2016年、2021年分别于西北工业大学、北京大学获得工学学士和理学博士学位,现为北京航空航天大学计算机学院助理教授。研究兴趣主要集中在实证软件工程、开源软件开发,以及智能化软件开发。以第一作者在CCF A类国际会议及期刊上发表多篇论文。担任ICSE、FSE、TSE、TOSEM等国际知名会议/期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金。指导学生获北航“冯如杯”科技竞赛一等奖、三等奖。


  • 数据驱动的软件工程

  • 开源软件开发

  • 智能化软件工程

  • 人机交互

  • 软件仓库挖掘


  • 长期担任ICSE、FSE、SANER、MSR等国际知名会议PC

  • TSE、TOSEM、ESEM等国际知名期刊审稿人


  • 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目“开源社区贡献者的加入及其可持续发展研究(62202022)”

  • 主持软件开发环境国家重点实验室基金

  • 作为骨干多次参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学重点基金等项目


  • 软件工程

  • 开源软件基础与实践


  • [FSE 2024] Xin Tan, Yan Gong, Geyu Huang, Haohua Wu, and Li Zhang. How to Gain Commit Rights in Modern Top Open Source Communities? CCF A

  • [ICSE 2024 Poster] Xiaoli Lian, Shuaisong Wang, Jieping Ma, Xin Tan, Fang Liu, Lin Shi, Li Zhang, and Cuiyun Gao. Imperfect Code Generation: UncoveringWeaknesses in Automatic Code Generation by Large Language ModelsCCF A

  • [TOSEM 2024] Xin Tan, Xinyue Lv, Jing Jiang, and Li Zhang. Understanding Real-time Collaborative Programming: a Study of Visual Studio Live Share. CCF A

  • [SANER 2024] Xin Tan, Taichuan Li, Ruohe Chen, Fang Liu, and Li Zhang. Challenges of Using Pre-trained Models: the Practitioners' Perspective. CCF B

  • [软件导刊 2023] 谭鑫,史泽宇,吴际. 软件工程课程实践与考核标准一致性研究.

  • [TSE 2023] Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, Li Zhang. Understanding Mentors’ Engagement in OSS Communities via Google Summer of Code. CCF A

  • [ICSE 2023] Xin Tan, Yiran Chen, Haohua Wu, Minghui Zhou, Li Zhang. Is It Enough to Recommend Tasks to Newcomers? Understanding Mentoring on Good First Issues. CCF A

  • [CHINA SCIENCE: Information Science 2022] Feng Li, Yiling Lou, Xin Tan, Zhenpeng Chen, Jinhao Dong, Yang Li, Xuanzhi Wang, Dan Hao, Lu Zhang. What Can We Learn from Quality Assurance Badges in Open-Source Software? CCF Ahat Can We Le?

  • [ICSE 2022] Xin Tan, Kai Gao, Minghui Zhou, Li Zhang. An Exploratory Study of Deep Learning Supply Chain. CCF A

  • [ICSE 2022] Wenxin Xiao, Hao He, Weiwei Xu, Xin Tan, Jinhao Dong, Minghui Zhou. Recommending Good First Issues in GitHub OSS Projects. CCF A

  • [TOSEM 2022] Yuxia Zhang, Hui Liu, Xin Tan,  Minghui Zhou, Zhi Jin, Jiaxin Zhu. Turnover of Companies in OpenStack: Prevalence and Rationale. CCF A

  • [ESEC/FSE 2020] Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, and Zeyu Sun. A First Look at Good First Issues on GitHub. CCF-A

  • [ICSE 2020] Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, and Brian Fitzgerald. 2020. Scaling Open Source Communities: An Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel. CCF-A

  • [CSCW 2019] Xin Tan and Minghui Zhou. How to Communicate when Submitting Patches: an Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel. CCF-A

  • [ESEC/FSE 2019 Poster] Xin Tan. Reducing the Workload of the Linux Kernel Maintainers: Multiple-Committer Model. CCF-A

  • [IEEE Software 2020] Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou. Scaling Open Source Software Communities: Challenges and Practices of Decentralization. SCI

  • [ICSE 2018 Poster]Yuxia Zhang, Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, Zhi Jin, Companies‘ domination in FLOSS development: an empirical study of OpenStack. CCF-A

  • [软件学报 2018]谭鑫, 林泽燕, 张宇霞, et al. 代码文件贡献组成模式的分析[J]. 中文 CCF-A

  • [中国科学:信息科学, 2019] 周明辉, 张宇霞, 谭鑫. 软件数字社会学[J]. 中文 CCF-A

  • [EMSE 2020] Paul Ralph, Sebastian Baltes, Gianisa Adisaputri, Richard Torkar, Vladimir Kovalenko, Marcos Kalinowski, Nicole Novielli, Shin Yoo, Xavier Devroey, Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, et al., “Pandemic Programming: How COVID-19 affects software developers and how their organizations can help”, Empirical Software Engineering CCF-B

  • [Internetware 2017]Xin Tan, Hanmin Qin, and Minghui Zhou, “Understanding the Variation of Software Development Tasks: a Qualitative Study”

  • [科技纵览 2020]周明辉、王青、周毓明、王俊杰、谭鑫. 数据驱动的软件工程.

