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  • 孙保华 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/sunbaohua/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师
  • 主要任职:RIBLL合作组联合发言人,ILIMA国际实验合作组理事会理事,中国核学会射线束技术分会副理事长
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【2024.10 Phys. Lett. B 858,139082】Charge radii of 11−16C, 13−17N and 15−18O determined from their charge-changing cross-sections and the mirror-difference charge radii

We studied the experimental mirror-difference charge radii of 11B-11C, 13C-13N, 15N-15O, 17N-17Ne pairs for the first time. We find that the 

values of 13C-13N and 15N-15O pairs follow well the empirical relation to the isospin asymmetry predicted by the ab-inito calculations, while 

 of 11B-11C and 17N-17Ne pairs deviate from such relation by more than two standard deviations, which points out the role of charge-symmetry breaking. 

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